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Fizbop Inc

Welcome to Fizbop, Inc. A website that I wanted to do for something fun. Soon there will be a comic for you to enjoy as well as many pages of stuff i'm intrested in. These pages are done in Html format. © Copyright 2004

I Am A Witch. In deepsest night, in forest deep, In broad daylight, awake, asleep. I am a Witch at every hour, Touching magick, wielding power. I am God/dess, Neverborn; I wear the crescent, wear the horn. I cast the circle, raise the cone, And pour the wine when power's flown. "An ye harm none, do as ye will"; Heal always, never kill, Work your will but Earth revere, And every creature living here. Celebrate as the Wheel turns, Dance and leap as balefire burns. Sing to Goddess, Moon times three, Drink to God, stag-horned He. Soar upon the astral planes, Visit woodland fairy fanes, Swim With dolphine in the sea, Say to all things, "I am Thee." Live in peace with cowan folk, Touch with magick, give them hope; Live with kindness, die with peace, In Summerland to find surcease. -Amber K and Original Author unknown

Bide the Wiccan law ye must, In perfect love, in perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee, So Ever mind the Rule of Three. Follow this with mind and heart, And merry ye meet, and merry ye part.


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