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Msn Nicks

I don't want some...I want the whole damn thing! It's not that I'm antisocial, I just don't like you. *.¸¸.•´¨`»*.¸¸.•´¨`»*.¸¸.•´¨`»*.¸¸.•´¨`»*.¸¸.•´¨`»* Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect! I'm not here right now but if you scream really loud into your monitor I might be able to hear you! Has your mind ever just gone blank? Well sometimes that happens to me and...WHAT? What was I talking about? My mind just went blank. Did you know by reading this you have wasted 14 seconds of your life? Life is like toilet paper, the shorter the roll gets the faster is goes. So use each little square all ya can. There are to many wishing stars in the sky so why isn't mine working? My dress would look great on ur bedroom floor!! ;) I'm looking for as much trouble as possible. Can you get me in some? Talk to my ass cause my head is tired of listening First a fire, then flame...I'm a girl no guy can tame! I love everyone...except you...or you...ew especially you...Not you either...but I do love ME! I love everyone...except you...or you...ew especially you...Not you either...but I do love YOU! God made the land, god made the sea, god needed a princess so he made me! Pardon me while I burst into flames.........I'm tried of this world. If I kiss him will he stop talking? ~Rosez r red Violetz r blu Suga iz sweet but revenge iz 2~ i WeNt FrOm CaNdY aNd ToYz 2 CeLlPhOnEz AnD bOyZ You! off my planet hE lUVs Me LUvS mE nOt ; If He DoEsNt He JuSt BrOkE mY hEaRt!!!!!!! Love is like money, everyone wants it, its great when you have it, but it disappears really fast! 2hot2hold2much2handle why are you red and surrounded by fire oops i got you confused with the deman tormented by my beauty? ICE QUEEN I dont have an Attitude Problem...Its supposed to be like this :) a break up is like a broken mirror.. it is better to leave it broken than hurt urself trying to fix it back together Bassically don't stress ME..U can't Impress ME..I ain't a tease..I'm just a reminder of what u can't please! Whoever said that money can't buy happyness, anit been shoppin at the right malls~! Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be? DONT HATE ME BECASUE IM BEAUTFUL HATE ME BECAUSE YOUR MAN THINKS I AM I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!! Roses are red violets are blue god made me pretty what happened to you? I'm Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most, Yet wanted by plenty )*º¤Åi§hź¤*(R) (R) Chåtåwå¥ (R) (K)«¤ßõÖt¥¤£iCiõüS¤»(K) (*)º¤Åñgël¤º´ê¥ê§¤(*) (L)¤ßaßý GÄÑg§tꮤ(L) (R)«¤ÐãNcE¤4¤£iFe¤»(R) (*)BaB¥ * BLuë * ë¥e§ (*) (F)~*©ðttðñ Ǫñd¥¤*~ (F) (R)··©ùs±øm··MåÐê··Bãbè·· (R) (*)«ª¨Ðöggÿ^§týÏ訪»(*) (A)*DåRk~ÃñGëL*(A) ±ºÅçìd Fâìr¥º± ~*ErOtiC@*~ ¿?çãñÜh@ñdÎëMÊ¿? *×*ßôÖ±ÿ-Fµ£*×* ö«_ºßäߥ_Ðëvilº_»ö ¿?***ßrøwñ Èÿé§***¿? ×Çhð¢ôlåtê××Kî§§× «¤*°©útíepÎe°*¤» ¤ß®ókéñ Hèå®t¤ ¿¤~*Å£kåHø•îK*~¤? ~¤ßåߥÇ}{î¢K¤~ ¢ä()\()d¥ ä$§ ~*ßûttê®f£¥*~ .·°*¤Ä££ï§öñ¤*°·. .·°*¤B壣ïñ’ öñ å büdg豤*°·. »º«¢å®åm裻º« »º«åf®ö å§hlè¥ Pööh»º« º°¤³êÿê ¢äñÐÿ³¤°º ³°°¹ßüßߣê güm ߣöwöü±¹°°³ (6)¢ü±ë ä§ h룣 hö± ä§ hëävëñ(A)« *ø¤º°`°º¤ø,*(R)(A)ßEåÜtiFÜL_AnGÈL(A)(R)*ø¤º°`°º¤ø,* ¤¢£õThê$ ÂñÐ MÅkëüp ßõÿs & £ì매 ¤cûtië¥_¥prïnce§s¤ *¤*.¸¸.·´¤ÅñG룤fåÇè¤`·.¸¸.*¤* (s)~°¤ßåݤ ßëë¤ Ðø££¤°~.(s) »»»»»Çro§§ ¥à Hëã®+ ÅñÐ høë Tö Ðîê««««« ¤«°»[]D£å¥èttê«°»¤ ~(u)~¤Da TrU PiMpEtTe¤~(u)~ ¤«°»¤Ê×Þîê®ëñ¢èÐ(U)[]D£å¥ètt꤫°»¤ °¤Ðøþëÿ¤° ~ßüïlÐ å ß®ìÐgë & Gêt Øvë® ît~ (s)~°¤ßåݤ ßëë¤ Ðø££¤°~.(s) ?¿¤~°~¤¿Bounce¿¤~°~¤¿? (*)~¤«B.E.A.U.T.Y»¤~(*) (L)°*¤Bï±ê Më¤*°(l) (*) ~«¤ÐïåmôñФ«~ (*) .:(k)ÐowN AsS ChicK(k):. :@ *¤°~Bå©k Øff~°*¤ :@ (A)Åñgê£ Fåcê(A) :@ »*°Çåü±ïôn¤ï'm¤Mêñ±å£°*» :@ «…:¤¨¨¤:…Ãñgêl…:¤¨¨¤:…» (R).·°*¤ßåßÿ gﮣ¤*°·.(R) .·°*¤Ç®ãÇkbãbÿ¤*°·. (*).·°*¤»Çãñdÿ Bãb껤*°·.(*) (*)«ª¨Ðöggÿ^§týÏ訪» (*) .·°¤~»§hõpãhõ£ÏÇ»~¤°·. (*).·°*¤§hôót Fø® Thê §t⮧¤*°.·(*) (*) *$hOoT|nG $T@R* (*) (R)(L).·°*¤»§hô®t ßü± §wêê±»¤*°·.(L)(R) ($$)*#1§hò®t¥*($$) (*)§h@kE-y@-§h|My (*) ($$)*#1§hò®t¥*($$) ¤°»(K)§hût ûP ÅñÐ K裏 Mê!(K)«¤° (*).....::::¤§hût û® Møuth¤::::.....(*) :P (K)(¯`·._)§iñglê, §êxy ñ §wêêt(¯`·._)(K) (*)°°*¤§kådåzz£ê¤*°°(*) (K)(¯`·._)§kåñky(¯`·._)(K) ;)°*»--»§kå±ê®~¤~Wåññåbê»--»*° ;) ?¿!¡¤§kïppÿ¤¡!¿? ˆ¨¤sLåÞ MûH ÃsS¤¨ˆ (R)°¤§LëëpLëss~Юëãm뮤°(R) (*)---¤§£ïM§[¦]ÅÐ¥¤---(*) (K)»--»§£u±«--«(K) (K)(¯`·._)§£¥(¯`·._)(K) (*).....::::¤§mã®t A§§¤::::.....(*) (*)*¤*§mã®±*B£øñdê*¤*(*) (*)---¤§mã§hiñg¤---(*) :) $m!|£ê :) :) *~§M|Lê -B- hApP¥*~ :) ¿°§nøW_ÅnGël°¿ (*)..:§nøW F£ãkE:..(*) (*)(¯`·._)§ôftb㣣 Chick(¯`·._)(*) »--»¿?*§ômèønë P£z TâLk 2 Më*¿?«--« (*)·´`·.¸.»§ø©©êr rø©k§·´`·.¸.»(*) (*) ¤º»§nøw¤Flãm뫺¤ (*) (*).·°*¤»§påñï§h Gåñg§±å.·°*¤»(*) (L)(¯`·._)§påñk Mê(¯`·._)(K) (*)·´`·.¸.»§pørt Ru£ê§·´`·.¸.»(*) (*).o0 §pø®t¥ 0o.(*) (*).·.·.·*¤§puñk¥¤*·.·.·. (*) (*) .·~»¤°§±å®®¥ ¤ ê¥êd°¤«~.· (*) (R)(¨`v´¨)§ t ® å w b é ® ® ¥(¨`v´¨)(R) (*).·.·.·*¤§t®åwbérr¥ P®inç駧¤*·.·.·. (*) (L)(¯`·._)§t®ippé®(¯`·._)(L) :P§tüpïd Gü¥§ §ück:P (*)»--»*¤§ugå¤*»--»(*) (*) ·.·.·*¤§ugå P®ïÑç駧¤*·.·.· (*) (R)(¨`v´¨)§ugå Sugå(¨`v´¨)(R) (*)·.·.·*¤§ügå(r)§±å®¤*·.·.· (*) :( 0.o°§üïcïd声o.0 :( ~*^(S)(*)¤§úmmê® £ùvîñ¤(*)(S)^*~, ~¤§uѧ}-{iñê¤~ (#)»--»§üpå Høt»--»(#) (*)·.·.·.·.·*¤§üpå §t室*·.·.·.·.· (*) (R)(*).·°*¤§üpê® Mød꣤*°·.(*)(R) »--»¤§üpê® Ug£¥¤»--» :P (¨`v´¨)§üpê® Wømãn(¨`v´¨) (*)~°¤§uñ K裏ëФ°~(*) :) ·.·.·§ugâ® ñ §piÇë·.·. :) (R).·°*¤§ügã® P£üm¤*°·.(R) (#)§üñ§híñê §±ä®(*) (R)¤¨¨¤§wéèt ⧠⠧t®åwbérr¥¤¨¨¤(r) (R)¤ø»°§wêê± £ï£ pwïñ¢ë§§°«¤ø(R) (L).·°*¤»§wéèt Êššéñç껤*°·. (L) (*).·´¸.·´¨§wêê± ©hêêkz.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (R)¤¨¨¤§wêê± ©hî©k¥¤¨¨¤(r) (*)::¤*§wëéT~HëÅ®T*¤::(*) Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. If life gives you lemons, throw them at some one! Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. Repetition is a sign of stupidity. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. When all is said and done more is said than done. I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect! I wish I were you so I could be friends with me. I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other, and when I am alone I am together. I'm not here right now but if you scream really loud into your monitor I might be able to hear you! Has your mind ever just gone blank? Well sometimes that happens to me and...WHAT? What was I talking about? My mind just went blank. Help!Ican'tfindthespacebar! Sory speelcheck isnt werking so my speling isnt tew goed... Did you know by reading this you have wasted 14 seconds of your life? Don't Worry!, I dont know where I am either. I'm lost. I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, please ask me to wait. Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. The latest survey shows that three out of four people make up 75% of the population. People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs. I do what my cheerios tell me. Ahhh! MOO! The evil cows are attacking me! MOO! Can't you hear them?! MOOOOOOO! Ah make it stop! MOOMY!!!!!!! I'm having a staring contest with my monitor. I hope your life is like toilet paper, long and useful. Ever stop to think and forget to start again? Learn from yesterday, live for today, party tomorrow. *.¸¸.·´¨`»*.¸¸.·´¨`»*.¸¸.·´¨`»*.¸¸.·´¨`»*.¸¸.·´¨`»* I guess I shoudn't have taken the blue pills with the pink pills with the green pills with the purple pills with the orange pills. Live everyday of your life like your ass is on fire! Life is like toilet paper, the shorter the roll gets the faster is goes. So use each little square all ya can. There are to many wishing stars in the sky so why isn't mine working? My T-shirt would look great on your bedroom floor! I'm looking for as much trouble as possible. Can you get me in some? Talk to my ass cause my head is tired of listening! Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poisen in me. I'm the sweetest thang you'll ever know, so baby don't ever let me go. Strong enough for a man, made for a woman. I never thought that I could want someone so much... Today is not my day, cause the sun just won't shine my way. Let all your guys be AMERICAN but all your kisses FRENCH. First a fire, then flame...I'm a girl no guy can tame! Every girl wants one guys to meet her needs, but aevery guys wants all the girls to meet his one need. It's not cheating if you like what you get. I love everyone...except you...or you...ew especially you...Not you either...but I do love ME! I love everyone...except you...or you...ew especially you...Not you either...but I do love YOU! Don't kiss at the garden gate, for love is blind but neighbors aint! Heaven won't take me, and Hell is afraid I'll take over. God made the land, god made the sea, god needed a princess so he made me! All My Life I Prayed For Someone Like You , And I Thank God That I Finally Found You You have to kiss alot of toads before you get your prince charming. Pardon me while I burst into flames.........I'm tried of this world. *Sometimes I dream about being caried off by a big giant squirrel. Does that make me a nut?* I thought that U+ME=Never, but it turned out that it meant 4ever u kno what? u need to call 1-800 get-a-life and stop revolving around mine! If I kiss him will he stop talking? Why do free thinkers all think alike? ~Rosez r red Violetz r blu Suga iz sweet but revenge iz 2~ Do you come with a instruction manual cuz ur confussin me! Women are stupider than men, because we date them. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. Does the noise inside my head bother you? i WeNt FrOm CaNdY aNd ToYz 2 CeLlPhOnEz AnD bOyZ You! off my planet I love not being you :) did u know ur smart? smart as a cucumber on wheels! If you're going my way, I'll walk with you. Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be? No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry. Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts! Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world DONT HATE ME BECASUE IM BEAUTFUL HATE ME BECAUSE YOUR MAN THINKS I AM DONT SAY YOU LOVE ME UNLESS U REALLY MEAN IT, CUZ I MIGHT DO SOMETHING CRAZY LIKE BELIEVE IT When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you whats betta? a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear? Last night I looked up at the stars And matched each one with a reason why I love you I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars A KISS BLOWN IS A KISS WASTED THE ONLY REALY KINDA KISS IS A KISS TASTED a peach is a peach a plum is a plum a kiss isnt a kiss without some tongue milk does the body good but DAMN how much did you drink? Loving *U* is like can i stop I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOeSn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD NeVer SaY GoOdByE A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ... Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart you can take it; just don't break it or my world will fall apart God made elks, god made deers,God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS "Guys are like slinkies. It's always fun to watch them fall down the stairs." "If love isn't a game, then why are there so many players?" "Last night, I was looking at the stars and I was wondering... Where the heck is my ceiling?!" "Love is like sand. If you hold on to it too tight, it might slip away." "Friends are like stars, they come and go. But the ones that stay are the ones that glow." "REMINDER: Hating me won't make you pretty!" "The voices in my head don't like you." "You're a smart cookie... You're just lacking the chocolate chips." "Smiles and tears. Giggles and laughs. Late night calls and cute photographs. I'll be there for you till the day of my death. Best friends forever, till my very last breath." "(Name) is slower then a herd of turtles stampeding through peanutbutter." "Its funny how a heart is two tear drops upside down." "Love will die if held too tightly. Love will fly if held too lightly." x*x*x*k|Ss-N-TeLl*x*x*x (8)~:D :O Câñ'± ±õuch Di§ :O :D~(8) (R).·°*¤»£ï£ M裏 ñåügh±ÿ»¤*°·.(R) (L)-- HõRñY-D£V|L -- (L) -B@d G|Rl- (R) BrIñG_iT_oñ (R) (*) *$hOoT|nG $T@R* (*) (*).:ø¤º°`I (L)¢h®Ï§'°º¤ø:. (*) (R).·°*¤»bêÇÇã(R).·°*¤» ¤*°·.Bõÿ§ £Ïê, Bõÿ§ Chêã†, †hê wõ®£Ð wõu£Ð bê bê††ê® wφhõu† †hêm!¤*°·. ReAlItY_Is_CaUsEd_By_LaCk_Of_AlCoHoL (A)*¤Thèy ÑèVèR sUsPëcT +Hë iNnÔcëN+ òNë¤*(A) Łŏvĕ ĩŝ łıķé ŧħë ŵĭňđ, ỷợự Çäń'ŧ Şĕĕ iŧ ßuŧ ŷŏu çåń ƒěěł ĭť I might kiss you, I might be bad at it, that's not possible ǐŧ ǎľľ çÒmèş ďÔŵń ŧø ŵħó'ŝ ßŷ ŷøǘř şıđè It's gonna be love (l) Someday We'll Know You're her miracle (a) Promise you won't fall in love with me I have my beliefs I have faith, but don't you? tHiS iSiNt A hOmE sWeEt HoMe sWeEt HoMe So AdJuSt (A)(¨`v´¨)åu§§ie ånge£ §h宣ene(¨`v´¨)(A) (r)(¨`v´¨)JIU£Iê §Uåñ N ñY®IX Bê§T På£Z 4 êVå(¨`v´¨)(r) (*)»--»§k8® F®êåk»--»(*) (*)(¨`v´¨)Båmbi hø£idåy pørñ §upå §tår(¨`v´¨)(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Vø££êyb壣 Chicå¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤£ø£itø Gøthy¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤§têphåniê håtê§ u¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (L)¤¨¨¤Wê'rê ñøt lê§biåñ§ wê ju§t (L) êåch øth夨¨¤(L) (*)¤¨¨¤êmyz_@_dråm@_quêêñ¤¨¨¤(*) (*)¤¨¨¤Cåñådiåñ §hørty'§ kick姧¤¨¨¤(*) (R)......:::::êmmå, 5 §tickꮧ måx:::::......(R) (*)»--»Uñclê Bøb: HIII DøG!»--»(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Bêcki-Bøø¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Cøugår§ ® #1¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Mêg, wåt cølør ® u® §høê§?¿¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (R)·:*:·Mått, åñdrêw, Kåth®yñ & Dåñiêllê ® my bff'§ 4 lifê·:*:·(R) ......:::::§hmêågle i§ thê dudlie§t dudê in då wø®ld:::::......:P (R).·*´¯`v´¯`*·.Vickiê & £åurêñ = Be§t F®iêñd§ 4 êvå.·*´¯`v´¯`*·.(R) (R)·:*:·Yê® Måw øñ it?·:*:·(R) (R)·:*:·Dønt bê jêåløu§ øf Zåhrå, bê jêåløu§ øf høw §hê løøk§!·:*:·(R) ¤¨¨¤Jøcê£yn thiñks Da£ê'§ å qt¤¨¨¤ (L)¤¨¨¤Yøgê§h iz miñꤨ¨¤(L) (R)¤¨¨¤§høøñê, Cåñdy & £åu®y ® bêstê§t f®iênd§ 4 £ifꤨ¨¤(R) ¤¨¨¤i håvê å fêåthê® håt 4 2c¤¨¨¤ (*)¤¨¨¤Dizzy Dø®å¤¨¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤K4¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Må§himørê¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)*¤Mr ênê®gizê® Buññy¤*(*) (R)·:*:·wa±ch øut jañêy ïm cumïñ·:*:·(R) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Pïmp Juïcê¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (*)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤§rø±y Chïck¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(*) (K)¤Gød madê cøkê, gød madê pêp§ï, gød madê Matt §ø damñ §êxy¤(K) (6)·:*:·Røxdê£ø·:*:·(6) (*)·:*:·wên gød madê mên §hê wa§ øn£y tê§ting·:*:·(*) (*)·:*:·My Bê§t friênd i§ Ja§minê·:*:·(*) (K)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤Måriåñ i§ thê høttê§t¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(K) (R)·:*:·Kêlchêê§ê Røx·:*:·(R) (*)·:*:·Kårå Røx Thê Wørld·:*:·(*) ¸.·´¸.·´¨¤(L)Mi§§y_mê£_wit_døub£ê_£(L)¸.·´¸.·´¨¤ (R).·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸Gêt Bêttê® Kå®mêñ.·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸(R) (*)*·-·´¯`·-»®yåñ ®øx«-·´¯`·-·*(*) (R)·:*:·Pøtåtø Gu®£·:*:·(R) (*)*·-·´¯`·-»Kit Kåt ®øx ur jøck§«-·´¯`·-·*(*) (K)·:*:·B®åd i§ thê høttê§t guy iñ thê wørld·:*:·(K) (*)*·-·´¯`·-»£i£ Kink«-·´¯`·-·*(*) (*)·:*:·Påpå §tøvê®·:*:·(*) (R).·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸B£iñg B£iñg.·*´¯`v´¯`*·.¸¸(R) (*)»--»Kïñgå»--»(*) we r all human beens