





A commission from the Character Exchange. I chose to draw Alri because I loved her kick-ass attitude and her funky hair.


I am sorry to say I have completely forgotten the name of this character, though she is yet another Character Exchange commission.

Ride Into Darkness

Commission for Leuke's fan fiction "Hope Springs Eternal". Leuke drew this herself, I just coloured it in Photoshop using an under-painting method I had not tried before. Hades has invited young Persephone to his own personal Underworld.

Love And Worship

Same thing. Hades and Persephone *ahem* consumating their relationship. Rated R for sexual situation.

First Kiss

Exactly what it says. *grin* Hades and Persephone on their first date with their first kiss. Ain't they sweet?

Bishi Legolas

NOT drawn by me. This is the work of the illustrious Saimain. Let's face it, Legolas is the girliest of the LOTR guys... and he makes such an adorable bishi. This was originally a finished b/w drawing. I just coloured it.

Persephone Dancing

More stuff drawn my Leuke and coloured by me! This is Persephone dancing in her own little grove... which is one of the first views poor dumbstruck Hades ever gets of her. Small wonder he swept her off her feet, eh?


'Nother R-rated piece for implied nudity. Persephone has just woken up after a night's worth of passion spent in Hades' arms.

PowerPuff Girls As Teens

Exactly what it sounds like. Anime-like versions of Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup drawn by GreatLP on deviantart. I coloured it in Photoshop.

Trio of Trouble

Drawn and coloured for the sickeningly talented Snapesnogger. These are her characters; Wyvern, Gato, and Steli.


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