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Howdy to all you country luvin fools. Whatcha gettin the misses for Valentines Day???

My Valentine

"Romantic Cowboy"

Kudzu is green, my dog's name is Blue, And I'm so lucky to have a sweet thang like you.

Yore hair is like cornsilk, a-flappin' in the breeze. Softer than Blue's, and without all them fleas.

You move like the bass, which excites me in May. You ain't got no scales, but I luv you anyway.

You're as graceful as okry, jist a-dancin' in the pan. Yore as fragrant as SunDrop, right out of the can.

You have all yore teeth, for which I am proud; I hold my head high when we're in a crowd.

On special occasions, when you shave yore armpits, Well, I'm in hawg heaven! Plumb outta my wits!

And speakin' of wits, you've got plenty fer shore. 'Cuz you married me, back in '74.

Still them fellers at work, they all want to know, What I did to deserve such a purty, young doe.

Like a good roll of duct tape, yore there fer yore man, To patch up life's troubles, and stick 'em in the can.

Yore as strong as a four-wheeler, racin' through the mud, Yet fragile as that sanger, named Naomi Judd.

Yore as cute as a junebug, a-buzzin' overhead. You ain't mean like no far ant, upon which I oft' tread.

Cut from the best pattern, like a flannel shirt of plaid, You sparked up my life, like a Rattletrap shad.

When you hold me real tight, like a padded gunrack, My life is complete; ain't nuttin' I lack.

Yore complexion, it's perfection, like the best vinyl sidin'. Despite all the years, yore age, it keeps hidin'.

And when you get old, like a '57 Chevy, Won't put you on blocks, and let grass grow up heavy.

Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie, with a RC cold drank, We go together; like a skunk goes with stank.

Some men, they buy chocolate, for Valentine's Day; They git it at Wal-Mart; it's romantic that way.

Some men git roses on that special day From the cooler at Kroger; "That's impressive," I say.

Some men buy fine diamonds, from a flea market booth. "Diamonds are forever," they explain, suave and couth.

But for this man, honey, these will not do. For you are too special, you sweet thang you.

I got you a gift, without taste nor odor, Better than diamonds; It's a new trollin' motor!

He Goes by the Name of Cowboy - By Carol Jarvis

The last job I had wasn't all that bad, til the boss quit runnin' cows.

When we gathered in the fall, he sold em all, and replaced em with 50 sows.

He asked would I stay? I said "No way." (hogs are unnatural critters.)

They're noisy and stink and their hides are all pink and their younguns come in liters.

You can't work em horseback and a neck they lack so how would you ever rope one?

Roundups are out, ans without a doubt, to gather hogs you'd need a gun.

so I made myself clear, I was not stayin here, to turn into a SOWboy.

I still have my pride, and I can still ride, and I'll end my years as a COWboy!

He paid me my wage, and I checked my guage, on my rusty old 69 Ford.

Tossed my bedroll in, and with a wide grin, put the metal to the floorboard.

I took my own advice, as to not thinkin twice, about where I'd find my next job.

Long as it's swine free, and there's no one but me, and my good heeler dog, old Bob.

When next I hired on, for an outlaw named John, 'twas a ranch way back in the hills

An Ace Reid sort of place, with plenty of space, and a bunkhouse without any frills.

Here the prickly pear is thick as the hair, on a bearded lady's chin.

And the boulders and rocks cover bottoms and tops, of each craggy draw and rim.

It's rough country to ride, and the man hadn't lied when he told me I'd earn my pay.

Ridin herd on wild cows that live mainly on browse; starvation rations I'd say.

I won't kid you none, it aint what you call fun, spending long days in the saddle,

Where seldom is heard an encouragin word, cause there's nobody out here but cattle.

And varmints ans snakes-the mean kind that makes the rattlin' noise when I ride near,

Causin heartbeat increase, and breathin to cease, and sometimes my pony to rear.

But that big diamondback will end up in the sack on the strings of my saddle.

A whole lot dead and minus his head, he'll become a hatband with a rattle.

"Cause those dudes in town like a hat with a crown tall enough for a wide snake skin band.

And I've earned a twenty, darn easy money, for every snake hide that I've tanned.

What a cowboy gets paid is like a band-aid when yer life bloods seepin away.

It might keep ya alive, but ya barely survive, and aint sure about the next day.

Then I think, what the heck, I get a paycheck and there's some things money can't buy.

A cowboy's life is free, and the only pig I see, Is the breakfast bacon I buy.

"Whuppin Homos"

When he walked through the door I just had to laugh

At his bright red boots and his 12 dollar hat

He walked like John Wayne, and talked like ol' Roy

It was as sure as the sun, he was a big city boy

He bucked up to the bar "barkeep gimme a Zima with a twist"

And I thought I'd puke before I could show him my fist

But I regained my self and tapped on his shoulder

Then gave him a right that lit like a boulder

He dropped to the floor then gave me a smile

He popped back on his feet...hell I liked to died

I knowed I could win cause I was real country

But the next thang I know I had two more fags jump me

Well thats when I knew what I had to do

I reached right on down and pulled a knife from my boot

I carved on them boys til I had em straight

And I live another to see one more gate

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Christmas Wish List

  • Georges money and T. Lawrences hunnies - didn't get it!
  • A kiss from Patty Loveless or Joe Dee Macina...Martina...-dreamed about it!
  • Quervo Nog - Got It.
  • Fat Free Beer - Pretneded it was true and drank a lot of it!
  • new truck - Do Hotwheels count?
  • A good Iraqi ass kickin - we sort of beat on em.
