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Angel Poem

Always In Our Hearts
Hi- my name is Angel.

I am a polydactal cat-that means that I have extra toes on my paws.
I lived at a place called Golden Cat Corp for most of my life.
Then we heard that they were going to close the
Research and Developement down.
One of the people who worked there took me home
to live with them when they finally closed the cattery down.
That was on February 2,1996 and I have had a wonderful life ever since.
My owners are Dawn and Todd, they have given me so much of the life I missed out
on in the first years of my life living in a cage and
not having the freedom that most cats take for granted.
But most of all they have given me love,
and now that I am not doing so well they have taken such wonderful care of me.
I know that I must leave them soon and
I know their hearts are breaking because they love me so much,
but I must go soon and I will wait for them on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge
where I know that someday we will be reunited.
There I can run like I used too, and I can climb a tree,
and I can howl at the walls
like I did at home
and I can jump as high as I want too.
And I will look like myself again, all black and shiny and cute.
All the illness will be gone and I will be waiting for the loved
ones who took me in when I was a little mischievious
and wasn't for sure I would adjust to family life.
These three years make up for all the years I was lonely and misunderstood.
They took me into their hearts and no cat could ask for anything better.
So remember me as a playful spirit,
whom you gave a chance of a real life
and who loved you with all my heart.
And when the time comes and you take me for that final journey,
do not grieve for the Angel you see,
but be happy for the Angel that you have set free
to roam the hills and run and do my howl,
and the Angel that will be waiting for you to love me again.

And God asked the feline spirit,
Are you ready to come home?
Oh yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

For I have whispered in their hearts
That I am always with them
Are you coming then? asked God
Soon, replied the whiskered Angel
But I must come slowly
For Dawn and Todd are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That you souls are intertwined, For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious Angel
I just am....forever and ever and ever

Angel lost his fight for life on March 12,1999

As we said our goodbyes and Dawn
played a song she sang
to Angel from the day she first
came into his life in 1989,
a cold wind blew around us
and we knew that our Angel
was again running and playing
and would be in our hearts
All of our cats are special,
but Angel was one that
only made your heart grow bigger.
We loved him with all
our heart and soul
and there will always be a part of
our soul that is missing because
is no longer here on earth
with us.

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