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Folding Wontons
Basic Shape
Moisten edges of the wonton wrapper with water.  Place a teaspoon of filling in the center of the wonton wrapper and fold in half, into triangle shape.  Press edges to seal.

basic wonton.jpg (37112 bytes)

More Elaborate Shape
1.   Place the wonton wrapper in front of you so it forms a diamond shape.  Moisten the bottom edges of the wonton wrapper with water.  Place a teaspoon of filling in the center of the wonton wrapper.
wonton1.jpg (27624 bytes)
2.    Fold bottom corner of the wonton wrapper up, making a rough triangle shape, but do not make the bottom and top points meet.  Instead, seal the bottom point to the wonton wrapper a short distance below the top point.
wonton2.jpg (48930 bytes)
3.    Bring the side points of the triangle down so they overlap, and seal together.
wonton3.jpg (69138 bytes)