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The Froderman Family Web Site

This page and all the other on my site are a work in progress. Check back soon!

Alexis page 1
Alexis page 2
David and Chey 1
All of us... 1
All of us... 2
Mothering: A personal view
My Personal BF experiences
Breastfeeding Links: included, WHO, AAP,FDA
Timeline of my family *in progress*
Hathor the Cowgoddess!
Why NOT formula
Women's breasts are not a crime
Current Events:Pill to be sold OTC

This is my first attempt at a web page, so bear with me! I have posted several pics of my family here, so that my family and friends may see them. However the main reason that I have begun this page is that I want to be another voice to support the breastfeeding community in the United States. I have BF all three of my children, and suffered the stares and uninformed attitudes of our culture. So I am now going to spread some information to help fight them!

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This I'm a breastfed kid site
is owned by Jen Froderman

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Breast is Best!

My top three reasons to breastfeed
