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Thank You!

I would like to give the following people my undying gratitude for their help:

All of my board members (Tegan and Francesca), for agreeing to be boardies and do the work that goes along with the jobs. Thanks, guys. ^_^ Thanks also to my Flightleaders (Tegan as Tegwen and Jenn Coffin as Kielle), my Flightsecond (Francesca as Aaron) and my Head Medic (Aaron as Victor Wayne) for the assignments that you'll be writing once the club gets going. ::grin::

The Clipart Castle, for providing nearly all of the graphics for my webpage.

The Dragonlance Series, for introducing me to dragons, and the Dragonriders of Pern, for keeping me addicted.

The people who followed me to Terra Dragons, even after Needlethorn didn't work out so well. ::grin::

And most of all, you, the members of Terra Dragons, who have decided to play in my world. It wouldn't be here without you.

If you think that you should be added to this page, or you know of somebody that should, email Jenn.