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This webpage will serve as an update on Randy's progress following his accident on Dec. 16, 2002.

Answer to Prayers

We ask for strength and God gives us difficulties which make us strong.

We pray for wisdom and God sends us problems, the solutions of which develops wisdom.

We plead for prosperity and God gives us brain and brawn to work.

We plead for courage and God gives us dangers to overcome.

We ask for favors--God gives us opportunities.

This is the answer.

~Author Unknown



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Randy's Latest Update

December 30th:

I've been trying at different times today to load some pictures but haven't had much luck. So if you have a box on your screen with an "x" inside, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just me.

Check out some photos! One is from this summer and the other was last week. Click here!

December 29th:

Randy was pretty tired today. He said he spends most of his week days doing daily things like washing, dressing, therapy, eating, and the nights sleeping. He had about an hour of therapy this morning. He said that he will have a different schedule of therapy this week but he wasn't sure if the times would stay the same or what. Could just be he will be working on different areas. Soon he will also get a smaller wheelchair. The one he has now is really big. It kind of looks like a recliner with wheels. He was sporting his shoes when we arrived. He said he still has to where his foam feet when he doesn't have his shoes on. Thanks to all who have visited him. He enjoys seeing each of you. We looked through the emails that a lot of you have sent. Thanks for them, also. He is amazed at how many of you care so much for his recovery.


Older Updates


December 18th:

Thanks to all of our many friends and family for the outpouring of your love and prayers for Randy. Please share this message with the names that I forgot. He is in McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. He will have surgery today at 10 am. (Wednesday) He has a broken back and a cut on his head. He is bound and determined that he will walk again, and with all the many prayers from his friends and relatives, God will be there with him. We had some good news last night when his brother, Rod, was with him rubbin his feet and legs, at one point Randy told him he could feel it and knew where he was touching him. Keep praying and we will post an update later tonight or tomorrow.


Later: He has temporary paralysis from the waist down. Before sugery, he had some tingling in his legs like they felt like they were asleep. He came out of surgery this afternoon with better news than we thought. His spinal cord wasn't severed but he did fracture a couple vertebres around it. They screwed them back together and now it is just a waiting game. There is about a 10% chance that he will regain feeling in his legs and be able to walk again. He has a lot of work ahead of him but with hope his determination will keep his spirit alive. He will be moved out of intensive care tomorrow and will be starting therapy soon after. It makes us feel incredibly thankful to have all of you saying prayers for him.


Dec. 19th:

Just got back from seeing Randy. Just before we arrived he was moved to his new room. He is now in the neuroscience wing and has a much bigger room. He has had some solid foods today, and they let him sip some Coke. He was pretty pleased with that. His pain level is going down. He has had more sensations in his legs and feet. He even mentioned tonight that his legs were COLD. That's a good sign. He wore his back brace when they moved him, he calls it his "turtle shell." It must be uncomfortable as he wants to melt it down so it isn't so tight. We'll add more details when we know more.

Randy's wonderful brother and sister-in-law have taken on the task of helping me send out the updates. Jennifer is the computer teacher in the local school system so it will get done right and will keep you posted.

The surgery went well. They put some screws in and a rod to support and keep the back bone in place and cleaned up the area. The good news was the spinal cord was not severed. It is however hurt. The doctor and nurse said that he and God will have to work hard for him to walk again. He has a chance though. We thank you all for prayers, phone calls, and visits. God be will all of you.


Dec. 20th:

Thanks to all for your prayers and concerns. For those wanting to help, Randy will need your prayers and visits in the future as he recovers. He was moved to his own room last night and was very tired. He got what he called his turtle suit and it isn't something that he liked. It is hard for an active person to have to just lie there. I have just a small amount of corn to haul and the elevator is full. They won't take anymore for awhile. We will keep you posted. Thanks for all the prayers. Merry Christmas from Randy and his family.

Evening: Rod talked to Randy on the phone tonight, and he thought he sounded better. Randy said he gained about an inch below his waist of feeling and mobility! That's GREAT NEWS! Would'nt it be wonderful if he gained an inch a day? Haven't heard a whole lot else yet but will find out more tomorrow. Thanks to all who have been so kind to all of us.


Dec. 21st:

Randy was in good spirits and very tired last night when we were down. He told us that the feelings are very slowly working down his legs. Great news! He also was feeling better because of getting his hair washed, etc.. We always feel better after getting cleaned up. Reality has also set in, and he accepts it. He is ready for the work of recovery. Emails can be sent by accessing the Avera McKennan Hospital homepage.


Dec. 25th:

Christmas Eve was spent in the hospital finding Randy sitting up when we arrived wearing street clothes. He started therapy which involved getting in and out of bed. He cheated the first time as they helped him into the chair but he had to get back out and do it over without help next time. Christmas Day, he is on vacation but after that will spend 3 hrs. a day in therapy. After a shower and supper he was exhausted. Today, Christmas Day, Rodney and Jennifer, will join us for Christmas in the hospital. Mom and I have the best Christmas present, a son who we can talk to. Randy has tingling in his legs and some other lower body feelings. The swelling in his toes has gone down, too. We are told that all of these are good signs. We want to THANK everyone for the PRAYERS and CARDS.



 Dec. 28th:

Rod and I visitied Randy this afternoon. They have been keeping him pretty busy with everyday things and his therapy. He has therapy during the week but has his weekends off. If you are interested in coming for a visit, he basically out from 8:00-11:00, 1:00-4:00 during the week. Nights are great for visits plus it makes Randy's time go faster. Visitation anytime on Saturday's and Sunday's is great!

He still has sensations and can at different times feel the strangest things. Like he can feel his toes on his left foot when you move his foot before you squeeze his toes. At times, if you pull the hair on his legs, he can feel that but if you press hard on his leg, he feels nothing. We did a little shopping for him and found him some classy shoes to help support his ankles. He still has to wear is stylish ones when he is sleeping. (Foam ones) Thanks to all who keeping praying for his recovery. We appreciate all your thoughts and kind words.



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- Jenny

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