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Iris Trades

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Iris Trades


© copyright 2002-06

All Rights Reserved

I am always interested in trading for irises I don't already grow. If you would like to propose a trade, please note the following:

1) For the sake of economy in postal costs, I prefer to trade for at least three rhizomes (different cultivars).
2) I trade rhizome for rhizome. If you want three rhizomes from me (either of the same or different cultivars), I will request one rhizome each of three different cultivars from you.
3) When trading named irises, I prefer to trade only for irises originally acquired from reputable commercial iris sources. No "mart" irises, please.
4) Due to my very adverse growing conditions, I can not promise any trades until immediately before I am ready to dig the plants.
5) Because of my short growing season, all trades must be completed and all rhizomes in my hands no later than the third week of July.

If interested in trading, please e-mail me with your list of available irises, and I will reciprocate with my current list.


The following list includes irises I am very eager to add to my garden. If you have enough of any of these to trade, LET'S TALK! I am, however, interested in countless other irises as well, so don't let this list restrict your trade offer. Just send me your entire trade list, and we'll see what we can work out.

All Abuzz - IB
Appaloosa Blue - Sib
Arctic Fox
Aura Light
Awake - SDB
Berliner Welle - Sib
Betty Dunn
Brash - SDB
Celtic Glory
Chasing Rainbows
Chim Cham
Cinnamon Sun
Coffee Whispers
Color My World - BB
Coral Carpet - MDB
Cream Cake
Cybernet - MTB
Delirium - IB
Desert Orange - SDB
Devil May Care - IB
Dream Away - BB
Dumbledore - IB
Festive Glow - MTB
Fireside Glow
Flirting - SDB
Frisk Me - SDB
Furioso - IB
Genetic Burst - AB
Genetic Dancer - AB
Genetic Moment - AB
Glitz and Glitter
Gold Burst
Golden Panther
Goose Bumps - IB
Grape Orbit - SDB
Hidden Message
Imperative - IB
In Your Dreams
Iris trojana
Jan Elizabeth
Jazzamatazz - SDB
Kit Fox - SDB
Kevin's Theme
Lime Smoothy - SDB
Linda West - Pseudacorus
Line Dance - SDB
Lovely Dawn
Lunar Frost - IB
Lyrique - BB
Mauna Loa Fire
Matt McNames
Morning Glow
Muggles - SDB
Owyhee Desert
Ozark Dream - MTB
Peg Edwards - Sib
Persian Wood - IB
Pibbling - SDB
Pink Champagne
Pink Pele - IB
Private First Class - SDB
Quinalt - BB
Racy - SDB
Rain Check
Rippling River
Sea Power
Season Ticket - IB
Shadows Cast - IB
Shindig - SDB
Spiced Tiger
Spirit World
Spouting Horn
Storm Track
Thai Orange
That's Red - MTB
Tom Schaefer - Sib
Webmaster - SDB
Wizard's Return - SDB

I am also very interested in increasing my collections of Siberians, setosas, versicolors, miniature tall beardeds, broken color beardeds, and pre-1960 historic beardeds. Because my collections of these types of irises are small, I would be happy to consider most irises fitting into these categories for trades.


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