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Why Chris Miller is the right person for the job


1)  Proven Leadership: “We will find a way, or make one.”

            Chris is a natural leader, in and out of the workplace.  Throughout his career in the Medica call center, he has shown a remarkable ability go beyond the normal expectations of his position.  As documented in attachments #1-3:

  • (1) Chris goes to bat for pregnant women.  Despite vaguely-worded benefit descriptions, and an initial rebuff, he insisted upon additional research for pregnancy home-bound care.  Chris’ relentless “do it right” attitude saves a member hundreds of dollars.
  • (2)  Chris saves Medica from a small group PR disaster.  A provider network issue leaves a company owner doubtful of Medica’s commitment to excellence.  Despite the provider ultimately being out-of-network, Chris pleads valiantly on the group’s behalf, successfully winning a benefit exception.  The group’s broker confides in Chris that he has “probably stopped the group from seeking insurance elsewhere.”
  •  (3) Chris fights for the rights of expectant fathers.  In an unprecedented display of selflessness, Chris exposes a loophole in Medica policy that unknowingly punishes newly-hired expectant fathers.  As a direct result of his passionate arguments, Medica HR makes sweeping changes, adding companywide protections to the male staff.


Outside Medica

            Chris launched his small business, the chrisMiller band, in early 2004.  By sheer willpower and tenacious business know-how, he created a fully-solvent, profitable business from the ground up.  CMB currently grosses upwards of $7,000 a month in total revenues, a number which is projected to swell to $10,000 in the coming quarter:


  • Chris developed a public relations juggernaut in quick fashion, with the release of  His innovative creation of a virtual agent, “ the Reverend Peter Vanilla,” stands as one of the local music scene’s most successful phenomena; dozens of venues and booking agencies work “directly” with Peter Vanilla for all CMB performance contracts.


  • Chris employs eight “real” people for this project, and is expanding.  Current staff includes 4 full-time musicians, 1 PR manager, and 3 “CMB Girls” under her command.  All report directly to Chris, who maintains their payroll, provides all musical direction, and personally designs the various CMB merchandise they sell. 



  • Creating a successful team means trying out new talent.  In his search for band chemistry, Miller has had to release several musicians, for which he makes no apologies.  He is determined to succeed, whatever the cost. 


2)  He’s got “it.”  No question.

            Chris has a passion for his job, and it shows.  He takes pride in his ability to connect with clients over the telephone; in a communications atmosphere where face-to-face contact is impossible, people can still hang up knowing their business is in great hands.


  • Chris has been recognized many times by clients, both written and verbally, for having “gone the extra mile.”  Many times, he’ll actually steer callers away from leaving positive feedback with his supervisor; be it modesty, or simply knowing the hectic schedule his boss keeps, Chris knows that when you’ve got “it,” outstanding service is the rule, not the exception.


  • Chris develops relationships with the customer.  Knowing that Medica’s reputation is only as good as its 1st line of contact, Chris has great respect for the overall company image.  Despite leaving Customer Service, he still works directly with several members, knowing this type of personal assistance is the kind of service that keeps a company in high regards.



  • He never has a bad day.  Chris is a professional in all facets, and that means never, ever allowing negativity into his work.  Even under the duress of lack-of-sleep, illness, or just the “blahs,” Chris always exudes optimism and a can-do attitude.  For his clients, he’s always got “it.”


3)  Chris knows what it takes to supervise.

      Chris learned the basics of supervision long ago.  They aren’t complicated guidelines, but for them to be implemented, one must have discipline and the skills to be successful.  Chris does.

·        Provide clear guidelines to your team.  Each person should know exactly what is expected of them.  Nothing is as frustrating as wanting to do a good job, but not knowing what a “good job” actually means.


·        Reward excellence, and encourage/assist those who struggle.  Motivation is perhaps the strongest force on the planet.  By learning what drives a person, you can unlock incredible productivity, simply by starting their engine. This ability to “light a fire” under vastly different people, is unfortunately not a learned skill.



·        Be a tremendous resource.  As a supervisor, there is no substitute for first-hand knowledge of your area.  If you know your job well, you inspire others to succeed also.  On the occasion where an issue’s solution is not immediately found, one must know how to get it, via:


1.      Company printed/online sources

2.      Human networking

3.      Getting creative


Resources #1 and 2 can be learned, but not #3.  Chris thinks of creativity as a powerful enhancement to a normal person’s “it-level.”


4)  Chris has highly sought-after skills.

            Chris takes pride in a set of abilities which set him apart from others.  Over the years, he has honed these skills into invaluable tools in the business world.  Some of them include:


  • Peerless written skills- Call it arrogance if you like, but Chris maintains that no candidate will have better command of the English language, on paper.  He can write effectively in a wide range of styles, from press-release to fiction. 


  • The ability to “connect” – Perhaps this trait was enhanced over the seven years of bartending experience Chris boasts.  Wherever it developed, the skill was a mainstay in his previous job; over the years, he brought this one-on-one connection to the thousands of patrons he serviced.  Chris once stated about his current Service Center position, “It’s a little like bartending over the telephone….without the alcohol, of course.”



  • Tech-savviness – Whether that’s an actual term or not, Chris has it.  With a computer programming background, he cut his teeth on the wild world of C++, Java, HTML, COBOL and Visual Basic.  Now that he’s in a people-person job, this education is impossible to overstate.  He’s effectively “learned how to learn;” as a result, Chris typically navigates new platforms at a much faster rate than his coworkers.  It is common for him to be a resource to his colleagues, once he’s mastered a program.


  • Thinking outside the box- Chris will do whatever it takes to be successful, be it inventing a fictitious band manager, or drafting unusual interview-aides for desired positions.  If it can get results, no option is off the table.    





Chris Miller- Supervisor Material