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The ETHIOPIAN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, or EBCEF (ee-bee-sef), is a grassroots non profit/non government organization geared toward bringing literacy and literacy related resources to Ethiopia.

EBCEF Mission Statement: to develop a reading culture in Ethiopia by connecting children with books.

EBCEF will advance, promote, and encourage children's book publishing, reading, and literacy in Ethiopia. Our immediate goals are to:

    a) Keep the doors open of the first free children's library in Addis Ababa.
    b) Coordinate Book Week in April of each year.
    c) Publish books in Ethiopian languages, based on Ethiopian culture and history, for Ethiopian children in Ethiopia and those born outside of Ethiopia.
    d) Begin planting and nurturing small community libraries and reading rooms in schools, neighborhood organizations, and rural areas.

Ethiopia is a country with a strong tradition in oral story telling and an ancient history and written language, components that inspire a literate book loving culture.  However, the literacy rate in Ethiopia is extremely low and the number of Amharic  books available, especially for children, is devastatingly small. EBCEF believes that no child should need to do without the resources and joy that books bring. 

EBCEF is working in both the United States and Addis Ababa to accumulate the necessary resources to realize this dream. EBCEF is an on going project that can always use support and volunteers! Please feel free to browse through the web page to learn more about our organization. Sign our guest book to let us know you're interested! And contact us for more information on what you can do to help.

EBCEF is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization established for the purpose of promoting children's book publishing, reading, literacy and the development of education in Ethiopia.

The funds for EBCEF comes from private donations, from grants and fund raising activities. Your contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.


The Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation (EBCEF) is a non profit organization.  All funds come from private donors and are tax deductible. All photos and the EBCEF logo are property of EBCEF, private lenders and Rebekah Goering. Edited by Rebekah Goering, contact information: rkurtzgoer@hotmail.com.