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Breaking News...Shooting Hendrickson...Berkovitz, 2003
SEE: Flash Movie
Profile of Richard Hendrickson:

Case History One:

  • In 1987, the best friend of Richard Hendrickson's father died. Due to the close relationship, Rick was this man's attorney who he trusted to ensure that his daughter and disabled son received their inheritance.

  • Rick betrayed the trust and tried to hold the money for himself and his father. The dead man's daughter, Diane, fortunately found incriminating information on an illegal tax shelter. When Rick discovered she knew about this, he agreed to release the funds.

  • Seven year later Diane was still being harmed by Rick, the guardian Rick had selected her disabled brother had kept the funds from the estate and was creating situations that would render her brother homeless and penniless. Diane hired and attorney and won the case against the guardian.

Diane pictured above. Contact Diane
Phone Diane at: 715 485 3888

Diane and Rick - Childhood
years and memories!!!

Case History Two:

  • In 1987, Richard Hendrickson was also busy with the estate of Jane Duchene, for his clients, Roger and Bessie Krause, the brother and sister in law of Jane.

  • In this case Rick went beyond attempting to defraud, he aided and abetted Bessie Krause to profit from murdering her sister in law.

  • The litigation went on in probate court from 1987 until 1993.

  • There is extensive evidence in this case, SEE:

Click HERE for Picture of MariJayn, Daughter of
Jane Duchene. Contact MariJayn
Phone MariJayn at: 651 457 4376

Coincidence or not?

Richard Hendricksonm's Probateopoly.  Is he breaking the law, terrozizing hte helpless and creating a danger of disruption?
Coming Soon: the ProbateOPOLY™ Game
Featuring Rick Hendrickson and others with similar skills
Turn Sound on and off using the player below.

Picture of Richard Hendrickson