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The Rules


Terra Dragons is a role-playing game, similar to Pern Fandom, for those of you that are experienced in that. We create characters, called personas, and write stories about them, called posts, in which they interact with other personas and go about their daily lives. We have very few rules, but to keep things running smoothly, here are a few basic guidelines.

1. Do not start a post, send it to the list, and ask somebody to finish it. Either write a post by yourself, or find a partner (or several) and write a co-post.

2. Do not use another persons persona without their permission.

3. If you are going to do anything major (for example, aliens take over the world) you must first have board permission.

4. All posts must use the following format at the beginning of the post:






They must also have your sig at the end.


~Jess (, rider of red Hrall


Dragon to human mental communication: }: :{

Human to Dragon: ** **

Persona Creation

1. Please, please, please, do not submit any "super-sona's." You know the type: The tall, skinny-but-strong, gorgeous, blond-haired, green-eyed, Flightleader, Head Medic with seventeen horses, five dogs, and three cats.

2. There is a limit of seven pets. Your pets may reproduce at any time, but not more frequently than is natural for the species.

3. When thinking of your dragon's name, it is best to create a name that isn't an Earth word. Jessica, rider of white Dumbo may be funny at first, but a bit later when you want to write a serious post, it may be difficult. Names like Muse and Echo may be approved, but they will be limited. Names that have no Earth relevence, such as Arasilia and Hrall, are best. And most importantly: no human names, please! If you must use a human name, create a variation of it. Ex: Ann becomes Ainn, Margeret becomes Myrgerit, etc.

4. Pets, however, may be named anything and everything you can think of.

5. Some personas may need to be changed before they can be approved. If you think you have a valid point, state it calmly. Starting a flame war is not the best way to get your persona approved. :o)

Dragon Color Variations

When describing your dragon, there are certain variations in each color that exist. For each color they are:

Red~ Light pink to a black with crimson highlights (the darkest variation of all the colors besides black itself)

Green~ Light mint green to a very dark forest green

Blue~ White with blue hightlights to navy blue

White~ Pure white to light gray

Black~ Black mottled with silver to a dark, pure jet black

Some dragons may be speckled or blotchy. Although there are no dark and light zebra-like stripes, there may be slight variations going across it's back or belly that are stripe-like. All dragon eyes are black, without any variations, unless there is a medical problem, in which case part or all of the eye may turn gray or white.

This Friends of the Dragon site is owned by Jenn Sullivan.
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