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The Amazing Iowa Adventure


Kate and Lupe on the bus, with a latte in a bottle
Noelle and Hannah on the bus
Hannah in the Jimmy John's being weird
Noelle at Jimmy John's
David with his hat tied in a bonnet
David again
Kate and Lupe at the Stormcenter (Dean campaign headquarters) with Dean hats
Again, Kate and Lupe at the Stormcenter
Kate and Lupe freezing to death canvassing for Dean
Kate, Lupe and Noelle at the diner
David, Nathanial and Maddie at the diner
Noelle's intelligent moment
Noelle and Lupe knitting, with Sam, in the Holiday Inn
Hannah in the lobby of the Holiday Inn
Sasha and Libby
Very bad photo of John Edwards
John Edwards
John Edwards again
Tom, Ben and Alex stole a giant John Edwards sign
Tom and Ben posing with the John Edwards sign
Some of the interesting folks from the Kucinich campaign
Really terrible shot of Dennis Kucinich
The governor of Iowa signing the Martin Luther King Jr. Day proclamation thing
A really good speaker who was at the MLK memorial. GregAlan something...
Kate, Hannah, and this awesome hippy guy Brian who worked for the Kucinich campaign, after canvassing door-to-door
Hannah's butt supports Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich again
The Dream Team
Hannah, Noelle, Lupe and Kate at the Kucinich campaign party
Kate and Congressman Kucinich
Lupe on the bus home
Noelle on the bus home
Mr. Graham, who coordinated the trip
Maddie on the bus
David strikes an intellectual pose