tags -opening tag -ending tag (some opening tag don't need an end tag properties -written in opening tag to set properties of tag writen example: organization of notes: tags - description properties - description and/or property values (example: "true" or "100") -area with scrolling content behavior="scroll" -what it does (default=scroll; scroll, ?) scrolldelay="17" -amount of scrolling slowdown(number; slow < fast) scrollamount="1" -scroll in increments of # (number; small < large) direction="up" -direction of scrolling (default=left; up, down, left, right) width="100" -width of box (number) height="100" -height of box (number) bgcolor="#003366" -background color (default=none; hexdecimal or name of colors) -sound or video clip insertion src="blah.mov" -location of sound, movie, etc width="100" -width of area (number; small < large) height="100" -height of area (number; small < large) autostart="false" -automatically play (default=false; true, false) hidden="false" -make invisible (default=false; true, false) loop="false" -replay until stopped (default=false; true, false) align="left" -alignment of area (default=none; left, right) volume="100" -set volume % as (number; range = 0 to 100) -the content of the page bgcolor="black" -background color (default=white; hexdecimal or words of colors) background="do.gif" -image as background (default=none; location of picture) bgproperties="fixed" -background image reaction to scrolling (default=scroll; fixed, ?) text="white" -text color (default=black; hexdecimal or name of colors) link="blue" -color of unviewed links (hexdecimal or name of colors) alink="red" -color of active link (hexdecimal or name of colors) vlink="purple" -color of viewed links (hexdecimal or name of colors) topmargin="0" -space between content and edge of page from top and bottom (number; small < large) leftmargin="0" -space between content and edge of page from left and right (number; small < large) onLoad="" -when loaded do...example: javascript:popup() -hyperlinks href="http://www.go.com"-destination of link (internet location) target="new" -link's destination displayed in...(default=_self; name of a frame, _self, _new) name="top" -link name onMouseOver="" -do action...example: disp('Get In Here!') onMouseOut="" -do action...example: non();return true; onMouseDown="" -do action...example: document.u1.src = down1.src onMouseUp="" -do action...example: document.u1.src = up1.src onClick="" -do action...example: picflip() title="To blah" -pop up text box when mouse over link
-horizontal line width="50%" -% of screen line spans size="4" -thickness of line color="#00FF00" -color of line (default=gray; hexdecimal or words of colors) noshade -no shading if no color chosen -change text's... color="red" -color of text (hexdecimal or name of colors) face="impact" -font of text (name of text, arial, impact) size="+2" -size of text (number: small < large) -insertion of an image src="ryuu.gif" -location of image border="20" -size of border around image (number) alt="Building" -pop up text box when mouse over image height="25" -height of image (number) width="25" -width of image (number) onMouseOver="" -do action...example: disp('Get In Here!') onMouseOut="" -do action...example: non();return true; align="left" -alignment of image (default=none; left, right) usemap="#map1" -use map of links (# with map's name added, example: "#enter")
-break in content clear="all" -next line starts below all not next to, etc. -draws shape(s) on an image that are hyperlinks name="map1" -name of map -link areas of map shape="circ" -type of shape used ("circ"=circle, "rect"=rectangle, "poly"=undefined shape) coords="100,100,50" -coordinates on picture (first # is x coord, second is y coord, then repeats unless circle where third is distance from point) href="example.zip" -destination of link