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Unemployed Girlfriend

About me!

Please contruibute to the Dumbass Fund! I'm in a lot of money trouble, so every little bit will help! I know this is stupid, and that I'm not going to get any money, but it doesn't hurt to try!

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Okay, so here's what shit has been going down within the past few days. We've been having problems with our downstairs neighbor and the apartment manager. We've been trying to work out the problems for the past 8 months, and it hasn't worked. We sent in our money order for rent a few weeks ago. Yesterday (monday the 21st) we got a voicemail from the reality company saying they sent us a letter on the 14th saying we never paid rent, saying we had until the 17th to pay. We never got the letter. And they also said that if we didn't have the money ($755, $130 more than our rent!) by 8am on the 22nd, they're going to file eviction papers. This afternoon we got served court papers by our EVIL apartment manager saying we have to go to court on the 6th of May and then we'll be evicted. So, they never got the check, we never got the letter. We have NO money whatsoever. We have no one to borrow money from (everyone suggests that, but it's NOT possible). We were planning on getting a townhouse in Rochester in a few months, but now, since we're getting evicted, we're not going to be able to. So, as of May 6th, we're going to be homeless. Yay. Hopefully, this will all work out in the end, but I don't think it will, since we're broke. Also, we have to bring $900 to court when we go! We can't even afford to feed ourselves! How are we going to get that kind of money?! Needless to say... I'm really scared. I really don't know what to do... ATTENTION EVERYONE! On May 4th, I will be doing the MS Walk. I'm trying to raise $150 for MS research. If you have any spare money lying around, and want to be a good person, sponsor me! Anything and everything helps! Below is a link to my MS Society page, and you can pledge there! Thanks so much! Okay, so above are a few pictures of me and my little family. If they work. If they don't, let me know! Or tell me how to fix it! My family being me, my boyfriend Jason, and our cat, Rosie. Enjoy!

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A few links that I think are cool (which isn't saying much!)

Memory Lane
My Neopets page!
My Yahoo Photos, mostly old pictures
Minnesota Twins website
I have an addiction to this game... I've uploaded some of my families to the site (check them out!)
cool site... I've confessed a thing or two!
take some tests!
RaeAnn's site... maybe you should see how much of a ho she is before you take my poll
My Diaryland site. I keep an online diary... I'm such a loser.
Bryan White... I love him.
Trevor Fehrman... I hate him.
My MS Society Pledge Page... please help!!!
My Diary
Funny Anti-Protester site!
Shawn Michaels... yum.