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Have a clue..
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Dmunky's House
Friday, 25 March 2005
If I were King..
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Smashing Pumpkins (dont really like but listen to anyhow)
Topic: Have a clue..
If I were king.. I dont think I would rule with an iron-fist.. Dont get me wrong I would definitely have to "drop the hammer" on my disciples in the time of immediate judgment calls.. But as soon as the crisis was over I would immediately return to a much more serene ruler.. I would love all my people and try to come to be acquainted with as many as possible.. Even the most humblest of all would be glad to have me as an overseer.. I picture myself with a royal crown and long red robe trimmed with the white fur and shiny armour underneath.. Not the most modest of all appearances I know, but if one must rule a kingdom, he (she) must dress the part.. I dont believe in a parliament or cabinet of advisors by my side.. Not because of my being vain in my decisions but because then I, and I alone would accept full responsibilities for all actions and tactics taken during my reign.. I DO however believe in a Second-in-Command.. This for the sole purpose of acting in my stead.. I would also have to have my own eccentricities fulfilled.. Not to do so would indeed be unhealthy as holding such power over a group of people does not only merit such pleasure, but in fact demands them.. (I would be wary of the one who does not indulge in such luxury of his/her own secret desires) However those desires and fantasies must be kept in relative check as such acts should not be indecent to the outside community.. Take advantage of your position, but Dint splurge on such acts, as it would then become hethenistic and unworthy of a King or Queen.. Then we come to the unpleasant activities that often plague all communities: Crime, punishment and WAR.. That last one scares me the most.. Three letters, but one of the most powerfull forces in the english language.. What can be said about WAR?? In past battles they tell of victors and losers.. Can it be described so easily, so quickly, so viciously.. NO, absolutely not..

Let me take a catwalk and vent for a moment-- Winners of a war can be decided in many ways.. The ones who take the field after the battle.. The ones who have the least of all casualties.. The ones left standing when hell is unleashed during the course of engaging another entity in combat.. NO!! my friends I think not.. No war or battle can ever determine a good outcome.. Whether its 2 countries fighting over oil prices, religous differences or politics.. Or two men fighting one another over who cut who off in traffic.. People I know this will not be read by millions and change minds of all humanity, but please think about what you do.. Hurting someone is not the answer to any situation.. Some may ask, "Well what if someone wants to hurt me first??" Well, I am not saying all conflicts can be settled without a fist sailing into another person but JEEZ, 99.9% can..

Back to my happy little Kingdom.. Crime and punishment will be swift and handed down by MY authority alone.. I will not stand for vigilante justice in my court.. I alone will pass sentence on all accused.. (Keep in mind that my community will be small enough to do that) Its MY dream so I will bend and mold it to my will.. I picture myself as King Arthur-ish in my ways.. A man of his people.. A man who works beside them, lives among them(allbeit in a much more luxurious in size and scheme but among them nonetheless), and feels the pain that the whole kingdom feels when tragedy inevitably falls amongst them..

With that I will sum up this blog with this: This is my pipe-dream that will never happen.. I know it, I accept it, but I will continue to let it grow and develope in my mind because I can always take solace there.. Thank you for your time.. There will be more to come..

Posted by mn3/dmunky at 6:24 AM
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