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Deserae "April" LaFevre

The scene opens at a local mall in Kingston, Jamaica. Deserae LaFevre, dressed in a black denim jacket, leather pants and steel toed boots, and Trinity Litrell-Black, dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, are strolling along as they survey the stores. The two ladies already have about 8 bags between them and counting.

Trin: Okay, Des, spill it. Usually when we go shopping you spend like Paris Hilton. And you're not the rich one. What happened last night with John?

Des: (gives her a look) Nothing!

Trin: Bullshit. You've been eerily quiet. You like him... god knows why, but you do.

Des: (slowly) No...

Trin: Liar!

Des: Okay, well, he's mellowed since we saw each other last, I'll admit that. And he's definitely got that Black charm goin' on.

Trin: And he's quite a muffin, just like his brother.

Des wrinkles her nose in mock disgust.

Des: He's that crunchy, munchy stuff on top. He's still an asshole, though. All men are assholes.

Trin: Okay, I was hoping to not get that cynical till I was at least forty.

Des: It's not cynical. I mean, it's realistic. Every guy from... Manimal down to Mr. I-Love-The-English-Patient has beast in him. And I don't care how sensitive they act. They're all still just in it for the chase.

Trin has to tacitly admit that Des may have a point. Just as the two girls are about to duck into the next store, fans from the food court which is across the way begin to approach them.

Trin: Ugh, don't look now but we have company.

Des: It's your fault. You're the one who wanted to be Miss Heart-to-Heart.

Trin: And your the one who wanted to dress like Miss Rocky Horror! Why the hell do you think I dressed like this?

Des: I assumed you got off the wrong side of the bed this morning and suddenly thought you were middle class, to be honest.

Trin: Believe me, I could never think that. (looks over towards the group of fans coming their way) Look at those clothes. I can't believe they dress like that.

Des: This is Jamaica, not America, T.

Trin: What's the difference? Anyway, it's too late now. Here they come.

Des: Don't worry, I'll take care of this.

Deserae steps forward to meet the fans, a smile on her face.

Des: Let me guess, you guys want autographs right?

The fans nod eagerly.

Des: Well, okay but you're gonna have to pay for it. Oh wait, I forgot. You guys don't have any money over here. If you did, you'd invest in a barber and get some damn haircuts. How about an English teacher while you're at it? Do that and we'll talk. Now bug off, ya mooks.

The fans walk away disappointed. Some are mumbling things that Des overhears.

Des: (yells) Yeah, well same to you! It's nothing you haven't heard before I'm sure!

Trin walks up to Deserae. Both girls are smirking as the fans leave.

Trin: Nice. I think I'm starting to rub off on you.

Des: (raises an eyebrow) Well, if that's the case Jason Talbot's in for one hell of an ass whoopin' come BZ.

Trin: What did you find out about him anyway?

Des: His house fried, I think. Had a bad childhood... y'know, just another fuckin sob story.

She reaches into her pocket, looking at Trin when she realizes she has no money.

Des: Fork up the dough, missy. I wanna get a slice of pizza.

Trin: Do I look like a god damn ATM to you? (Des looks at her with a grin) You know what, don't answer that.

Trin reaches into her purse and pulls out her BlackCorp credit card, handing it to Des who looks at it in confusion.

Des: Hey! How come I didn't get one of these?

Trin: Because LJ and I know how you are with money and if we did give you one, you'd but us in bankruptcy.

Des: Well, you can't tell that by the way you're dressed.

Trin: (shoves Des toward the direction of the food court) Get the fuck outta here. And make that 2 pizzas!

Des: (looks back as she walks, mocking Trin) Do I look like a god damn waiter to you?

Trin rolls her eyes. She then makes her way over to a small table and sets her things down. Taking a seat she pulls out her cell phone and dials a number.

Trin: Hi... Yeah, I just gave her my credit card... Just to go get a slice of pizza, though I think that was a mistake in itself... No, not really. She seems more concerned about John than she is her match. She even called referred to him as that munchy, crunchy stuff on top of a muffin... Mhmm... I'll make sure that's clear...

A few minutes later Deserae comes back balancing four platefuls of food on her arms, plus her bags.

Trin: Here she comes, I gotta go... love you too. Bye.

Trin quickly hangs up her phone as Des reaches the table.

Des: (in a Jamaican accent) Okay, mon! We gots pizza, we gots cheeseburgers and fries, salad...

Trin: You know I'm not gonna eat all that.

Des sits down in the other chair opposite to Trin and sets her bags down on the floor beside her. Looking at all the food in front of her, she licks her lips.

Des: No, but I am.

The girls spend a few minutes eating their meal before Trin decides to speak up.

Trin: So this thing with you and John...

Des: (with food in her mouth) Nothing happened, okay? It was just a night out.

Trin: Funny, 'cause that's the same thing he said.

Des: (nearly chokes on her food) You talked to him?

Trin: No, more specifically LJ did. And it seems like a lot more happened than you two are letting on. I just hope this won't interfere with your matches tomorrow night, more specifically you against Jason Talbot. LJ expects W's all across the board Wednesday night.

Des: Well, I don't know about everybody else but I plan to hold up my end of the bargain. Talbot thinks this is an easy match because I'm a woman. So did every other guy I faced in my career. (stuffs a fry in her mouth) You don't hear about Angelo anymore, now do you? I whooped his ass on ICW's debut show and won the European title. Never showed his face since. He was ashamed he got his ass kicked by a girl. Battle of the sexes, T, that's all it is. And I'm gonna win this battle and every one after it. Now are we done, because I want to finish my slice of pizza... and yours if you're not gonna eat it.

Trin: Yes, but before you finish eating out my of wallet, I'd like to make a toast.

Deserae opens her bottle of Pepsi and raises it, as does Trin.

Trin: To BlackCorp.

Des: And to food!

The ladies laugh and clink bottles as the scene fades to black.