Fly fishing for Common Carp (species: Cyprinus carpio) may be one of the last untapped flyfishing resources in North America and possibly the world. Join us as we pursue the strong fighting, tackle-breaking Common Carp with a fly rod. We will try to update this page with new video clips often.

Why fly fish for Common Carp?
  • They're FUN to catch!
  • Sight-fishing to spooky fish on the surface or in extremely shallow water. Need I say more?
  • They're wary and a real challenge to catch consistently .
  • Carp are stubborn fighters on light to medium fly tackle.
  • They're accessible year-round until ice-up. Some of the best days fly fishing for carp on the surface occur in late fall or early winter with air temps in the mid 30s-40s degrees (Fahrenheit).
  • Hook a child on fly fishing for life when you take him/her fly fishing for carp.
  • When handled, the fish are not at all deserving of their reputation as foul and disgusting looking, but are quite beautiful. Their eyes seem to focus on you.
  • When the meat is properly prepared, many find the texture and flavor difficult to distinguish from cod.

    Here are some free video highlights from "Fly Rodding For Common Carp" These video clips require a 33k modem or faster internet connection and either RealPlayer 6 or Quicktime 5 (or later version) for Windows or Macintosh. Get FREE RealPlayer 6.0 viewer here or Get FREE Quicktime 6 viewer here.

    Click on the pictures or underlined text below to view free video clips:
    Intro video clip: An Introduction to flyfishing for Cyprinus carpio

    Quicktime video clip- 2.02Mb file size (1min. 8 seconds)

    RealVideo clip- 679 kb file size (1 min. 8 seconds)

    NEW! video clip #4: Fun to Catch!

    RealVideo clip 195 kb file size (46 seconds)

    NEW! video clip #3: Got him!

    RealVideo clip 228 kb file size (50 seconds)

    video clip #2: Risers in November

    Quicktime video clip- 1.85 Mb file size (50 seconds)

    RealVideo clip- 344 kb file size (50 seconds)

    video clip #1: Down and across

    Quicktime video clip- 1.7 Mb file size (27 seconds)

    RealVideo clip- 256 kb file size (27 seconds)

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