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Project Re-elect Dan.  This is pretty much the only project that is still in use because most of the others have either been forgotten, abandoned or finished.

The Goals of Project Re-elect Dan.

We have actually gotten Dan elected.  Now the time has come for a second election and we aim to get Dan reelected.  Last time we did it and we can do it again.

The History of Project Re-elect Dan

Last year there was the super secret election and as it turns out, our Associate member Asst Chairman Jedi Schnack, common name Dan, was in the running.  Well we immediately began to campaign for our friend and in the end we did get him elected.  But after that, there were some undesired side effects of the program and thus we canceled that one as modification of it seemed to be impossible. Instead we opted to make a new project with a more permanent view in site as to avoid the problems we encountered last time.

    The Goals of Project Elect Dan

    Project Elect Dan was designed to make sure that Dan would be elected no matter what.  He would be the only one who had any chance and would always overwhelmingly defeat people no matter what.  Well this practice worked excellently for the election itself, and we thought it had ended there, oh were we wrong.  As it turned out, the project had somehow been horribly warped so that Dan was winning in things that we never meant him to.  Any time there was a problem of sorts which had nothing to do with the election it was designed for, Dan would mysteriously win "Due to the Influence".  Well I knew at that point that there had to be some solution, but the problem was deeper than I believed.

   The Deeper Problem.

   The warped nature of the Project had indeed cause massive chaos for a while and in the end it even caused itself to be used in a manner that was not natural and thus increased it's destructive powers. We knew that it must be destroyed, and thus the project was canceled.

The Goals of Project Re-elect Dan

We now know that we need to still have the project, but it must be restricted in it's use.  To that end, we now have made it so that it is only able to use it's power, outside of the election, when a 2/3 majority of uninfluenced votes from the council makes it so.

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