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for May 6th , 2003
For those of you unable to open the attachment in Word, these are the Minutes from the May 6th Committee Meeting.  Please bring a copy of this to the next Committee Meeting on June 3rd.


ATTENDING:  Lorri Emerson, Kim Billings, Nancy Rich, Agnes Anderson, Terri Rothenberger, Mike Engel, Susan Brand, David Crotteau, Russell Lind, Randy Lind

MINUTES:   A motion was made (Kim Billings) and seconded (Terri Rothenberger) to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept them as previously written and published.

ß Permission forms to allow the use of scout pictures and identification forms still need to be signed and returned.  Deadline is no later than the June 3rd Committee Meeting.  All other non-signed forms at that time will be considered to be granting permission for use.
ß Talent surveys distributed to all new scouts still need to be signed and returned.  Deadline again will be no later than June 3rd.

2. WEBMASTER:  written report by Geoff Rich
ß The troop has had previous web site attempts.  However, none of them have stayed accurate, and today, none are being used or even registered anymore.
ß In the past, the troop has gone with the free websites with addresses such as  While serving their purpose, these sites are very difficult for people to remember, and creating an easier website address will allow people the easier, better option to getting information, especially during the day or at their own time.
ß As a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, and serving as the Webmaster, I would propose to spend approximately $35 a year to get a domain name, troop email address, 50 mg of storage for pictures, calendar information, and possibly more.
ß With the email address, general questions may be forwarded or sent to this email address, which will be checked daily by myself and forwarded to the appropriate person if I cannot answer the question.
ß The website available that I have already checked on is  and will be set up through Yahoo!.
ß This website will contain schedules, information, and other general information.  Access to secure information such as password encoding is being worked on.  Scouts whose parents have signed the acceptable use or pictures form will also appear here.  Until it is finalized, no personal information will exist on the site until it can be set up through a secure server.  Once a secure server is found, ech scout will have a password allowing only troop members to access the site, and then will be able to include personal information.
ß I highly recommend the use of this company to set up this website.  For a small fee per year, the communication of the troop will greatly increase and allow more accessibility.  The most up to date information can be at hand, any time of the day.
ß At the committee meeting, it was pointed out how this can be used as an educational tool for the boys, as well as a good use of current technology and could be part of the requirements for the Communications Merit Badge.
ß Concern was given about the issue of youth protection and having a secure site, which was addressed.
ß The committee approved an annual cost of $85 or less to establish a secure site, and if it should run more than that, Geoff would need to get back to the committee with that information.
ß There was a motion to accept the Webmaster¹s proposal and to approve the $85 per year cost (Mike Engel) and seconded (Kim Billings) and passed with a unanimous vote.

3. TRAINING:  written report by Mark Emerson
ß May is a fairly quiet training month for 3 Rivers District.
ß May 30th ­June 1st ­ Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Outdoor Training Campout at Rum River Boy Scout. Check in is at Thurston Lodge at 6:30 PM. Pre-registration is due by May 15th and costs $35. Registration forms are available tonight, see the Treasurer so she can make the correct payment to Viking Council for you on time.
ß In House Youth Protection training will be in May ­ time and date to be determined. The dates we are looking at right now are the 15th, 19th, and the 22nd. We are just waiting on our District training person to respond as to which of these dates best suits her, and then coordinate with the Saint Francis Police Department. The date selected will be announced at the Troop meeting on the 13th, and we will also email this information out when we know.
ß Everyone (Scouts & Adults) are strongly recommended to take Youth Protection training, to ensure that both the Scouts and Adults understand BSA policies regarding abuse.
ß District Training ­ will begin again in September, with New Leader Essentials and Youth Protection being planned to be in the Cambridge/Saint Francis area for the entire District in October
ß In house Junior Leader Training ­ for the Scouts will be scheduled for later this year ­ time, date, and place to be determined.
ß If you have any questions, contact Mark Emerson, Unit Commissioner , Phone: 763.753.6005 ,  Fax: 763.717.0394  or

4. ADVANCEMENT:   written report by Kim Olson
ß The two Troop Guides have divided the workload for helping scouts below first class rank to work on advancement.  All scouts need to keep good records in their Scout Handbook.  This includes dates and times for service project recognition, and participation in activities and campouts.
ß Scouts must show the dates requirements were completed so they may be entered into the Troop Master Program files and credit may be given.  A Board of Review night has been added to the troop meeting schedule on June 10, in addition to the one scheduled for June 17, 2003.  Scouts may request a Board of Review at any time.
ß Next Tuesday, Alex Bachman will be awarded the Medal of Heroism for saving a life.  Please come to show him your pride and support.

ß GENERAL FUND:      Balance as of 4/1/03        $1243.76  with $200 in petty cash
   Total money received     $2211.52
   Total payments        $2289.05
       Outstanding:     $70 from Medicine Mountain
               $18.46 owing from scouts
   Total Outstanding of     $ 88.46
   Balance as of 5/6/03     $1166.23 with $200 in petty cash

ß ACTIVITY FUNDS:    Balance as of 4/1/03    $2236.73
Total money received    $  159.42
   Total Payments        $  177.32
   Balance as of 5/6/03    $2318.83  -  $25.00 (floats)

                       $2293.83 Available

ß Those who would like a more detailed report of the finances should contact the Treasurer.  Otherwise, all the details were read at the Committee Meeting as to who the money  was received from and to whom the checks were written for the month of April.
ß The Treasurer requests that all monies for camps and all receipts for bills that need to be paid should come directly to the Treasurer, Kim Billings, so she can keep caught up and have accurate up to date records of all transactions.

ß Mike Engel is now the co-coordinator of fundraising along with Terri Rothenberger.  Terri reported again that if we have no chair for a fundraiser, it will not go on.
ß TRACTOR PULL‹This is now run by the American Legion, but details of where it will be held this year are not known for sure yet.  Pack 511 has volunteered to help with this fundraiser, and are making a float for the parade and can coordinate and include the Troop if they so desire.  It was pointed out to make sure everyone knows that the tractor pull is on Father¹s Day, so no one has a conflict at the last minute.  Mike Engel volunteered to cook!
ß PIONEER DAYS‹Chair person is Susan Brand (Andrew¹s mother).  She will get information from Terri R. and Mike E. as to what has been done in the past and will start getting commitments from people to help with this fundraiser.  Mike Engel will check on getting ice and donations from Frito Lay.  Jobs include menus, groceries, pricing, secure a space, gather and transport equipment, setup and take down arrangements, create a signup sheet showing the times per shift, get grocery list to County Market 30 days in advance, decide about the dunk tank, and maybe coordinate with Pack 511.
ß CANDY BAR SALES‹we need a chair person to get started on this fundraiser.
ß FLOWER BULB SALES‹we are currently above the projected sales in our budget, and the 3rd order must be turned in along with all the money by 13th May for delivery about June 1st.
ß POPCORN SALES‹has been completed and handed out.  Money from the district will come at the end of May or early June.
ß INK CARTRIDGE RECYCLING‹request was made to bring the cartridges in zip lock bags to cut down on the mess.  We currently have a box to put them in at Bar None.  The amounts paid per cartridge are subject to change, but average about $1.50 per cartridge.  All proceeds from ink cartridge recycling goes to the General Funds.  A list will be sent out on email listing the types we can recycle.  The box we have at Bar None will need to be inventoried and sorted before it is sent in.  They request a minimum of 50-100 be sent at one time.  Sam Strassberg will check into setting up a box at BEST BUY to collect from customers there.
ß PIZZA FUNDRAISER‹deadline to turn in orders was Tuesday May 6th.  We are over the minimum of 50 orders, and delivery is set for Saturday, May 17th at 10 a.m.
ß Coordinator:  Terri Rothenberger, and Co-Chair Mike Engel.  
ß Flower Bulbs (spring and fall):  Tom and Kim Billings
ß Popcorn Sales (spring and fall):  Krag Anderson
ß Ink Cartridge Recycling:  Lorri and David Emerson
ß Pizza Kits (spring and fall):  Felicia and Mike Engel, Travis Washburn
ß Wreaths:  Rich Family
ß Craft Sale Food Booth:  Mark and Daniel Emerson
ß Cub Foods Food Booth:  on a waiting list

7.  SCOUTMASTER:  written report by Krag Anderson
ß Court of Honor  May 13.  Alex Bachman is receiving the Heroism Award.  This is the third highest National Court of Honor Lifesaving Award awarded for demonstrating heroism in saving a life at minimal risk to self. Only five Scouts from the Viking Council have earned this award in the past year.  Alex does not wish to make a big deal of it.  Not a regular meeting.  Patrols may meet afterward to work on flags and/or advancement.
ß Troop Meeting  May 20.  Theme is Camping.
ß Patrol Leaders¹ Council  May 27.
ß Ripley Rendezvous June 6-8.  Registration has been sent in for 21 youth and 7 adults.
ß Pioneer Days June 14-15.
ß Pine Tree  Tom Billings are Ben Rich are registered for Pine Tree June 15-21.  Kirk Olson and Erik Haugsby have been nominated for Silver Pathfinder June 22-28.
ß Many Point Scout Camp July 13-19.  Registration is sent in for 20 youth.  19 are signed up so there is an opening for one more youth.  Total cost is $170.00.  The remaining $160.00 balance is due 27 May.  $60.00 per adult is due 27 May.  Adults I have committed are myself, Mike Engel, and Kim Billings.  Looking for more adults.  High Adventure signup happens this month.
ß Junior Assistant Scoutmasters Jay Triggs has been appointed Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, but has neither accepted nor declined.
ß Equipment  We have camped twice now using the troop trailer.  The tabs have expired (02) and there is no evidence of registration on the tongue as per new Minnesota law.  The jack in front seems to be at an angle and one tire is low and the wheel bearings should be looked after.  Four propane tanks were emptied.  Three of which have the old nozzles.  We have four propane tanks with the new nozzles and this is currently the number we camp with ideally.  One of the leader tents is in poor condition.  That one and one other has bad zippers.  The screen tent has bad zippers.  (Screen tents new run about $120.)  One of the youth tents has broken aluminum poles.  (Not very expensive to replace.)
ß Since we will be eating in the dining hall we will need limited equipment at Many Point.  The Leader box, the tents, 4 tarps if possible, and 4 propane tanks with stems and lanterns, and the first aid kit and other odds and ends should be all that we will need.  We could haul this in a smaller trailer or possibly in my pickup.
ß Motions  I (Krag Anderson) am recommending a motion be made (Mike Engel) for Troop 511 to reimburse the cost of Scout Books to the Activity Funds of the four new Scouts from Pack 519 @ $7.95 ea.  Seconded and approved.
ß I (Krag Anderson) am recommending a motion be made (Kim Billings) for Troop 511 to cover the cost of leadership training specifically for Tom Billings and Ben Rich at Pine Tree @ $170 ea. and for Kirk Olson AND Erik Haugsby at Silver Pathfinder @ $190 ea.  Seconded by Nancy Rich and approved.

ß Russ reported that the last PLC was very productive, troop spirit is up, and new scouts have had great enthusiasm.
ß Russ¹ Court of Honor date is not finalized yet, but will probably be June 1st in the mid-afternoon.  He will get the information to the Secretary to send out as soon as possible.
ß The SPL suggests we start looking into a larger meeting place.  It will definitely be needed by next spring when we add all the new Webelos coming in, but feels we need to start checking on any possibilities available.  Russ Lind is the chairperson for this sub-committee.

ß Currently Mike Burley and Alex Bachman are Equipment Coordinator and QuarterMaster.  Lorri Emerson brought up that she would like to see an adult Equipment Purchaser and a Uniform Manager to join the Equipment Coordinator and the Scout Quartermaster to form the Equipment Management Team.  Dave Crotteau volunteered to join this sub-committee and will contact the scouts involved.
ß Current issues for the team/sub-committee are:  1.  sell older trailer and use the proceeds to buy a new smaller trailer, 2.  propane tanks:  refill and valve replacement (call Joe Mau)  3.  Dunk tank:  look at, repair, search out information on insurance/liability, call the Lions for their feedback, see if Joe Mau is still interested in buying it   4.  Dining flies:  price/purchase remaining components  5.  T-shirts:  new t-shirts for the troop  6.  Storage:  trailer storage, storage within the trailers, shelving, on site storage  7.  Repair needed   8.  New equipment needed    9.  New equipment wanted:  coffee maker for fundraising and meetings (Dave Crotteau  volunteered to borrow what we might need), possibly TroopLedger Software made for troop money handling needs. (Cost is $65-75).
ß Dave Crotteau will check at Digi Logo and also Sport Shack regarding T-shirt information and costs.  Currently, Sport Shack in Anoka has our logo.  It was estimated to be $40 to change that logo.  Dave will also research info about the dunk tank issues.

ß POLICY:    
Kim Billings, Nancy Rich, and Lorri Emerson formed the Policy sub-committee and were thanked for their efforts.  Lorri Emerson pointed out that most of the policies reflect national and long-standing local policies.  Some of them only reflect Troop 511 policies.  She  presented some policy highlights to help parents recognize actual changes and additions from the past policies and to propose some new wording.
ß Finances:  1.  New policy:  The Committee may elect to have an outside audit performed.             2.  Reword last line to read:  Any chartered member who owes money to the troop at the time of recharter may not be rechartered at the discretion of the Committee.
ß Dues:  New policy that members are responsible for their entire amount of annual dues.
ß Activity Fund (AF):  To protect our nonprofit status, reword the last line to read:  Members who quit the troop may submit receipts for camping equipment purchases within six months to receive up to the entire balance from the AF¹s or their funds are forfeited to the troop general fund.
ß Payment for Troop Activities and Campouts:  Add:  If a scout is not current with dues or otherwise is in debt to the troop his privilege to participate in campouts, activities and Courts of Honor may be frozen until the situation is resolved.  All such situations will be handled privately by the Executive Committee (the Executive Committee is the Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Scoutmaster, Lions Representative).
ß Fundraisers:  1.  After the first sentence insert:  The standard uniform may only be worn for the nationally endorsed popcorn fundraiser.  The Troop 511 T-shirt is worn for all other fundraisers.  2.  New policy that the percentage of general fund profits is rounded up to the nearest penny (no more half or quarter pennies to distribute among the participants).
ß Training Course Fees:  Current per person prices:  Troop Jr. Leader training:  vaires, Council Jr. Leader training (about $160-170), Committee Member training ($20), SM/ASM training I, II, & III ($20), BS Outdoor training ($35).  The only fees for New Leader Essentials and Youth Protection training may be VCR rentals  District and Council training course fees include location, materials, and meals.
ß Transportation:  1.  At the third asterisk reword:  For insurance purposes youths and adults must wear their (drop the word:  standard) uniform while traveling.  2.  Advance notification of different transportation for your boys was added for safety.
ß A motion was made (Russ Lind) and seconded (Mike Engel) to accept the Troop 511 policy as previously printed and distributed with the above changes and additions.  The motion was unanimously passed.

ß Job Openings:       Outdoors/Activities Coordinator
Training Chair (will need training on training)
ß Needed:  Group of scouts and parents to present to Lions.  Will need to contact Larry Golyer for a time and date.  Purpose is to thank them for their donations in the past, present them with the new charter, and show the slide show of activities that the scouts have been involved in over the past year.  Kim Billings will chair this.

ß none

ß Tuesday, June 3rd‹next Committee Meeting at 6:30 pm at Bar None Chapel
ß Saturday, May 17th at 10 a.m.‹Pizza Kits pick up at Bar None
ß Tuesday, May 27th‹Many Point camping fees are due, also PLC
ß May 30th ­ June 1st‹Adult outdoor training  campout, register by May 15th.
ß Next Tuesday, May 13th, 2003 at Bar None at 7 pm‹a National Court of Honor has been called to present Troop 511 Life Scout Alexander J. Bachman with the Medal of Heroism Award for Lifesaving
ß A thank you was received and read from Pack 519  to Troop 511 for their involvement in the Pack¹s Blue and Gold Banquet and Graduation ceremonies.

ß A motion was made to adjourn, and was seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

This is the only copy of the minutes you will receive, so please bring it with you to the next Committee meeting on June 3rd for approval.

Submitted by Nancy Rich
Secretary, Troop 511
Phone:  763.753.1225
Email to: and graha