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I'm starting a journal for my nieces- nephew and my daughter Aurora. It will be constantly updated. I'll be adding more things as I go. The entries go from newest to oldest. So if you want to start from the begining you need to go to the bottom. Newest is at the top. Enjoy!!! You can leave comments at the guest book if you want. It's on the bottom of the site. :)

August 4th, 2004 Today I'm starting a journal for: Aurora , Hannah, Emma and Logan.

* Aurora
is 7 months old. She's getting so big. She likes to play in her walker and swing in her Aqua Swing. She also yells alot. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and the most gorgeous smile. Both melt everyones heart. I love her so much!

* Hannah
is 2. She's another on that's growing like a weed. She talks so much now. She has a little trouble with some of our names still, but it's cute!..... Auntie (Rachael), Auntie Bean (Colleen), Auntie Bes (Beth), Soggy (Scotty), Con-in (Colin), Gonan (Logan), Tenny (Kenny). She's such a cutie. So pretty too. I love being able to watch her grow up. I love you Hannah!

* Emma...
she's 15 mnths and quite the girl. She's always smilin' and chasing down anyone with something to eat or drink. I remember one day when Grandma Pena was babysitting, Emma came after Hannah for her sippy when Emma already had her own. But I suppose she needed Hannah's also. Goofy. She's a little power house that one. I guess that's what happens when you have an older brother. You have to learn to hold your own. She looks just like her Mommy. She's starting to talk pretty good. She says stuff like, hi - bye - hello - outside - eat - and thank you. She's a doll. I'm sure when she gets older she's going to be beautiful too. I love her tons!

* Logan
is a little over 2. He's a handful that one. He's so busy. He's a talker too. He's not really one for sharing, but he can be nice if he wants to be. He's a momma's boy. Except when she yells at him for something. Then it's Daddy Daddy non-stop. He's a cutie though. Never a dull moment with him. I love him lots!


November 9th, 2004
I know I haven't been typing much in here, but I've been kinda busy. And I haven't really wrote down anything new for a while. But I'm sure I can muster up something cute. They are always doing something. What kid isn't? haha. Lets see, Rory is 7 months old on the 15th. She's huge. Or seems huge. But she's really a little tiny runt of a punkin'. She sits up by herself and yells DA DA DA DA DA all the time. And Mama when she's crying. How cute. She eats alot. She likes pears and apple sauce. :) She runs every where in her walker. I love it. She also likes to watch Sesame Street. :) And Barney, but Barney isn't like a favorite.... yet. haha. She loves her monkey beanie baby and this little green, orange haired sesame street baby. She's always playing with both of them no matter what toys are infront of her. She also likes this walking elephant that Grandma Pena has. She's always talking and yelling some jibberish. In a small girly voice. It's so cute. Hannah, is getting big. She doesn't say " Gonan " anymore. She says " Logan ". Her and Emma are partners in crime. Always doing something naughty together. Like today when they were both behind the recliner chairs throwing poppari every where. Hannah blamed it on Emma, and Emma did do most of it, but I'm sure Hannah took the cap off for her. Plus Hannah didn't try to stop her. She loves Rory. Calls her pretty girl and always wants to hold her and kiss her. She gets really happy now when Logan comes to play. She shouts, " LOGAN! " when he walks in the door, but after he's been here awhile and picking on her, she starts to cry at everything he does. She's such a girly girl. Hannah really loves her Grandma and Grandpa alot. She hates that she has to share them with Logan, Emma and Aurora. She cries. It's sad, but funny sometimes. She loves fruit snacks, M&Ms, bug juice and Chocolate milk. Emma is starting to talk alot. She tells her Mom... " NO WAY " when she doesn't want to do something. She's a sass lately. She's a tough one too. She got her ears pierced a few days ago and didn't even cry. She's hardcore. haha. She doesn't like Aurora too much. She trys to hit her and gives her pennys and Sandwich meat. what a punk. >> this just in Emma is trying to sit on hannah. (?) << hahaha. She loves StrawBerryShortCake movies, dolls, stickers, anything. Logan talks all the time. He teaches Emma to do naughty things like climb in and out of her Crib. Beth had to make Emmas crib a big girl bed cause Emma wouldn't stay it in. Logan must have been a good teacher. He's really likes spiderman things. He also is in love with fruit snacks. A few nights ago I went into Logan and Emmas room to get a few toys for Aurora... and Logan was sleeping on his bed talking in his sleep... he said, " I LOVE YOU. " really loud. It was funny. Never a dull moment with these little runts. They are so cute!

October 8th, 2004
I forgot to write that last night Hannah was sitting on the couch watching a Barney tape and on the tape they were singing the ABC's. Hannah was sitting in a chair singing, ' A B C D L M N O P ' over and over. It was so cute.
Last night was rough man. Rory is sick again. Darn allergies. She was up for like, 2 1/2 hours crying and playing toys. So from like, 1 am to 3:30 am. Mom got up and sat with me and Rory. And Rory got up like, 30 minutes earlier than usual this morning. I don't know how she did it... but she did. She acts like last night never even happened, except the fact that her eyes are puffy red and her nose is runny and her watery eye has returned..., and I'm over here like a zombie. I have no idea how she does it. I'm sure nap time will be bliss. haha. but until then... Thankfully Heather is bringing me home a Turtle Latte. MMMM. Rory is starting to try and talk now too. She's always screamin' and yellin' around the house. I wonder where she gets that from? Ahem, Grandma Pena...? Haha. Rory says ' ba ba ba ba ' all the time now. It's totally the cutest thing.

October 7th, 2004
I haven't been staying on top of this thing. I had a laundry over-load and Aurora has been a pain in the butt lately. I think she's getting teeth... and if that's the case, they are taking SO LONG to get thru those tiny little gums of hers. Plus she has allergies... bah. I fed her some baby food squash today. She hates it. Well, maybe she doesn't hate it, she just doesn't like it because it's something new and taste like dirt. haha. She even had a ' gag reflex ' while attempting to swallow the small bite the was in her mouth. haha. Hannah has been a pain in the butt lately, too. She used to be such a good girl. She's been nothin' but sass for a while. I'm guessing it's the terrible twos or something. But she's really step it up. She's even stopped potty training. I don't understand how peeing and pooping in your own pants can be a form of ' rebeling '. It's a funny, but a nasty little thing. Emma's a good little girl. She has her moments of selfishness, like tonight... I was at Beth's house... Rory and I were playing in the play room with Emma and Logan. Logan hands Rory a Strawberry Short Cake doll of Emma's (she has a collection... or should I say, her mother does?) and Emma looked at me like, ' what the heck are you doing?? you can't give her that. It's mine.... ' as soon as Emma started yelling I knew that she didn't want Rory playing with her doll. So I gave it back. Right when I did Emma spits out... ' thank you. ' with a smile. Hmmm. Rory barfed on her clothes while we were playing. I asked Logan to go get a paper towel from his Mommy... and he said...' you need a paper towel Rachael? ' I said, ' yeah, quick, Rory barfed on her clothes... hurry. ' and he looked at me... then at his toys... then at me again and says, ' i'll get it in a minute Rachael. '... sucha a helper. haha. A few days ago Emma and Logan were over and Logan got yelled at for doing something naughty... well, right after being yelled at he spouts off, ' I'm gonna run away. ' and Mom looks at Beth and I and says, ' who does that sound like??? CHUCK! '. So we told him to go ahead and run away... showed him the door and he decided he didn't wanna go anymore. Ever since Logan said he was gonna run away... Hannah has decided that she's gonna start saying that... I don't know why... didn't get Logan very far. haha.

October 4th, 2004
Aurora has been very mean lately. I think she's getting teeth. Last night she didn't go to bed until 11:30 pm... and she didn't even stay in bed.. she cried to swing, she cried to be held, she cried just to cry... it was horrible. I woke up a zombie this morning at 8:30 am. She's so cute though. But already is sassy. haha. Yesterday morning Hannah was in my room and Colin was putting together some dresser thing that we bought. He was bugging Hannah as usuall... getting under her skin. Saying he's gonna tickle her and her Mommy can't save her. Hannah would just say, ' my mommy. ' and look at Colin really mean. Then Colin tells her, ' I'm just kidding Hannah. I love you. ' She looks at him and says, ' I not love you Colin. ' and that was it. It's funny that she said it, but she too is getting very sassy. Her and Aurora must be teaching each other. They do play and hang out a lot lately. Hmmm....

>>> No Emma or Logan lately. :(

October 1st, 2004
I haven't been keeping up with my journal lately. I've been a little busy the past few days. On Weds. I gave Aurora some carrots for the 1st time. In a baby food jar of course. She hated them. haha. I didn't think she would be inlove with them, but I didn't think I would get the reactions that I did. At 1st when I gave her a bite she looked at me funny and had her mouth closed very tight with the carrots just sitting in her mouth. Then she swallowed them and I gave her another bite... she spit that bite out. So I tried again and she wouldn't open her mouth for me anymore. I got the hint. We'll try again in a few days. haha. This morning I made her a bowl of cereal. She ate 2 bowls. Right after she finished one she looked at me like... ' that's it?? there's no more?? '... so I made her more and she ate all of it. What a cute little piglet. haha. Well... I'm gonna have to stop typing for a minute or so... Aurora crapped her pants. TBC.... There. Now we both can breathe again. :) Logan and Emma were over yesterday. Logan comes running up to me and says, ' Rachael, Kenny told me he was going to poke my eyeballs out. But I told him I didn't want him to. ' I was like, ' what?? ' I told him to go tell Grandma Pena. And he did. While all the kids were playing toys down stairs I was laying on the couch and Emma came up to me with a little ball and puts it in my hand... then she says...' thank you. ' to me. I smiled. She's a little confused, but she'll get it eventually I'm sure. She's a smart one. Hannahs been watching Dora all morning. Every time Dora asks a question Hannah answers. It's so cute. When Dora says, ' you have to say back pack! ' Hannah yells, ' BACK PACK, BACK PACK!! '. Or when Dora says, ' Will you help me count while I pump up this balloon? ' Hannah will say, ' yes. ' and Dora will follow with a ' great! '. It's funny. Yesterday Grandma Pena, Aurora and I were swinging on the pourch swing and Hannah comes running outside licking her hands and fingers and has white stuff on her shirt... we didn't know what she had gotten into so we asked her what she was eatting... she says, ' mmm, I want more. ' and runs into the kitchen- opens the fridge door and dips her fingers right in Grandpa Penas yogurt! What a goof ball! All the kids are growing up so fast! I can't believe it.

September 22nd, 2004
Today Emma and Logan came over to be baby sat. Right when Emma walked in Hannah ran over to her and said to Logan, " this is my sister. ". I'm sure she did it just to get under his skin. They do that to each other alot. Amazing. Well, Logan ran and told Grandma Pena.... " Emma's my sister. ". I don't know what he was hoping to get out of telling her, but she told him not to start that right away in the morning. Poor kid. Maybe he wanted Grandma Pena to tell him " yes Logan, Emma is your sister. " loud enough for Hannah to hear? Who knows. Whatever it was that he wanted, he didn't get it out of her. Emma was a pretty calm girl today. She just sat around the house not saying anything. I think she was a bit sleepy. She's a sweet heart. Hannah has been ditching her naps lately. She gets so crabby when she doesn't take one, but the second you tell her to she says, " No, I NOT take a nap! ". And there's no use trying to talk her into it because you can't fool her. She's usually ' on top of her game '. haha. Today we went to St. Cloud. We drove by Space Aliens and Hannah screams out, " SPACE ALIENS!!! I wanna go there! ". We were all in shock because she knew that it was Space Aliens and she's only been there twice in her whole life AND no one else said anything about Space Aliens. So we told her that we would go after Grandma Pena got her running around done, but Hannah wanted to go right away. We ended up having to pass by Space Aliens like 3 times before we actually went. Each time Hannah would yell out, " Space Aliens!!! " and Grandma Pena would pass up the turn and say, " Oh shoot, did I miss the turn again?? " Hannah would say yes and Grandma Pena would say, " Okay, let me turn around really quick. ". Such a tricky little Grandma. Then after eating there we were on our way to the car and Hannah says, " I want to eat again!!! ". she didn't want to leave so I guess she thought she might get to stay longer if she eats twice? Silly girl.

September 21st, 2004
Logan and Emma came over today. Emma took a super long nap so she was sleeping most of the time we baby sat. Logan and Hannah were playing toys when I got upstairs. Those two fight over the strangest things! Hannah was playing with some train toy that spits out logs when you press a button and Logan wanted to play with it too.... well, he kept trying to press the button before Hannah did and she would throw a fit and cry. He ended up in the time out chair where Hannah eventually went and sat with him willingly... with out anyone telling her. Rora is in love with Hannah. Everything Hannah does is a riot to Rora. It's so cute. Rora has a runny nose and a cough again. Mom says it's probably allergies. That's no good.
FUNNY, BUT SCARY STORY!! Yesterday I asked my Mom if she had given Rora any tylenol and she said no. So I went in my room and gave her some. Later I asked my Mom if she could watch Rora while I got dressed and she said yes. So I go get dressed and find Rora and my Mom swinging outside on the pourch swing. I sit down and my Mom says, " I gave Rora some tylenol. " I'm like, " WHAT? I already gave her some! " and my Mom is like, " WHAT? ". So she tells me to call a nurse and see if we o.d'd her... I did and the nurse gives me the number for poison control. I was a little freaked out... but when I got the guy on the phone he told me right away that we had nothing to worry about. Since we both only gave her to the 0.4 we actually gave her the right dose with just a little extra, but nothing to worry about since it was such a small amount. Mom and I both felt ALOT better! Rora did get very sleepy though. :)
-Later on.... - Rora is still awake. She usually is in bed right now, but she shows no signs of being tired. She's playing with her feet and looking at me. She's adorable. Uh oh, mood swing, she's crabby now... Maybe sleep is catching up with her? She has kicked out most of her naps durning the day. What a stinker. :)

September 18th, 2004
We went to the Zoo today. The kids (Logan, Hannah, Emma and Aurora) loved it! Hannah used to be scared of the Tigers. She's not anymore. I guess she just thinks of them as big " city kitties " (that's what she calls cats). When Beth found us at the Zoo I looked at Logan and he had a Press On Tattoo!! I bet he'll get some real ones when he gets older, but it was super funny! Colin took Aurora over to see the Big Polar Bear that swims under water. She was more interested in pulling on Emmas pig tales than a huge hairy bear swimming next to the glass in front of her face. What a silly girl. Today while I was packing for the Zoo I was telling Heather that Colin and I planned on going to Albertville after the zoo so we couldn't ride with Mom. Well, Hannah came into the room just as I was saying we're not only going to the zoo. I guess she thought I said, " we're not going to the Zoo. " and she looks at me and says, " We ARE TOO going to the ZOO! ". I looked at her and said, " I know. I'm not only going to the Zoo. I'm also going to Albertville. " She says, " Oh. " and walks off. What a goof.
Yesterday Heather was baby sitting and the kids wanted to play play-do. So while she was getting the stuff ready Hannah stands on a chair and yells, " who wants to play play-do???? " and waits for someone to one did, and so she yells, " I DO!!! " really loud. It was so funny.

September 15th, 2004
Aurora ate cereal today. She used to cry when I gave it to her. But she ate 2 bowls of it today! And she hardly used her hands!! She likes putting her hands in her mouth after taking a bit JUST before I can get the stuff she spits out back on the spoon. What a sweetie pie. Hannah came in bed with me this morning. She called me Grandma once or twice. Tried to lay on me SEVERAL times and when I'd move her off me she'd cry and either say, " SIPPY. " or " I WANT MY GRANDMA! " really loud. I was nervous that she was going to wake up Aurora, but she slept right thru each episode. TBC.... Rora is crying....
Okay... She's drinking a bottle, but I don't know how long that's going to last since it's still like, 2 hours from her bed time. I gave her baby apple juice today for the 1st time. She liked it I think. She didn't really drink much of it, but oh well.
Logan and Emma were over for a little while today... Logan and Hannah were fighting over a ball and Logan was telling Hannah that he was going to pop the ball if he couldn't play with it. There was no way to pop the ball, but Hannah believed him. She was saying, " No Gonan, you not pop the ball! " and Logan would say back while clapping his hands in Hannah's face, " POP! I popped it Hannah! " she'd tell him to go away, but he'd say, " No Hannah, I not go away. "
I made a Pineapple fruit cup today and everytime I'd take a bite Aurora would reach for my cup and make a smacking noise with her mouth... I think she wanted a bite. What a cutie. :)

September 13th, 2004
Rory and I are cleaning our room. She's sitting next to me playing toys and drooling alot. I've decided not to make a tiny section for each kid, but just type it all up at once. It's easier. Heather and Hannah went over to Beth's house to baby sit. Logan and Emma were in church yesterday. Logan was goofing off a little. He was in the Adult service and at one point I looked over at him and I saw Beth hanging Logan almost up side down. I had to go into Nursery cause Aurora started crying. I found Emma in there. She was pushing around a garbage can and occasionally going to the door to look for her Mommy. Emma came and sat next to me. One of the Ladies in there thought Em was mine. I said no and that she was my niece. I guess her and Aurora do look alike. Both have blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
Colleen, Mom, Heather, Hannah, Aurora, and I all went to the cities to go to the good wil on Saturday. On the way home Hannah was singing, " I want a donut. I want a donut. I want a donut. " over and over and over. It was cute. I found out a few days ago that Hannah sings the Jesus Loves Me song, but she makes up her own words...? Or better said... creates her own version...
" Gonan (Logan) loves me this I know for the bible tells me so. " -Hannah Jo. What a goof ball. I also hear that Logan and Hannah were fighting over who's sister Emma was. I guess they were yelling, " She's my sister! " back and forth and then Hannah grabs Emma and shakes her saying, " SHE'S MY SISTER!! ", and Emma starts to cry. Emma was bawling by the time the fighting was stopped. Poor little Emma.

September 3rd, 2004
Aurora is swinging in her Aqua Swing. She's been kinda sick lately. Runny nose. Cough. She just can't seem to shake those things. I think she might have allergies. I hope not. She got a bunch of new toys yesterday. A new walker the plays music and does like, train noises and farm animal sounds. When the farm animal sounds come on she looks around and gets a worried look on her face. Like she's not sure if she should be scared of those or giggle at them. She looks at you like she's looking for your approval to be okay with the sounds. It's funny. She gets so excited over everything lately. Making a loud ' eeeeee ' noise and yelling alot. Some what throwing her arms around. It's cute. She can walk if you hold her under the arm pits. She's smart. :) Hannah is a 2 yr. old going on 15. She likes to wear make up and lip gloss. It was so funny a few days ago. Colleen was over, and well.... me, Collen and Hannah were all down stairs watching TV and Hannah was eating some like, pie or something. Well, her face had gotten sticky from the wipe creamthat was on it. Some how she had gotten a Tavish hair on her chin. I looked at her and said, ' Hannah, you have a hair on your chin. ' she goes, ' What? ' I say again, ' You have a hair on your chin. ' she says (with a very serious face and her head tipped to the side) , ' Where???.... right here???' pointing to the exact spot that the hair was. It was so cute!! Hannah was playing with Colin's guitar yesterday while Colin was at work. I didn't know she was. But when Colin got home and started playing it, it was totally out of tune. So Hannah comes in the room and sees Colin playing with his guitar and so he asks her if she was playing with it.... she says no... some what sneaky like and he says, ' It's okay if you were... I just want to know. '. So then she says, ' yeah, i was. ' he says, ' that's okay. '. So I guess she thought that he meant it was okay to play the guitar when ever she wanted to. I caught her today and she says, ' Colin says it's okay. '. What a silly girl. She does this thing now too when she doesn't like what your saying to her... she says, ' What?? ' in a really high voice over and over and over again. Em and Logan came over for a play day a few days ago. We went to St. Cloud to a park that had these big sprinklers and all the kids (Hannah, Logan and Emma) ran thru them. Logan is starting to be potty trained. He's doing pretty good about telling people when he has to go. So that's good. We also had to watch them while Heather went driving on Weds. Grandma Pena and I had all 4 babies!! It was nuts. Emma kept taking her shoes and socks off everytime we got back in the car. Grandma Pena was getting frustrated with that. Hannah kept telling logan that we were going thru a car wash and I guess Logan doens't like car washes... cause everytime after Hannah would tell him that he would say, ' No, we NOT go to a car wash, Hannah! '. Poor guy. It was funny though.

August 29th, 2004
Aurora rolls over!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I saw Aurora roll from her back to her tummy for the 1st time!!! It was great! She even sometimes sits up with out support now! Not for very long though, but she still does it! I can' believe how fast she's growing up. She's playing under the music/lights thing again... trying to get up. She's so cute!

August 22nd, 2004
Aurora got her 4 mths. shots. She didn't scream or cry as much as last time. I was amazed. She did really good. A few hours after the shots were the tough parts. The she was moody and she hurt. She giggled alot today for her Daddy though when he was playing with her. It's so cute when she gets frustrated with me and he takes her.... she gets super happy and smiles. She's starting to like the car now. Finally. She used to scream everytime she got in the car. It was horrible. Now she goes to sleep or plays with toys. Hannah's Bday was great. She got tons of Dora stuff and lots of kids came over. She's such a cutie. She loved playing with everyone. When it came time to open gifts she wasn't interested. She wanted to continue to play with all the kids that came over. Heather had to open Hannah's gifts for her. It was really funny when it was time to sing Happy Bday to Hannah. She sat at the table and cried when everyone started to sing. Today she picked up the candle that was on her cake (the # 2) and took a big bite out of it. That was pretty funny. Emma and Logan came to the party. I saw Logan drink from a cup for the 1st time. He tips his head to the side so that whatever is in the cup doesn't spill on him if it comes out of his mouth. Only.... it gets on everything else. Goofy kid. Colleen did Emma's hair in pigtales at the party. They were SO cute! She tried to pull them out a million times, but everyone would tell her to leave them alone so she did after awhile. Emma shared some Bday cake with Colin at the party.

August 19th, 2004
I took Aurora with me to my WIC appt. She was such a good girl. Except everytime the woman would start talking to me Aurora would look at her and go, ' ahhhhhhhhhhh. ' in some low grawly voice and she would stop when the woman stop talking to me. It was totally cute. She's sleeping right now. She didn't get much of any nap today. I had to keep waking her up to go places. Hannah didn't potty once in her pants today! Everytime she had to go she told someone. She even held it all the way home from Buffalo. Scott came over today with Adian. He brought Hannah's B-day gift early because they weren't going to be able to make it. She got a Dora back pack. Right away when she took it out of the box she walked away with it and started singing, ' back pack, back pack. ' the song from Dora. It was so cute. I saw Logan and Emma today. Heather baby sat the over here. Logan was busy hiding underthings and playing with his spiderman toy. Emma trampled me today. I thought she was just going to give me a hug, but she ended up knocking me over. She also tried to take food off Hannah's plate from under the table at lunch. All's you could see was Emma's little hand reach from Hannah's plate. The rest of her was hidden under the table. And she did this after she had already ate her own lunch.

August 18th, 2004
Today I learned to multi-task....some what. I took Aurora into the bathroom with me while I showered. She was okay with it at first... just sitting there playing in her walker with some toys I gave her. I had to keep peeking around the curtain though and talking to her so she would smile. At one point I even had to sing her a song! I believe it was ' baby baluga '. The song about the baby whale. She's sleeping now. On Grandpa and Grandma Pena's bed. Today Aurora and I were sitting at the table and I was talking to Mom. All of the sudden Aurora started crying. Turns out she was chewing on her fingers and bit them too hard. Poor baby girl. Hannah is almost totally potty trianed!! She has to go 'potty' 10,000 times a day, but at least she's not going in her pants! She's gone right now with her Mommy shopping. She colored a picture today with Grandma Pena.

August 17th, 2004
Aurora's cold is getting better. Her watery eye is drying up and it's not so pink and puffy anymore! She still has a runny nose and a little cough. But that'll get better soon I'm sure. She's sleeping right now. I hope she gets a good night sleep. She did pretty good last night, but not as good as ususal. Hannah is getting potty trained. She's pretty good at tell Grandma Pena and Mommy when she has to go. She had a few accidents, but she's getting the hang of it. She's a mother hen lately when it comes to Rory. Always wanting to kiss her (or as Hannah would say, ' tiss her ') and hug her. She calls Rory 'punkin'. She's getting so big. > I actually saw one of the Holan kids today! It was Logan and he was peeking out the window when we picked up Hannah today. I didn't see Emma though.
>>> I just remembered a cute thing Hannah did today.... When we were on our way to get her from Auntie Beth's house she kept telling her Mommy, ' Grandma is outside honking for me. ' so when we got to Beth's house Grandma Pena beeped the horn a few times for Hannah. <<<

August 16th, 2004
We had to take Aurora to the Doctor today. She has a runny nose, a watery eye and a tiny cough. The Doctor didn't give us anything for her runny nose or cough. Only eye drops. She turned 4 months yesterday!!!! Hannah's B-day is almost here! Everything DORA! She looks like Dora. Today Heather had her posing for pictures all super cute. It was adorable. She's such a smarty pants. Beth came and picked up Heather and Hannah. They went shopping for stuff for Hannah's party. >>> No logan or Emma for a while. >>> Yesterday we all went to Munsinger Gardens. It was Hannah and Rory's first time. <<<

August 11th, 2004
Aurora is playing under a music/lights thing. She's starting to crab cause I'm not looking at her. Okay, I picked her up. She's sitting between my legs now. Her shots are coming up again. I hate going to those things. It makes me feel bad to see her in pain. She's 4 months in 4 days. She gets cereal soon! I can't wait to see her reaction to it!!! Hannah is down stairs with her Mommy. She went to play with Logan and Emma today while Grandma Pena and Heather (her Mommy) went to help Uncle Scott paint his new house. She called Heather while they were painting and told her she was playing dolls in the play house and that Heather needed to hurry up and come home. Hannah is trying to chew an eraser off the end of a pencil. Grandma Pena told her not to, but she's still doing it. She was just arguing with Grandma Pena over the phone. Telling Grandma that it was hers (Hannah's). What a silly girl. > I haven't seen Logan or Emma today. But I'm sure they are both doing something super cute.

August 5th, 2004
Aurora got up at 5:30 am! She was wide awake until 6 am! Then fell back asleep until 10 am. She's swinging right now. Watching me. We're going with Grandma Pena to Wal-Mart today. ---SAME DAY--- Rory is taking a nap. She's been super crabby and needs sleep. I hope she takes a long nap so that she's not mean when she gets up.

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