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The Nerness Family - Promotional Materials

Instructions! download documents or photos.


1. <right click>
2. choose <save target as > or <download link to disk>.
3. now choose a location on your comptuer which you would like to store the document.
4. Click save.

Articles & Biographys

Document Microsoft Word Format HTML Text Format JPEG (photocopy image format)
Worthington Daily Globe 2003     worthingtondailyglobecdrelease.jpeg
Windom Citizen 2003      
CD Release Family Comments cdfamilycomments.doc cdfamilycomments.html  
Worthington Daily Globe 2002 Worthington_Daily_Globe_F.doc Worthington_Daily_Globe_F.html  
Windom Citizen 2000 Windom_Citizen_F.doc Windom_Citizen_F.html  


Resolution: 175 pixels/inch
Size of photos varies from 8" to 12".
Filters used: crop | brightness | contrast | blur | clone stamp

Note: do not use the small thumbnails. Follow the instructions above to download the full size/quality image. home