It Gets Old-the song about it's self

(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Working for You and wasting my time
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Can't stop gotta drop out of time
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-As of now I'm losing the fight
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Forced to change, that's not right!

(It Gets Old Real Fast)-You're ahead at this game
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-I can think just the same
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Sick of something every day
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Caught in here and here to stay

Well, you like to put you foot down and make me plead, I'd like to cut your throught and hang you by a tree, you say you hate us, dont piss on me, you say hate the kids and now you hate me...

(It Gets Old Real Fast)-I won't stand here and be a machine
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Saying things I don't belive
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Always looking down on me
(It Gets Old Real Fast)-Putting labels on everything

Well you like to put you foot down and make me plead, I'd like to cut your throught and hang you by a tree, you say you hate us, dont piss on me, you say hate the kids and you say you hate me...

It Gets Old! It Gets Old! It Gets Old!

*Words by Brad Fuchs