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The Chrisverse...
The Storm

Welcome. You have entered the Chris Universe, a site totally dedicated to the almighty Christopher Ralph. We're posting fanfic, manipulated pictures, and nice pictures of him as well. Anything you would like to send us or have posted on the site once it gets going, would be appriciated. We accept all fics, not just Animorphs related fics, including: In A Heartbeat, Actor-fics, random fics, Animorphs fics, etc., etc. Email me at:

Chris Fics 

This includes Actor Fics, Animorph Fics, In A Heartbeat Fics, Gossip Fics, and any other Chris - related fics you can think of.

Chris Pics
This section includes manipulated pics as well as screen-caps and other pics of Chris and his cast-mates.

Fun Stuff
Here you'll find our Forum, games, quizzes, polls, and awards.

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