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Meet the Board!

Boardie Position #1: Communications (Tegan)

This person is the welcome wagon for new members, and give warnings to current members that are in trouble. They also answer questions and respond to comments. They need to be able to interact well with others and keep their temper, even when dealing with a less than pleasant individual. Also must be articulate, good at spelling, etc.

Email Tegan

Boardie Position #2: Persona Approval-Timeline (Jenn)

This person approves all incoming personas and NPC's, and they create the timeline each month. They need to have a good knowledge of how Terra Dragons works. They also must be able to keep track of dates well and have time to read all of the posts.

Email Jenn

Boardie Position #3: Web Page Keeper (open)

This person updates the page with current news and new personas. They must know html and have an understanding of how the web page is set up. Also must have the free time to keep the page updated regularily.

Email Jenn

Boardie Position #4: Flights/Hatchings/Births Tracker (Francesca)

This person keeps track of all flights, hatchings, and births that take place. Organization is a must, and they also must have the time to read all the posts and make up the Flights/Hatchings/Births list to send out monthly.

Email Francesca

If you have a question or comment or are interested in taking one of the boardie positions, email The Board. Boardie positions will be more or less permanent, unless a boardie isn't doing his/her job or there are several qualified applicants that wish to hold a boardie position, in which case there will be a vote after a period of time has passed for the original boardies.