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"Dan Paz-Israel" Lions Club
(Spanish speaking).

We present the Club's activities for 2002-2003.

A delegation of our Club joined a Lions Israel Delegation on a trip to Germany and Italy to perform the following Twinning Events organized by our Lion Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein in his capacity as the Chairman of the Twinning Committee of our District 128-Israel: in Bitterfeld, Germany, the Twinning of our Club with the local Club, in Naples, the Twinning of our District 128-Israel with District 108YA-Italy, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, the Twinning of Jerusalem Host Lions Club with Palermo dei Vespri Lions Club and in Carrara we participated in the Annual Christmas Gala Dinner of our Twin Club, Massa & Carrara Host Lions Club.

Photos of the trip.

In Berlin.

Jewish Berlin.

Exhibition in Hotel Alexander.Only testimony left of Jewish Berlin before WW2

Jewish cemetery; today inexistent.

In this building on the second floor, Otto Weldt, employed in his factory Jewish blind during Nazi rule.He paid with his life. Now the place is a Museum.

The building next to Otto Weldt was rebuilt like this.

In the Berlin Jewish Museum.

More photos in Berlin.

With Berlin Lions.

In Bitterfeld and surroundings.

Bitterfeld Lions headed by Lion Georg Kuropka, came with transportation to our Hotel in Berlin on Dec. 10 about 10:00 OK and took us to their city. After we all registered at the Mercure Hotel we traveled to Georg Kuropka's home where we had lunch together with many local Lions. Dr. Uri Rehany and his spouse, who just arrived from Israel,participated, too.

After lunch we visited the Museum of the city of Zorbig and heard an organ concert at the Anglican local Church in the presence of the Mayor of Zorbig.

Next day we paid a visit to the Province Governor, Lion Uwe Schultze. Later we visited a technical school. There we where divided into four groups to have chats with students on the present situation of Israel, jews and the relations with Germany.They where very positive talks and exchange of ideas.
We where invited for lunch at the school's dinning room. The meal, the service, the preparation and everything concerning the lunch, was done by the students of the relevant professions elegantly and in full protocol form. It was a special and wonderful experience.

In the afternoon, while the Delegation visited the "Bayer" Factory, En la tarde, mientras la Delegacion visitaba la, Lion Touvia Goldstein went with Dr. and Mrs. Uri Rehany to the Halle Hospital to meet Prof. Dr. Wilheim, Director of the Hospital's Cornea Bank and world expert in this issue.After visiting the Bank and the professional discussion between both Doctors, by suggestion of Lion Goldstein it was decided establish a project of the creation of a Cornea Bank in the Hospital of Nahariya, Israel, in he frame of the Service Activities of the Twinning between Bitterfeld LC and Dan Paz-Israel LC with the collaboration and assistance of Prof. Wilheim that he offered it woluntarily and with funds to be raised and sought looked for. .

That evening, in Hotel Mercure the Twinning Ceremony and Gala Dinner took place.

Next day (12.12.02) we visited the Mayor of Bitterfeld Dr.Raubell.

Later we traveled to Magdeberg, the capital of Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony).

In the local jail of the Nazi and Communist regimes .

In the Parliament we where firstly received by the Province's President, Prof. Dr. Adolf Spotka and then we participated from the balcony in a Parliament Meeting.

Farewell reunion at the Hotel Mercure.

Next day our Bitterfeld friends took us to the Berlin Airport to continue our trip to Naples. Photo at the Berlin airport.

In Naples.

We where received at the airport by VDG, PCC Lion Federico Steinhaus and District Twinning Committee Chairman, Lion Hubert Bowinkel that together with our Lion Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein organized the Twinning of the Districts 128 and 108YA.

After we registered at the Holyday Inn Hotel, we where invited by Naples Lions Clubs to join them and have a typical Italian pasta dinner. In Naples the following Isreli Lions joined our De legation: PDGs Rachel y Moshe Herzog,she member of Avuka LC and he of Petach Tikwa Host LC and Sarah Zilberbaum, President of Avuka LC. Next day arriving to Naples was our DG Lion Osama Elemy and DSecr Lion Imad Salaime, both members of Nazareth LC.

We participated at the University "Pharthenope",in the District's Yearly Christmas Charity Event, "For a smile of a child", in the presence of the Prince of Borbon and wife, He claims to be the heir of the throne of Naples. .

At the "Fiesta degli Auguri" (Yearly Christmas Dinner) in the presence of DG Lion Bruno Cavaliere, offered by Napoli Pertenope Lions Club.

Lunch offerd by both Pompei Lions Clubs.

Twinning Ceremony between District 128-Israel and District 108YA-Italy.

Gala Dinner after the Twinning Ceremony. Offered by two Naples Lions Clubs.

In Palermo.

In Palermo Airport we where received by Lion Dr. Maximiliano Manfredi, President of Palermo dei Vespri LC who together with our Lion Touvia Goldstein, organized the Twinning between this Club and Jerusalem Host LC.Some other Lions where also present.

After we registered at the Hotel Tonic,we where driven to the home of Lion Ing. Paolo Prestigiacomo and his wife where a wonderful dinner was served with the participation of many local Lions and Authorities.

During the Dinner, Teddy decorated with his Founding President Pin an Italian General...!!!

Next day we visited the Normani Palace, had lunch in the Parliament dining room and in the afternoon we where received by the Mayor of Monreale in his Palace. Then we visited the Benedictine Covent, followed by the Cathedral where we listened to a organ concert In the evening we had a Christmas Gala Dinner offered by Monreale LC after participating at its official meeting.

Next day lunch at Lauria Circle and in the afternoon we visited the beautiful and ancient Villa Niscemi, where the Twinning Ceremony took place.

Next day we had lunch at the famous Charleston restaurant located in a beautiful summer resort near Palermo. In the afternoon we left from Palermo airport destination Pisa.

At Pisa Airport, Lion Corrado Lattanzi was waiting for us and guided us to our Hotel in Carrara.
That evening we participated in the Annual Christmas Festivity of our Twin Club, Massa & Carrara Host Lions Club.
Next day, we visited Carrara marble quarries and the Tower of Pisa.

Lion Touvia Goldstein participated in the Latin American and Caribbean Lionistic Forum - FOLAC (15-18/1/2003) especially invited to present his PowerPoinPresentation on Twinning that was presented previously in the EuropeForum2003 in Brussels and to represent our Club in the Multiple Twinning Event that took place in the frame and during FOLAC between the following Lions Clubes: Olmue, Chile; Trujillo, Peru, Montevideo Anfitrion, Uruguay, Barrio Bella Vista, Asuncion, Paraguay and Dan Paz-Israel, Israel.
After FOLAC he traveled to Rosario, Argentina to represent our Club in the Twinning Event between his Club and Rosario-Corazones Unidos Lions Club.
And from there he traveled to Buenos Aires to visit our Twin Club, Lomas de Zamora LC.
From there he traveled to Brazil to visit our Twin Club, Guaira LC.

Relevant parts of FOLAC program.

FOLAC officially began when IP Lion Kay K. Fukushima, honored the Uruguayan national hero, Gral. Artigas, presenting a flower crown at his monument.
Lion Touvia Goldstein, representing Lions Israel and in company of the Ambassador of Israel in Uruguay, HE Mr. Joel Selpak, also honored the hero with a flower crown.

Lion Touvia Goldstein giving his presentation and the recognition received.

Lion Touvia Goldstein sharing a relaxing moment with International President Lion Kay K. Fukushima and wife and PID Lion Nissim Levi from Turkey.

Some photos taken during the Folac activities.

The day after FOLAC ended, Lion Touvia Goldstein and Lion Mercedes de Camilli from Uruguay, traveled from Montevideo to Buenos Aires on the boat and from there by bus to Rosario to participate in the Twinning event between "Dan Paz-Israel" Lions Club and "Rosario-Corazones Unidos" Lions Club.
At the BAires port, PDG Lion Laura de Szakel and her husband Valerio, were waiting and were kind to take them to the bus station. Without their caring assistance, we wouldn't have been able to make it on time.

After a very nice and emotional two days stay in the beautiful city of Rosario,sharing the warm hospitality of the local Lions headed by Lion Beatriz Donadille, President of Rosario-Corazones Unidos LC and her husband Jorge, Lion Touvia Goldstein traveled to Buenos Aires. Also traveled Lion Mercedes de Camilli in the company of PDG Lion Alberto Jacobson. We all shared the hospitality of local Lions especially of our Twin Club "Lomas de Zamora" Lions Club headed by Lions Laura and Valerio and we participated in a special meeting of the Club.

After the also nice and moving two day stay in Buenos Aires sharing the warm hospitality of Lomas de Zamora Lions Club and others, Lion Touvia Goldstein flies to Sao Pulo, Brazil and from there by bus to Guaira (500 kms.from Sao Paulo), to visit our Twin Club "Guaira" Lions Club and other and be the guest at the home of Lions Luiz Henrique Trinidade and his wife Vanda, sharing their warm and kind hospitality, parcitipating in several Lionistic activities in the region and in the special meeting of our Twin Club.

Heaters given to new inmigrants in Raanana on January 24, 2003

With the funds collected during the Used Book Fair done in Raanana between January 9-11, 2003, we gave heaters to new inmigrants living at the New Inmigrants Home in Raanana, activity done together with the Raanana OLEI (Latin American New Inmigrants Organization).
Photos yet missing...

During our Club's meetting on February 5, 2003, a military representative instructed us in hebrew on how to use the gas mask in case it will be needed during a misiles attack.All the present participated actively in the demonstration.


In order to raise funds to help new inmigrants, on these days we organized a used book fair together with the Bat Yam OLEI (Latin American Organization for New Inmigrants) in its premises.

On 8.2.03, Lion Boris Fliman offered a lunch in his home to all the participants in the Lionistic trip to Germany and Italy.

INSTRUCTION/LUNCH-MARCH 1, 2003 At Lion Ketty Begerano's home we met for a delicios lunch and to listen to Lion Touvia Goldstein's instruction lecture on Lions Clubs International, Lions Israel and our Club.

At our monthly meetting held on March 5, 2003, we listened to the very interesting talk on NATUROPRACTIC delivered by Mrs. Adriana Bar.

In a very emotive event at our Club on April 2, 2003, we honored our Years Volounteer and our Years Personality in the presence of the Mayor of Kiryat Ono, District Governor and members of his Cabinet, Past DGs, Club Presidents and represntatives of other Lions Clubs and all our Members.

A large representation of our Club participated in the 43rd National Lions.Lions Touvia Goldstein and Marion Kopel reported on the activities of their respective District Committees: Twinning and Help to the New Inmmigrants.

On this ocasion, the invited speaker who was PID Lion Nisim Levi from Turkey and District Governot Lion Osama elemy surprised our Founding President honoring him with Internaional Presidents Award 2002-2003 for outstanding activities promoting Twinnings.

District Governor Lion Osama Elemy, honored our Club Members, Lions Marion Kopel, Moshe Barbaras and Touvia Goldstein for their activity as Presidents of the following District Committees: Help toOlim (new inmigrants), Volountary Pleaders and Twinnings, respectively.

Invitation to the Change of Authorities Event in our Club. Lion Abraham Markelevich will transfer the gavel to Lion Dr. Zulema Marcovich, Elected President 2003-2004.

In the frame of our Club's Twinning with Lions Clubes Montevideo Host and Montevideo Colon from Uruguay, we organized a cultural event in the Shalom Petach Tikwa Auditorim on 21.6.03. Onthis ocasion, the very well known uruguayan-israeli paintor Carlos Montanez presented an exhibitionof his art and also was presented the musical show "The Best of Broadway" under the direction of Maestro Lily Harpaz. Present where the Ambassador of Uruguay in Israel, HE. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo, Deputy mayor of Petach Tikva, Mrs. Monica Cohen, Lionistic and Local Authorities and general public that filled the capacity of the auditorium.
Income was destined to contribute to serve the needy in the community.

Our Founding President Lion Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein, during his vacation in France, visited St. Remy des Alpilles Lions Club located in the beautiful city of St. Remy en Provence.
The banner of the Club and the banner of the Past District Governor's Association of France rendered by its President Lion Jean Paul Burle, the Diploma rendered on this ocasion by the visitor to the hosting Club and photos of the event.

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Webmaster:Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein
Updated: November 30, 2003.