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Last Updated: February 15, 2003

Well here it is people, the shortest possible summary I could come up with for what we've done so far.

Please don't use this as the only source you get your briefing from... there are plenty of important details that are mentioned in the game histories that didn't make it here.

The North

- summary by Wendi and Aron -

Our first dealings in the area of Moonwood and Silverymoon had to do with the kidnapping of six sun elf rangers who were formerly protecting the logging town of Quaervaar. We eventually found the sun elves in the process of being transformed mated with demons to produce elf-demon spawn, who would be incredibly adept at magic. We destroyed the kidnappers, themselves elf-demons named Fey'ri, and examined the lair. The location of the 'demonizing' was in an underground series of tunnels to the north-west of Quaervaar, seemingly constructed by dwarves but occupied by copious amounts of ancient elven artifacts, all left over from times long passed. A lot of elven furniture occupied the rooms, as did ancient texts (magical and otherwise) and some finely crafted items and weapons which we took.

Some of the items we had procured were severely tainted with evil, and had to be delivered to the Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon in person to ensure that they id not fall into the wrong hands. There we found our next mission, which was to investigate a troll problem in a small town named Leaningstone, north and east of Silverymoon.

On our way to Leaningstone, we followed a circling of crows to come across a valley with about 12 dead men in it, stripped of their armor and weapons. Their horses had also been murdered. As we stood contemplating their deaths, we were ambushed by a group of ogres, orcs, and two hill giants. We defeated the ogre mages, giants, and the rest of the assault with some difficulty. After the battle we found a disturbing note on an orc captain that said something about the banner of an old orc leader of the past flying again. Leaving the valley, a message was delivered to us by means of an arrow imbedding into one of our mages backs carrying a note with another disturbing message: "I am watching you... I have been, this whole time..."

In Leaningstone, we arrived to find a vacant town. There were no clues as to what had happened to its former occupants, except bloodstains and troll-claw gashes on the floor of the mayor's house (probably from the murder of the mayor). In the town itself (which only consisted of 3 buildings) we encountered three trolls, all of which we destroyed. We could still hear strange troll-like noises in the distance though we could not see them. With no signs of human life in the town and no desire to fight any more trolls after our damage taken, we returned to Silverymoon.

Rumors of lycanthropes in Quaervaar led us back to the woodland community. We resided mainly at the Whistling Stag Inn when we were in town, and were hired out by the local druids from the nearby Oak House to investigate the severity of the threats from the were-creatures. Citizens of Quaervaar became quite worried as some of their woodcutters were being hunted and murdered by small bands of lycanthropes, anything from were-wolves, rats, and badgers. It became quite clear that unlike some of the more peaceful were-creatures who had come to the wood seeking solitude, these wanted all non-lycanthropes out of the Moonwood, seen as their territory. Confrontation came when Gaerran and Jarthon were discovered in the Whistling Stag Inn discussing an upcoming raid on a weapons shipment from Sundabar. Jarthon turned out to be one of the leaders of a local tribe of lycanthropes called the Claw Hollow tribe. He escaped the confrontation that ensued, but Gaerran was temporarily imprisoned and questioned.

We discovered that these lycanthropes so bent on destruction were worshipers of Malar. A few of us followed and tracked the creatures to their camps and scouted their lairs out, giving us a rough estimate of their numbers... Totaling approximately 90, things didn't look good for Quaervaar.

A mysterious woman, Tajcha (who we later came to know as a SilverStar), appeared, and warned us of the attack that was to come. A messenger, sent to Silverymoon with a request for aid, was denied. Tajcha turned out to be on the side of the peaceful were-creatures, who opposed the Malar-worshipers, being a worshipper of Selune and a protector of lawful lycanthropes. After Tajcha shared with us a prophecy she had received she bid us to prepare the town of Quaervaar and ourselves for battle. We did so, and got a little more than we expected. While the remaining townsfolk and Tajcha's companions battled the lycanthropes, our group battled an assemblage of 12 Malar and Cyric worshipers away from the main battle. More notably among them was a Tenar'ri, two powerful priests (one of Cyric, the other of Malar), and a Spurlord of Cyric. All but the Spurlord and two mages were killed in the battle, leaving the commanders of 3 tribes of lycanthropes (the Claw Hollow tribe, the White Paw tribe, and the Blood Tusk tribe) dead at our feet, including Jarthon. The remainders fled, although not in fear. Quaervaar still stood, but not without heavy casualties, having lost over 70 of its defenders, including the head druid Amara.

Because of the denial of aid from Silverymoon, Quaervaar decided to break its ties with the Alliance of the Silver Marches.

On a solo journey from Quaervaar to Silverymoon, delivering the message of dissolution of union, Kratz was assaulted by a priestess of Auril and an elemental savant. The priestess evoked a rotting disease on him in battle and the savant placed a curse on him. He barely survived the encounter, having won freedom by barely gaining control of himself after being immobilized by a hold spell.

Alustriel, Lady of Silverymoon, insisted that no messenger had come to her from Quaervaar. Furthermore, she expressed that the need was indeed great enough to warrant aid. She was also surprised and horrified by the closeness in proximity of worshipers of Auril to Silverymoon. Puzzled by the events, she consulted our group, asking us all we knew about the recent events of the area.

We divulged all that we knew, and she and Dominic, an old friend of Alustriel's (and a new friend to us) tried to put all the pieces together. Unfortunately, some powerful creatures and organizations were being discussed, some of which being the city of Luskan, the Cult of the Dragon, and the great white wyrm Nazelth (who resides somewhere in Moonwood).