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Jeni's Page

Hi people welcome to my lame page. My name is Jeni, and I am pretty well outgoing. I listen to practically any kind of music.. mostly hard rock/alternative/ R&B. I recently went to the NIN/A Perfect Circle concert on May 27th in St.Louis with my boyfriend. All i have to say is it was great!! Well more about me.. i'm 5'1, brown hair and eyes (pic on one of my pages) I have a twin sister and odd enough...twin brothers.. Ain't i lucky :)
Things i do in my free time (not too often):
1) Spend time with my bf... Justin
Internet.. chatting.. etc.
Go cruising with my bf (when i can)
ICQ# 15936151
I gotta pic on my pics page of me if you wanna see it! *smiles*
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