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Nothing Lost

Name: Nothing Lost

Sex: Male

Age: 20 but I turn 21 in May

Location: Somewere in the back of my mind.

Height: About 6'1"

Eye Color: Baby Blue.(Changes shades of blue with my moods)

Favorite Relatives: Briar

What do you remember most about this year:Losing the love of my life..

Memory you miss the most: Being a little child.

What do you think of Ouija boards: Real, to an extent.

Guys, with or without hats:Hrm? Lets see,Without

Girls, with or without nail polish: I should change Girls, to Guys.

Favorite TV shows:Family Guy

What's on your mousepad:My mouse...

In the car, AC or open windows: Depends on the weather.

Do you believe in yourself: When I want to.

Favorite magazines: None

Favorite Drink:Depends on my mood, and whats around.

Favorite Cigarettes: None.

Favorite sound: The sound of Falacie's voice..

Favorite Smell: Kiss

Drinks, with or without ice cubes: All depends on what I'm drinking.

Worst feeling in the world: breaking up.

Best feeling in the world: Kissing you(you know who you are).

Favorite thing to do on the weekend:Hang out with friends, chatting online.

Favorite Soundtracks:The Crow..and The Crow:City of Angels, The Crow: Slavation

Where do you see yourself in 10 years:No clue right now

What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Why is she so cute?

Do you get motion sickness: Nope.

Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: EXCITING

Pen or pencil: Black Pen

How many rings before you answer the phone: Depends on who is calling.

Future Son names:Seth, Gavin, Kristian, Xander

Future Daughter names: Astrid, Fay, Lain, Isie

Are you a good friend?:When I want to be a good friend I am.

Chocolate or vanilla cake: Cheese Cake

Do you like to drive:Love it.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:No I sleep with Falacie.

Thunderstorms-cool or scary: COOL!!!!!!!!!!

If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be: Poppy Z. Brite

What is your zodiac sign?:Taurus

What do you wear to bed?:The shirt that I have on that day, and what ever I have on for underwear

Boxers or Briefs? Depends on whats clean.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Nope, can't say that I do.

If you could streak in front of one persons house, who would it be?: Look out your window right now

Guys-If a girl asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her: If she needed it..of if i liked her..yes

Girls- would you ever ask a guy for his shirt:If I were a girl? Probly not.

If you could have an occupation when you get older, what would it be:I've been thinking about this.. I want to own a goth night club in New Orleans

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Black with white tips

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: My hatchet man on my right wrist and my Ank on my left wrist .

What's your favorite brand of gum: None really.

What is your favorite quote:~Handing the girl of my dreams 11 real roses and 1 glass rose~ I will love you un-till the last one dies..

Have you ever been in love:I am.. and always will be in love

What's on your walls in your room: Posters...

Is the glass half-empty or half-full: Whats in the glass?

Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: Counting Crows- Round here

Which do you prefer-Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Cool Ranch

What's your favorite flavor Snapple: None

Favorite movie(s):Akira, Interview with The Vampire, The Crow, The Crow: City of Angels.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Which kind of milk is your favorite: 2%

Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: Lefty

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: No I dont.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice their: eyes...

Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: Nope.

Do you ever save your AOL conversations:Nope Nope

Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: Chicken fingers? Chickens have fingers? STUPID CLONEING!!

If you could be one gardening tool, which one would you be: A hoe

What kind of shoe would you be if you had the option to be a shoe: Army boots.

If you could do anything to the person you hated the most, what would you do: Put them in a room with me

Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O wrestling?

What's under your bed:YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW..AND NATHER DO I

What's the best number in the world: any number that i think of

What is your dream car: 98' toyota supra

Who is your biggest crush right now: Falacie

Random thought:There was a time when being depressed was getting to me. Then I met her.

That was a small look into what I like, your probly all bored by now, and want to kill me, well thats not good.