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All about Kay
Wednesday, 12 October 2005
New Words!
Mood:  happy

Kay has a bunch of new words she says. She says:
"wake up"..."poopie"..."now"(When she says that she points her finger) "pop"... "are you okay"..."there there"... and many more!

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 1:34 AM EDT
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Friday, 7 October 2005
Katelynn's Halloween Costume
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Announcements

This is Kay's costume! It is going to be soo cute. We plan on taking her trick or treating.
On another note it is getting really cold out.. brrr! Today she wore her purple winter jacket and was real cute.

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 12:15 AM EDT
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Sunday, 25 September 2005
Rainy Day
Mood:  lazy

Those pics are the cutiest!!!!

Today is a rainey day, dark and cold. Kay is jumping arround, so we are going to take her outside for a little walk before it starts to rain again. Maybe walk to the store and get her a treat.She loves to go outside, she gets soo cooped up indoors.She looks soo cute in her my little pony outfit, with her little shoes. I think kids clothes are soo cute. I will write more later.

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 2:28 PM EDT
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Friday, 23 September 2005
Mood:  silly
Kay's new word is "pop".It all started with me saying kay if you can say pop you can have a drink. Well the next day she said it and I gave her a sip. Now everytime I have a pop.. all she can say is pop.When she sees pop she says pop and expects to get a drink, its actually kinda cute. Its really cool that she knows what it is and if she says pop, we know what it is. That must be cool for her too. I am proud whenever she says a new word, and thats why i share it. I have one smart little girl

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 11:25 PM EDT
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Katelynn's day!
Mood:  party time!
Kay had a good day today. We went all over today and she had fun. She had a little temper tantrom in the gas station because she couldn't knock over everything. But, then she calmed down. She took a nap today and ate a lot! She tried to use the potty today and didnt go at all =( We will try again tomorrow. She played outside a little too. All and all today was a good day for her.

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 9:04 PM EDT
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Kay is soo funny
Mood:  happy
Kay finally used the potty and she was soo proud of herself. She said good girl and all. Im gonna keep working on the potty thing, she will get it

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 12:04 AM EDT
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Thursday, 22 September 2005
Mood:  energetic

We all know Katelynn loves tigger or as she calls him "t-t". She is going to be him for Holloween thanks to grandma (who got the costume) Katelynn loves tigger soo much, she will drag him all over. One time she took him in the tub and then when he was all wet, she wanted to drag him arround the house. I then had to take him and put him in the dryer, she wasn't happy about that. Now days she has a new freind too, her pooh. The one grandma got her that talks, she likes him a lot. She will lay him down and cover him up and then sence it talks she will hold up the hand where you sqeeze him to make him talk..and say here you go. You press the button and when he stops she will say it again.. here you go.. and it goes on forever! So I think pooh is her new, but tigger is always her favorite. She also has a doll, but lately that doll has been in the doll house, maybe Kay is mad at her and put her in time out.

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 8:25 PM EDT
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Times goes by too fast
Mood:  happy
Topic: Memories
Link to Photo Album Lots of cute pics

I was just thinking about how fast the time has gone by. Just yesterday she was born and a tiny little baby. Now she is so independent and a little person. How fast the time goes by... soon she will go to kindergarten. I can't imagine my life without her, she has braught so much joy and laughter to my life, she is so very special to me. I still remember how happy I was the day she was born, and I am still that happy everyday that I see her. She grows each day and learns new things and im so proud of her. I am so happy that shes my daughter.

Posted by mn3/misskaythecutie at 8:03 PM EDT
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