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What happened?
Chronologies Index | Chronology 1 | Chronology 2 | Chronology 3
Links to online chronologies: 1|2|3
*MEDICAL:  Nurses Progress Notes | Death Certificates and other medical: 1 | 2   | Corbett's Orders

Excerpts: Depositions and Affidavits:
*Bessie Krause Deposition
 - Criminal Intent (Jane Duchene was comatose the time she purportedly made this statement, see: medical records, progress notes)
1986 Calendar Oct./Nov./Dec.
Also: Nancy Massman Deposition | Zahorsky re: Dakota County

Basic Medical Info:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Report Dr. Murphy on Care by Corbett LINK
Coroner's Report
*Photos of parties involved
*Depositions available:
Ken Reichstadt | Jerry Batzel | Nancy Massman | Bessie Krause | Dennis Briguet
Available Dakota County Vulnerable Adult file, re: Jane Duchene, obtained by court order:
Showing knowledge by county that county had no justification for involvement within a few days of 10/20/1986, in their overseeing changing around estate in favor of Roger Krause and family, presence of Reichstadt at nursing home during murder process, letter from Reichstadt to coroner and more.
*Also see: Probate of Roger Krause - Hennepin Co. Probate Court 1987
*The following in Dakota County Probate File P8-823090:
1987 Probate Testimony of Dr. Victor Corbett LINK   | 11/89 Affidavit of Dr. Corbett  LINK
Affidavit Anne Thul 1989  LINK   | Coroner's Investigative Records 1986 - 1990  LINK
Untenable Position of Dakota County Attorney LINK
compare: *Transcript: Judge Martin Mansur
LAW: The Grand Jury: Remedy to Prosecutorial Inaction
*1989 Schwebel, Goetz and Seiben:
No malpractice insurance for criminal acts,
*1988/89Mn. AG - Hubert H
Humphrey III Letters:
1 and 2
*Transcript Judge Martin Mansur:
RE: Limitations of his powers/jurisdiction
Other medical info also available - Medical Reports and Video Depositions from Probate Trial:
MMPI base evaluation Dr. McCafferty, Psychiatrist, June and July 1986 | CAT scan results showing treatable metastases to brain cerebellum, 9/10/86 | Dr. Dahlquist, Neurologist, Mental Status Report 9/29/86 | Dr. Boller, Psychologist, Psychometric Evaluation Results

Financial Records Family Financial History:

• Records of accounts held in joint tenancy between Jane D and Mary Jane Duchene, mother and daughter.
• Medical Durable Power of Attorney for Jane D Duchene to daughter, 3/20/86.
• General Power of Attorney to Roger Krause for Jane Duchene, 3/20/86.
• Lease of family home by Deans Briguet/Hendrickson, without consent of owner, Mary Jane Duchene, to tenants, just after discontinuation of Jane Duchene's insulin, 10/23/1986. Tenancy terminate when tenants moved out in late April, 1987.
• Records showing failure to pay property taxes for estate by Briguet/Hendrickson.

Financial Records - Property:
Inclusive: 1991 Court orders showing original intent to evict co-owner, Mary Jane Duchene, from home and sell it at Hendrickson's request, then reversal of these orders in 1993, giving property to daughter, when Mary Jane filed Quit Claim Deed giving portion of home to DDA and a will leaving all her assets to this organization.
Financial Records of Payments to Attorneys inclusive Hendrickson, of all cash assets in estate.
Medical Records of Jane Duchene from Dr. Corbett and Wedgwood Health Care Center.
Transcript of Probate includes Testimony of:
Dr. Corbett| Anne Thul | Pastor Ruhnke | Pat Gallagher| Georgia Ek and others
*Note -
There was no testimony from:
Ken Reichstadt | Jerry Batzel | Nancy Massman | Bessie Krause because their depositions
contained self incriminating material inclusive reliance on the 5th amendment
Affidavits available:
Pastor Ruhnke | Georgia Ek | Michael Daddario | Judy Melander | Alan Johannessen | Keith
Marsh | Hugh Gussetti | and more
Legal History:
1987 - 1993: In Re: Estate of Jane Dorothy Duchene; Court File 23090,
Dakota County

1987 - 1993: In: Re: Estate of Roger Krause, 1987 Hennepin County

1989 - 199: Mary Jane Duchene, Natural Guardian and Heir, to the Estate of
Jane D. Duchene v. Dr. Victor Corbett and Wedgewood Health Care Center;
Court File P5-946881, Dakota County

1994 - Action in Mandamus {to compel Dr. Plunkett to do his job as
coroner}, Court File C2-94-575; 1994. Minnesota Court of Appeals; Juridical
Center, St. Paul, Minnesota. Judge Andersen presiding.

1993-1996: Mary Jane Duchene v. James Backstrom, John Plunkett and
Dakota County, Court File: Civil 4-94-481, United States District Court,
Appeal to Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals; appeal denied. Appeal to U.S.
Supreme Court; Court File: 96-6096
1995 - Terry Canady TV interview with Georgina DeMars (one hour)
1995 - Terry Canady TV interview with MJ Duchene (one hour)
1994 - KFAI - Interview with MJ Duchene and Georgina DeMars
Photo of Diane Pederson | Photo of MJ Duchene BFA
*Diminished Responsibility and Temporary Insanity - Articles, Instances and Research
Also see:

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