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Since purchasing my computer around 1998
I have learned many things about stationery and using the graphics program Paint Shop Pro.
There are many wonderful tutorials written and available on the internet.
These people have put many hours of work into creating these tutorials.
And I want to thank all of them for their hard work.

I have taken some classes in learning how
to set up a web site, and,since, have developed a profound amount of humility
and respect for those who have already developed their sites.
It is, by no means, an easy task!

So, without further ado, I will attempt to do my own site.
I will be adding things that I find
fun and interesting as I go along......

(with my pal, Mitzi)







EagleRose and Cinn's Native Spirits SiteRing EagleRose and Cinn's Native Spirits SiteRing

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Lil Gjertson
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Created October 19, 2001 ©Created by L!L