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Vampire Journals(Orignal Title)

Vampire Journals(?)

A darkness appears in the room were a young vampire princess sits. She gets up and closes the window and relites the candles around the room, the stone floor chilling her body slightly. The princess sat back down at the table where she had been reading from a book about the land her father owned when someone knocked on the door

“Princess Daisy another Prince is here to see you,” the voice rang out from the other side of the door. “Send him away I’m busy!” Daisy replies quite harshly as she looked out the window in to the dark nothingness.

“But Princess Daisy this it on your fathers request,” the servants voice droned again.

“I’ll be down in a few seconds...let me get ready,” Daisy said with a sigh as she marked the page in her book and closed it.

“Yes Princess Daisy,” the servants voice faded into nothing.

Daisy opened her closet and and grabbed the same dress that she wears everytime another prince try to win her heart by showing her how rich he is, or by giving her things she already has. She changes as she though to her self” Stupid princes..stupid stupid princes”

Daisy opend the door and walked down the stairs to the main hall were a young fifteen boy stood looking around then his eyes locked on Daisy and stayed on the violet eyed princess, fallowing her descent down the stairs to where he stood.

“Its a pleasure to meet you,” The prince said as he bowed and kissed her hand. Daisy blushed as she said “The plesure is mine.” The boy stood again his hand still holding hers as he told her his name “My name is Ashe princes of” he stops and thinks a bit ”merisha” he finally said.

“Hello Ashe,” Daisy said with her cute princess smile” My name is..” Ashe spoke up her

“Daisy.. your name is Daisy” Daisy looked at him. and smiled softly

“ I believe the princess can speak for her self,” one of the three severnts said standing in the room.

“John hush!” Daisy snapped back at the severnt.

Ashe laughed slightly “I see your servents look out for you alot.. but is there any were we can talk alone?” Ashe asked with a soft hint of playfulness in his voice.

Daisy looks at him oddly before replying “How do I know your not going to kill me?”

Ashe replied in a cocky voice “ If I was going to kill you I would have by now”

“You have a point Ashe.. well will go to the sitting room” Daisy said still looking at Ashe.” Guards watch the door I don’t want to be disturbed while our guest is here’

John spoke up “Yes Princess Daisy,”

Daisy dropped Ashe’s hand and lead him to the sitting room next to her room and opened the door to the room. Ashe let Daisy enter first then he enters and closed the door behind them. Daisy sat down on the single bed in the room and nodded at Ashe letting him know it was okay to sit next to her but Ashe took a seat in a wicker chair facing Daisy and took her hand again.

Daisy was the first to speak “Well you wanted me alone, now what?”

Ashe looked around then started to talk “Okay Daisy so you might have guessed I’m not a prince,” Daisy's eye got wide.” Yeah well look the the way I’m dressed” he was refuring to the rags that he had on “but I’m in love with you madly in love with you,” Ashe said his voice only a whisper.

“ But my dear Ashe how did you get past the gates and all with only being a mear begger?” She said as she let go of his hand and placed hers on a small dagger she kept on her outer thigh.

“What gate, I didn’t pass any gate, I came in the back way then then two nice gentlemen at the door believed me that I was a prince and they let me see you” He said slightly unsure if he should run, or stay here.

“I see Mr. Ashe but if you are not a prince, why do you think you could win my heart, as well as my hand?” Her voice changing as she said that.

“ Well my fair princess I will not try to win you over with charm, looks, gifts, or anything else, only by being myself and nothing more,” He said sounding full of himself.

“Then what are you, what is it that you are that can make me love you?” Her voice sharp trying to cut down his ego.

“What am I you ask?” He asked back, as he moved over and sat next to her.

“Yes, but why must you re ask what I stated?” Daisy looked over at him oddly.

Ashe smiled and avoided her last question and replies “ I am a prince, the prince of my own world, a world that I wish to share with you, and only you Daisy, you have won my heart and soul,” Daisy shifted in the bed slightly and took her hand away from the dagger and placed it on his leg. Ashe shifted slightly. ”You may not know it yet Daisy but you have, and I can take you away from this dull life you live now and you could become the princess of my world,” He finished and places his hand on hers.

“Ashe my dear sweet Ashe do you know what race I am?” Daisy asked her voice slightly sweet and calm.

“ Yes you are human, like me,a white female, with pale skin,I take it that with you being a princess you don’t get out much,” Ashe said again sounding full of him self.

“Yes I am female, and yes I am white, much like your race but,” Daisy opened her mouth revealing her razor sharp fangs ”I’m a vampire, ”She added as if Ashe couldn’t see that.

Ashe looked at her then at the room as two of the three candles went out. ”I see, and again I still love you with all my heart and soul no matter what race you are, Daisy I care to much about you, to care about what you are,”

Daisy looked over at him her violt eyes, showing love “ Ashe, you are the only one that I know of that would not fear me, even with knowing what I am,” She leaned forward and kissed him softly. Ashe kissed her back and tightened his grip on her hand slightly “Yes I know, I’ve lived on the streets most my life, I have seen more freighting stuff ”He said softly.

“Well if it is my heart and hand you have came to win, you have my prince in beggers clothing” Daisy said as she moved closer to him.

“Then I ask you this” He rose and kneeled on the floor before her.” Will you Daisy, be my princess always and for ever?” He kissed her hand softly, while producing a rose and placed it in her hand.

She blushed and said “Yes I well my sweet sweet Ashe” She took the rose and brought it to her nose smelling it. ”Where did you get this rose from?” She finally asked placing her hand next to her pale cheek, makeing the red rose. Ashe smiles slight and kissed her deeply “You really want to know?” Daisy kissed him back and nodded “Yes I want to know,” Ashe sat down again and shyly said “From your rose garden on the way in,” He’s looked at her waiting for her to slap him.

She smiled and interlocked her fingers with his “ You truly are a prince, a prince of thieves, not only have you stolen a rose, but you have also stolen my heart,” She pulled him over and frenched him. Ashe started to frenching back when his foot kicked over a vase.

“What’s going on in here!” John said as he ran into the room, seeing Ashe laying half way on Daisy.

“N nothing is going on in here,” Daisy said as she playfully pushed Ashe to the other side of the bed.

“Then why was he ontop of you?” John asked with a hint of a smile.

“He He was helping me get something out of my eye, is is all, you may leave now,” She stood and started to push him out of the room.” And tell my father that I will be down shortly,” She smiled back at Ashe.

“Yes princess I will tell him” He left the room and ran down the hall to tell her father. Ashe turned around to face Ashe who was laying on the bed facing up at the ceiling, his arms and legs spread out

“Comfy?” Daisy asked as she walked over to the bed and moved over to him, then sat on his hips her legs on either side of his body.

“Yes, very comfy” his voice slightly higher then normal. Then he embraced her and frenched her deeply. She frenched him back and softly whisperd, he lips almost touching his “We should go tell my father now,” She licked his lips and got off him and opened the door to her room, then turned around and asked “Are you coming with me or are you going to lay there like a lump of wolf droppings?” Ashe stood up and followed her into her room and then again sat on the bed in there. “I though we were going to see your da, or father?” He commented as he watched her walk over to her closet and open the doors.

“We are but I must change to see him, you don’t want your future wife looking like a slod for her father do you?” She replied digging for the dress she had just gotten.

“Why, I mean you look like a goddess in the dress you have on, you don’t need to change,” He said, sitting back more on the bed.

Daisy pulled the dress from the closet and turned to face him “Don’t I?” She let the dress she had on slip to the floor.

Ashe’s mouth dropped open as his eyes fixed on the body of a goddess”N n n no you don’t have to change a thing,” She steps out of the dress and slid the other one over her head, then went to the wardrobe again and slid on some panties.

This was one of my first stories. As you can tell it's far form done, but I found it on one of my disks so I thought you all might want to read some older Nothing Lost works. Even left the typos in.