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Volunteers Needed
Welcome to the Home Page for Laura Streeter Hoffmann


Contact Information
(763) 427-6429

(763) 227-5597

Monetary Donations
can be made at:

21st Century Bank
(all locations).
Checks should be made to Hot Tamales.

Bank phone numbers:

Ham Lake location: (763) 434-2178

Blaine locations:
(763) 754-2178 or

Welcome to the home page for Laura Streeter Hoffmann. On this site you will find information on Laura and her progress against Takayasu's Arteritis as well as her progress in rehabilitation as a result of her two strokes. You will also find links to information about the disease, information on benefit events to help support Laura and her family, opportunites for you to help, and contact information.

The Silent Auction event is drawing near and we are very excited about the items that will be offered for auction! Click here to take a peak at some of the items that will be available. Also, volunteers are needed to help at the auction. Please contact Sue at (763) 427-6429 or Daniels at (763) 227-5597 if you can help in any way. Click on the Volunteers Needed link in the upper left for more information.

How is Laura doing? She has made remarkable progress! She is a beautiful and spirited person who has worked very hard in rehabilitation and is now walking again! She is also using her right arm. Everyone is very thankful for this progress and all the support from family and friends and others who have shown their support. Thank you!

Laura started experiencing symptoms in the Summer of 2000 and after many trips to the doctors she was finally correctly diagnosed
in March of 2001 with Takayasu's Arteritis. Since that time she has made numerous trips to the Mayo Clinic and has undergone two bypass surgeries, as well as angioplasty procedures. After her latest surgery (a patch) in February of 2002, Laura suffered two separate strokes within one week of each other, leaving her right side partially paralyzed.

Through much of this, and presently, Laura has been unable to work and contribute to her family financially. Laura's husband, Boyd, has also missed much work as he has been with Laura for all of her surgeries and has been very active in her care. Much of Laura's treatment has not been fully covered by insurance and they now face enormous medical bills as well as trying to keep up on house payments and other household costs that come with raising three boys. Laura has been denied long-term disability.

Laura, Boyd (back), Justin (being
held by Laura), Brandon (left), and Tyler (right)

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