The Collection

Juveniles & Adults

Alice Alice
1996 male from Petco - probably CH. He was my first snake and is very easy to handle and great for educational events.
Granite0907 Granite
Granite male, age unknown - received as adult Sept 16, 2003 from The Snake Keeper. I hope to see if his pattern is inheritable this year.
Nola0907 Nola
Female from Tribal Propagation
HD 5-11-01. She's always been a great feeder and is easy to photograph. Proven breeder.
Eris0907 Eris
Female from local petstore - bought summer 2002, age unknown. My largest female and a proven breeder.
Blue0907 Blue
LTC female recieved as adult Nov 5, 2002. Proven breeder.
violet0907 Violet
LTC female recieved as adult Nov 5, 2002. Very shy snake.
scar0907 Scar
Female rescue received Sept 2003. Most likely WC as adult. This female was in very poor shape and was medicated and had to be tube fed. She finally began eating on her own after over a year and is now a healthy snake and proven breeder.
midge0907 Midge
2004 offspring of Granite and Blue. Weighing only 26g newly hatched, this dark female is now my most reliable feeder and the largest of my remaining 2004 snakes. Should breed winter 2007.
E04_1 E04_1
2004 offspring of Granite and Eris. Will be bred winter 2007.
E04_2 E04_2
2004 offspring of Granite and Eris. Will be bred winter 2007.
E04_5 E04_5
2004 offspring of Granite and Eris. Should breed winter 2007.
N05_1 N05_1
2005 offspring of Alice and Nola
N05_2 N05_2
2005 offspring of Alice and Nola

Current Projects

For 2008, I am expecting eggs from Midge, E04-2, and E04-5. They were all bred to the granite male to look for recessive traits. Eris is out on loan. In the future, I plan on focusing primarily on Blood Pythons.

2008 Breeding photos

Midge ovulating


Midge laid 8 eggs 4/11/08. One went bad. photos
E04-2 laid 4 eggs 4/25/08. photos


All seven remaining eggs hatched 6/6/08. All the babies are normal and weigh between 57-63g. While the male didn't prove out, at least I got mostly females from this first clutch (1.6).
hatching photo
group shot

Last updated 6/10/08