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Dj BuTtaFinGaZ in tHa HOusE

Helluva2.jpg (5547 bytes)Welcome to my page! Thanx 4 visiting!!

DJ Buttafingaz.......aka Helluva......Vikki to my friendz!




I arrived in Australia in 1981 from England, where I had just completed a Medical Secretarial Diploma.  My intention was to stay for a year and, well, its a long story, but I ended up staying 17 years! I arrived in Perth, and subsequently moved to Sydney, New South Wales.   I worked in Sydney for the last 7 years for the Australian Services Union Airlines Branch as the Office Administrator.  It was here that  I gained my knowledge of desktop publishing, amongst other things!

In 1994  I was promoting an African singer and took him to be interviewed at a local radio station 2RDJ 88.1FM, in Burwood, New South Wales. The host of the show, MC Maurice (BIG UP MAURICE!!!) asked me to come and help him out with his show and my radio career started from there.  After a year helping out on 'Reggae Nights' I managed to get my own program on another local community station - Radio Skid Row 88.9FM in Marrickville - the programme was called Bubbling Sweet and I played mostly reggae. Over the next few months I expanded to two programmes, which became known as Coconut Wireless, for reasons that will be explained later! One programme aired on Wednesday nights from 10pm til midnight, the other on Friday mornings, 6am til 9am. The music  changed a lot in that time. I played mainly r'n'b and hip hop with a bit of reggae thrown in here and there.

I have to send out massive props to my listeners who kept the phones ringing and kept me busy! Shout outs are elsewhere in the page!

Vikki3.jpg (6887 bytes)It was while 'guesting' on 2RDJ I hooked up with DJ Joe who gave me a break at the club he was working at at the time - Shades of the Pacific in Leichhardt, and from there things just got better! Joe is probably the best known 'pacific island' DJ in Sydney and always  gave  me a spot wherever he was   playing *luvya Joe*.

I was also given the pleasure of being able to submit my top 20 r'n'b tracks to the Australian Music Report to assist in the compilation of the AMR R'n'B Top 20 - Basically they give you about 50 or 60 tracks to choose your top 20 from. I used to publish my chart on the page, but as Australian releases are about 3 months behind US releases, it was a bit of a joke to viewers of this page in the States.

I recently moved to the States - Bloomington, Illinois, to be exact - to be with the love of my life. Yup! After a really long (NOT) online relationship, and a coupla visits, Joe popped the big question and we made plans to get married in February '99 in New Orleans, round about Mardi Gras time. Well, one thing led to another and the date was changed to Christmas this year (1998). After Joe visited here and went home in July we both had a hard time being apart and decided that the best thing was for me to get my azz there as soon as possible. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - well, I flew out of Sydney on Friday 28 August to be with my man. It wasn't a hard decision to make - I've wanted this more than anything I ever wanted before and we both know its the right thing to do

We were married in a beautiful, private ceremony at Joe's parents house on Saturday 26 September at 2.30pm, by the Rev. Harvey - wanna see?

So now we are living in wedded bliss here in Bloomington and all my worldly goods have finally arrived from Australia - so, we are online now, and its business as usual!

Enough about us for now! Stay tuned for more updates!

PuHLEeZ sIgn MY gUEsTbOok

Guestbook by GuestWorld

PeEp My guEsTBoOk

MAaaDd ProPz!!!

My Fam

joe01.jpg (10840 bytes) 

My husband, my heart, my life .....

Joe  - The love of my life

Happy Valentines Day!


my Ma Jackie and Ian in France;
fam in the UK - Michael; Betty; my sisters Kate and Sarah;
my brothers Adam and Simon;

my Oz fam - my kidz Matthew and Kayla, love and miss you guys;
matt.jpg (9352 bytes)kayla.jpg (11715 bytes)
my sis Lee and Glenn; Trish; AJ & Eddie;
Bula to Mamalou and Andrew; Lil Vix and husband Peter;
Noels, Farouk and kidz; the Fishers; the Miller gang in Oz and Fiji;
the Merkouris family; Tracy and Jo; the Akbals;
*thinking and staring into space*
forgotten anyone? LOL

My Friendz!

J__________O_________E!!!!!!!!! my love 4 life - LUVYA![am I really a brat?]
John at ASAP/Blackstar Design and Print
Fokschi!!! (KavaBowl chat) Where tha hell u been girl!
Joe, Jun, Cameron & Jay @ Anthem Records - Hey Ivana!!!
Eddie, Freddie & Keiran @ Soul Sense , da boyz @ Blackstarr
Josh, Tia, Maikolo & Moli @ the Tivoli,  Bob, Ben, Eli & the Boys in Black crew
Marcus & Noelani,
NASTY TEK KREW - Brent, Andrew, Mikey, Kette
Mark & Karen Fuccilli & the Dreadsound Posse (hows Cairns?)
DJ's Klever-C, Moto, Jay Black, Marco, Nene, Ted Walsh, Daniel, Ted Vassell, Sonny, Jas Hall, Joe, Sione, JJ Roberts; Jack and Reggae Temptation
Mansus & Adri;
Hamisi, Ziada & Ayesha; Madonna; Khufu;
Lena (Doori Doori); William Mafi - the best legs in the biz!;
MC Maurice; Lesieli, Alani & Tevita ; Stanley & Lesley; Oke & Owen;
Lili Tuwai - I still got ur CDs girl!; Thelma Thomas aka Trey-C; Seini & Latai Taumoepeau; Sister Agnes; Calvin 'Honeychild' Welch;
John "Schneeeeeeeki" Bolakis and da Bloxta ;

My VP Fam
my baby - sleekviper [love u much!];
my real sis - Eckles - love u!
my sis Tahi (luvya girl!); KJ - my eastcoast sis! ; lil sis Naza; DVS_One; Kinkyred WHERE U AT GURL??????; Yardie (wha gwaan?); Mr_Chocolate; teedawg; buck12333 & tequila_slammer; D_Nice; Mr_Smuggla; Radikal_4_U; Thuggzi; HOT nikKelZ; Jazze; phylpcyde; money; Noble_Aspect; easley/Eazy1; Fifedogg (Fifecupp!); C_Shorty; Doc_Diva; Dolimite; Tklme, Bre, Lacey & Zach; Sensual_man_guest; Raekwon; ProBall; WCBrotha; C_Note; Iceman_tru & Lady_T - Congratulations on the birth of cute lil Ameer; DJ_Steady; world...........ANOTHER! LOL; Lil_C; Mackness; Lil_Mackness; Blacque_Cousteau; besweet; hennessey (talofa ufa!); Moon; Fendi ("like the bag!" LOL); Mystree/r_a_p_t_u_r_e; Lil_Nina; Paradigm MzC_C; HoT_NikKelZ (again! hehe); Lady Escobar; Tracey (not vp but icq fam!); Akwerian King; Chinkyeye; Moriah - u on fiah!; DayDra; Bubblin; Don Dada; the Good Twin; Blackchynagyrl; Trixie; HAVAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hehehe; Fista; MzJohnson; Khayree; ShedSoManyTears; true4u; B_Luv; Mah Sissy Storm - u KRAZEEEEEEEEE girl!!!!!; Coupes_; Ava_Gina; Jamal (aka Jamalski); BRISKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY; Boodeputy; Sista_4_Life; Bokey - mah lil sis! DA ONE DEY CALL BINO!!! (Hadda put that all in caps so u don't miss it! LOL
Special mention to VP FaM iN BoSNiA
The Usual Suspect; Groovemaster; Sir Foreplay; Grindmaster; Swervemaster
ThE SKiD rOw KrEw
Paul "tha Man" Thusi; my fellow broadcasters - Nellie & Koro, Sisa & Jackie, Vince, Tama, Tony T, Shiri, David, Huhana; Koori Radio Krew; JERRY & KELLY; Seb & Raf [tha Krazy lil G's]; Coconut 11 & 007; the Burwood Kirlz; Theresa; Elaine; KC; Joyce; Talita; Code Name Honey; Happy Lil Vegemite; Kette & Peter; Papa Georgie; Mela; Frances; Melissa; Janette; Georgia; Pavithra; Naranja; the UTB; the Samoan Mafia; the Marrickville Posse; Mr Suave; Casanova
If I've forgotten you, EMAIL ME!


BabySleek's Homepage! check it - it's soooooo cute!"

Avatars and gestures for VP

TruSoundZ Ent!!!


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Send email to Helluva.

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