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Botie: 14 yrs old. Orphan who began living on our porch. Had a burn on the back of his neck where someone threw hot oil on him to make him go away!  Botie's a character and helped us through the loss of Jason.
Rainbow Bridge:  Lady: 14 yrs old. We rescued Lady from a pet shop; she had bronchitis, a broken tail, impacted ears, and a gland protruding from her right eye that the vet removed.  She's still our "baby" and has been a sweet little Lady!  Aug., Lady's left eye ball was removed.  November 17, 2003, Lady passed away after more difficulties.
Daisy: 12 yrs old. Daisy "Duck" was rescued from the parking lot at a mall. Barry and I were in the car waiting for John to come back with lunch.  We saw a tiny, skinny, little dog limp by the car. I couldn't eat until John went to find her. Her leg was broken and she had mange. Daisy barks at all UFO's (kites)!
Cookie: 6 yrs old. John heard a dog screaming and ran up the street to help. An intoxicated man was beating a tiny, 5 lb. puppy to death. He broke her leg  before John got there.

Cookie has the most problems with fear, understandably.  She likes to hide among my large stuffed animals on the bed.  In the mornings, she nuzzles John's hair to let him know she wants outside.  Cookie guards us from all flies. She barks at them until they go back outside!  The man who beat Cookie died a horrible death by his own hand!
Rainbow Bridge: Corrie: about 15 yrs old. Corrie was rescued from the local post office where he and a pack of dogs lived. His paw was flat from being run over and his leg was infected and had to be amputated. He had a serious case of mange, too.  Corrie's our storm guardian. He barks at thunder until it goes away. Works every time!

Corrie died on August 12, 2003.

Rainbow Bridge: Barry 11 yrs  old. Barry, my Baby, was purchased from a "bad" breeder.  We consider him a rescue, as the rest of the litter was destroyed when the puppies exhibited crippled back legs.  Barry also had seizures & pneumonia. Someone shot Barry's Mum and the breeders were run out of the state, bankrupt.
Rainbow Bridge: Barney 9 yrs old. Barney was a puppy and had a broken leg and was covered with mange when I saw him in a parking lot. He was a sweetie!

Rainbow Bridge: Job about 16 yrs old. I spotted Job time after time in the same spot at a vacant house. He was starving to death and had mange. Very nice, gentle dog! He was Botie's buddy.

Rainbow Bridge: Cinnamon 14 yrs old. I bought Cinnamon at a pet shop for $5 after college. She was an escape artist! No fence could hold her. If she couldn't get under, she'd climb and go over!
Rainbow Bridge: Faith, 11 yrs. Faithie and Hopie were rescued from people who would drown them otherwise. Faith got caught in a coyote trap in the snow and lost both her back feet. She developed diabetes later and became blind. She was such a sweetheart!

Rainbow Bridge: Hope, 2 1/12 yrs. Hopie was Faith's sister. She always ran to meet us, walking right between us. She got out of the yard early one morning and was hit by a car.  Hope had the same character as Botie and Dixie. Real clown!

Rainbow Bridge: Jason 12 yrs.old. My Jason, my Boy, was a real sweet, gentle dog. He'd let anyone pet him. We rescued him from a family who made dogs sleep in the snow with sub-zero temps at night.  His mother, a St. Bernard, froze to death! They'd only give the puppies away. Those people met an untimely death since then.


Ginger: 5 yrs. old

Ginger and Dixie were abandoned at a house down the street. Their family left for the states in the middle of the night. Ginger's a sweet girl! She loves to play. She and Cookie are playmates already.


Dixie: 6 yrs. old

Dixie is a sweet, energetic, playful girl.  She's starved for love and attention, as is Ginger. She has scars on his legs and feet where she was beaten with a belt.  Dixie and Botie stay together now. She's gotten Botie to play again!

Plus 4 cats and 2 adult Mallard ducks and 12 babies now! Click here to see them.


If you want to see my gallstone, click here.



Animations by From Dogz 5

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