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No Trichs Trigger - Scalp Pullers FAQ

Question: How do I use the No Trichs Trigger on my scalp?

Answer: Hold the No Trichs Trigger in your predominant pulling hand like a syringe, with your thumb on the push button and your fingers under the grips. Touch the Trigger's tip very lightly or hold the tip very close to the scalp area and push the button. An electro-static pulse is generated by a piezo crystal each time the button is pressed. You will feel a slight (non-painful) shock. Do this approximately 5 to 10 times all around the entire scalp area. Repeat a few times a day for your first few days.

You may notice that the area you used the Trigger on will tingle for a while. This feeling has been described as very similar to the sensation produced by pulling the hair out. In this respect, the Trigger acts to simulate the pulling out of the hair while the hair remains in the follicle.

Question: Why should I use the No Trichs Trigger on the entire scalp area and not just on the areas I pull hair from?

Answer: Those who are having success using the No Trichs Trigger are reporting that using the Trigger over the entire scalp area brings longer periods of relief than just using the Trigger on active pulling sites. This could be due to the fact that hair attracts electrons very easily and by getting extra electrons on the hair surrounding active pulling site, these electrons could be made available to the active pulling sites.

Question: Why should I hold the No Trichs Trigger with the hand I pull most with?

Answer: By holding the No Trichs Trigger in the hand you pull most with any electrons (negative charges) from the Trigger that do not reach the scalp may then be attracted to your hand. As hands accept electrons easily and can only hang onto them very loosely, the next time you find your hand going up to your hair the extra electrons will be attracted to your hair and scalp. This will help keep the scalp's surface charge negative.

Question: Why do I just want to touch the No Trichs Trigger's tip lightly or very close to the scalp?

Answer: This helps the static charge from the No Trichs Trigger to come out the tip and jump to the scalp rather than come out on the finger grips where it will "zap" the fingers. Also, when pressing the tip hard to the scalp, the little jump produced by pushing the red button may slightly bruise the scalp.

Question: Why does the No Trichs Trigger's static charge sometimes still come out the finger grips even when I touch the tip lightly or very close to the scalp?

Answer: About half of the people using the No Trichs Trigger have reported that in the first few weeks the static charge seems more attracted to their fingers on the finger grips rather than their scalp areas. This usually stops within a few weeks of use.

The hands naturally carry a positive surface charge and, though they do attract electrons quite easily, they also give them up just as easily. If the Trigger is used while the hands have a strong positive surface charge, the negative charge from the No Trichs Trigger will at times be more attracted to them more than the scalp. Using the No Trichs Trigger on the thumb and index finger before using it on the scalp will cut down on this happening.

Question: Should I use the No Trichs Trigger on my thumbs and index fingers even when the static charge does not come out on the finger grips?

Answer: Yes. The reports coming in from those who are having success using the No Trichs Trigger suggest that using the Trigger on the thumbs and index fingers may actually make the fingers feel the hair differently. These No Trichs Trigger users claim that the texture of their hair seems different to their fingers and the hair is not as desirable to pull.

Please note that, while using the No Trichs Trigger on the finger tips is not harmful, the finger tips do have more nerve ending than anywhere else on the body and therefore they will feel the zap stronger.

Disclaimer: This Novelty Product is not a medical device. No health or medical claims are expressed or implied. The No Trichs Trigger is for experimental use only. Not to be used on the eyes, by people wearing pace-makers, people with seizure related disorders or pregnant women.

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