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This is RagingKavu's Extended Profile. 3nj0i!

If you have not been here for awhile, I have begun a journal for you can know whats going on with me, though it probably wont interest you. Scroll down below the Domokun if you want to check it out.
Ok, well since you took the time to come here and try to learn about me I will make it worth your while and try to give you as much information as I can.

-I am 18 and I live in Minnesota I have 2 mottos I go by,"Life is overrated.", And "Life Imitates Music."
-I like to listen to music and hanging out with my friends. I like sending e-mails to people and talking on AIM.
-Umm What kind of music do I like? Glad you asked. Alternative rock. Grunge rock. Metallica-esque rock. Some but very little rap. 1 country song. Classical. And generally good music.
-Some bands I like: Tenacious D (aka, The greatest band in the world), Dashboard Confessional, Coldplay, Green Day, Metallica, Weezer, Foo Fighters, The Beatles, Linkin Park and many MANY more.
-I like watching movies and chillin' with my home boyz and gurlz.
-Chatting online is cool. I don't mind going to school, I just think its a pain in the arse..good thing I'm done in June eh?!
-I love my country and my family. So, to all you Anti-Americans, Keep it to yourself...please.
-I wish I was thinner and more attractive to the ladies.
-Calvin and Hobbes was, is and always will be the best cartoon strip ever made. Forget Peanuts!
-The Older Batman cartoons are the best animated cartoons ever. Batman Beyond is good but sucks in comparison. I bet you think I am a nerd for talking aobut cartoons don't you? Well, I am a nerd so whateva! Whateva! I'll do what I want! Clayface is the best Villian ever. (He's from Batman)
-Like I said I love watching movies but I have like 30 favorites so I can't list them all. But, I can give you the top five...(drumroll ensues) Number 5, Star Wars:Return of the Jedi. Number 4, Fight Club. Number 3, Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers. Number 2, The Matrix. And Number One......Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring!!!
-I write songs and poems sometimes. And if you think thats girly well forget you. I enjoy being a sensetive male who is comfortable with his heterosexuality.
-Well I don't know what else to write. I don't really have any specific plans for after school. I might go to Anoka-Hennipen Technical and do something in Horticulture. It's like, I can't really see myself happy in any job that would put me behind a desk or something. I'd rather be outside workin' hard. I don't really mind if I don't have alot of money. It's not really that important to me. Just as long as I can get by...which I will if I work hard. I just wish I had someone to hold...Sorry...that was a bit random:I
-I am going to log (off). IM me whenever you see me online please! I love to talk.

These people are under my protection and I will see no harm come to any of them while I have breath in me.
Namarie, Pellafangiel, Nevfennasiel, Amancarkaiel, Amanborwen, Hallaaduial, and Angaadariel.
Love and peace to all of them, from me.

April May
-06/02/03-I'm done. I can't believe it. I'm done. I will never be going to High School ever again. This was one of the greatest weekends of my life. I don't know where to begin. On Friday I went from school to Josiah's and from there we went to Denny's and then Gabe's and finally to Miller's "Cabin". We got there around 1:30 in the morning and were up for a couple hours entertaining ourselves around the campfire. When we awoke the next morning, Schwags made us breakfast and the target was going dirt-biking and the mud. I got douched and so did the majority of machines...they like all broke. That kinda sucked. Then we had a cookout wehre I was the cook....I made the best burgers I ever ate. They rocked. Then, in the night we made...well, I made some prank phone calls. The group favorite was me bing a big gay Mother f'n black man and telling girls I was going to rape their boyfriends. Then when we got back, some douchebag Juniors had soaped the cars. I thought it was sad how they still called themselves juniors when they arent anymore but ooookay. Then I went to a few grad parties and then we went to help Foss, Gabe and Schwags move into their new apartment. The thing is amazing. I spent the night there. Did some prank calls and watched CKY4...that was funny. It was just an all around good weekend. I cant wait until I see some of the girls. Its been so long. I'm going through widthdrawl!
-06/12/03-Been Awhile. I've been busy with my homies. I have only slept at my own house 2 times in the past 2 weeks. Comencement was a breeze. The all night party was awesome. I won 75 bucks! Then at like 5:30 in the morning...when It was all and a few other people went to the rocked. Played Blackjack and Some slots ended up +16$. Then I went to The Apt. That's Foss's, Schwags and Gabe's. Its awesome. I've been there so much they are calling me The Guy on the Couch. I spent basically 4 days in a row there. It was awesome. We just sit around and rocked out. I watched Bram Stoker's Dracula yesterday...greatest Love story ever told. Tonight is the 49er's Day Parade...and thus there is a party tonight as well. Tomorrow Is my grad party...5-8. I hope if you are reading this you intend on coming. It's going to rock. I was thinking about writing this movie I have cooking up in my head...should I or no. Tell me what you think. Peace.