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Just read all the entries.....and  pick your top three ale names by number.  Each entry has a red number in the table cell .  Then on the bottom of this page are three different colored polls...with entries 1-93 listed on each poll.  At each poll pick just one of your entries. If you need help or accidentally voted wrong you can email me M&M, and I will  correct it by hand.  

Here you go!

Posted On: October 12, 2002 10:27:25 AM

 Name of Ale:: FRASER'S BREW
 Slogan:: An ale ahead of it's time!
 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 07:12:08 AM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's StramMash Whiskey
 Slogan:: Want to par-tay???!!! Don't settle for a hurley-burley - MAKE IT A StramMASH!!!!!!!!
 Your Name:: Judie
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 06:11:13 AM

 Name of Ale:: Frank's Pale Ale
 Slogan:: Enough of this stuff & you'll believe yer wife walked through stones, ended up in the Highlands 200 yrs ago, married some man called Jamie Fraser, came back...Oh-I need another one!
 Your Name:: Rollaine


  Posted On: October 12, 2002 05:44:18 AM

 Name of Ale:: Mmmphhhh Beer
 Slogan:: Drink enough and you'll be able to pronounce the name
 Your Name:: Joanne


  Posted On: October 14, 2002 04:32:06 AM

 Name of Ale:: Black Jack Porter (it should have read - Je'Lac snuck in there!)
 Slogan:: Aye Laddies! Put yer lips to thus foamy heid and blow! Drink down the hearty fullness of a Black Jack Porter. Ye'll never be the same again!
 Your Name:: BluEyedDaizy (had to correct it *g*)
  Posted On: October 14, 2002 01:45:51 AM

 Name of Ale:: Black Jack Je'lac! Porter
 Slogan:: Aye Lads! Put yer lips to this foamy head and blow! Drink down the hardy fullness of Black Jack Je'lac!
 Your Name:: BluEyedDaizy (SO sorry, *beg* couldn't resist it)
  Posted On: October 13, 2002 04:37:00 AM

 Name of Ale:: Mac Dubh's Brew
 Slogan:: Don't be part of the crowd that drinks the same-old, same-old. Stand out from the crowd and order a Mac Dubh's Brew!
Mac Dubh's. A Real Man's drink!
 Your Name:: BetsyE
  Posted On: October 13, 2002 02:09:56 AM

 Name of Ale:: White Mare Pale Ale
 Slogan:: The stuff of Irish Royalty!!!
 Your Name:: BluEyedDaizy
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 10:22:46 PM

 Name of Ale:: The White Stallion
 Slogan:: For when you want to feel like a KING!
 Your Name:: AmandaB
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 09:44:29 PM

 Name of Ale:: Highland Bree Ale
 Slogan:: The ale that wi'blow ye socks off!
 Your Name:: Donna Hannah
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 09:02:36 PM

 Slogan:: Once you taste it, you'll never look back!
 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 09:00:40 PM

 Name of Ale:: Jamie's Liquid Gold Ale
 Slogan:: Original recipe - brewed the same way for hundreds of years with a hint of oak and loads of mmmphh.

 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 08:49:41 PM

 Name of Ale:: RED WOLF
 Slogan:: Let the "spirit" move you.
 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 08:47:43 PM

 Name of Ale:: BRAWNY MAN
 Slogan:: The ale for REAL men.
 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 08:45:14 PM

 Slogan:: If ye canna handle it man....go sit wi' the lasses!

 Your Name:: LucyC
  Posted On: October 12, 2002 02:53:36 PM

 Name of Ale:: Frasers Ridge Ale
 Slogan:: Ye can drink as much as ye like, and ye'll no suffer from "Brewers Droop"
This claim has been put to the test by the Production Manager a Mr J Fraser, and his wife will back up the said claim to be accurate
 Your Name:: PeggyC


  Posted On: October 11, 2002 06:16:10 AM

 Name of Ale:: Jamie's Fancy Chugalug
 Slogan:: Ladies love this invigorating ale from mountain mash, it imparts the legendary Scottish stamina for marathon romance.
  Your Name:: Florence
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 08:34:04 PM

 Name of Ale:: Highland Fling Lager
 Slogan:: It'll send ye reelin'!
 Your Name:: GailB.
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 08:31:41 PM

 Name of Ale:: Sgian Dhu Brew
 Slogan:: For a sharper taste, that'll knock yer socks off!
  Your Name:: GailB.
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 07:52:50 PM

 Name of Ale:: Highlandkan
 Slogan:: A Fraser man drinks "Highlandkan",it reaches every part that it possibly can
 Your Name:: PeggyC
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 06:44:13 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's
 Slogan:: Scottish for "Mmmmmph."
May also be soaked in sponge and used as contraceptive *
*Warning: use as contraceptive may lead to extreme lactation 1000 pages later.
  Your Name:: Reid
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 03:20:05 PM

 Name of Ale:: BridesMire Brew
 Slogan:: " haven't a shance"
  Your Name:: GailB.
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 03:18:12 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Secret Brew
 Slogan:: Strong enough for a man, but made for a SCOT.
 Your Name:: GailB.
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 06:48:53 AM

 Name of Ale:: Kiltlifter Ale
 Slogan:: When You Need to Rise To The Occasion
 Your Name:: MelanieS.
  Posted On: October 09, 2002 04:46:19 AM

 Name of Ale:: Terrapin Lager
 Slogan:: Even better than turtle soup
 Your Name:: rosemcg
  Posted On: October 08, 2002 07:57:33 PM

 Name of Ale:: Roger Mac's Malt
 Slogan:: The taste'll make ye sing like a thrush.
 Your Name:: Rollaine
  Posted On: October 07, 2002 02:20:28 PM

 Name of Ale:: Sassy Lassie
 Slogan:: A nut brown ale that will lift your kilt!
  Your Name:: JennGB
  Posted On: October 07, 2002 02:13:32 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's 50
 Slogan:: It'll give you a c*ckstand at cock's crow. It could be worse!
 Your Name:: JennGB
  Posted On: October 07, 2002 02:00:58 PM

 Name of Ale:: Bonnet's Brew
 Slogan:: Murder a pint tonight
 Your Name:: JennGB
  Posted On: October 07, 2002 04:35:33 AM

 Name of Ale:: Gabaldon's Grog
 Slogan:: Taste the one that started it all!
 Your Name:: Rollaine
  Posted On: October 06, 2002 06:54:15 PM

 Name of Ale:: Scotland Bound Brew
 Slogan:: Do ya yearn for Men in Kilts! Aye, Me Too! Well try yer hand at "Scotland Bound Brew" I swear you'll kiss yer Arse BonVoyage!
  Your Name:: Lady Careyann
  Posted On: October 06, 2002 06:43:32 PM

 Name of Ale:: Jamies "HoneyPot"
 Slogan:: It's a nice brown ale rich in flavor!
I gaurantee Try "HoneyPot" it's better than the one you've Got!
  Your Name:: Lady Careyann
  Posted On: October 06, 2002 06:27:22 PM

 Name of Ale:: One Fashed Lass
 Slogan:: One cup and her skirts are up!
 Your Name:: Lady Carey ann
  Posted On: October 06, 2002 04:47:12 PM

 Name of Ale:: LJG STOUT
 Slogan:: Even a glass of ale made {by you know who} on Fraiser Ridge makes Lord John Gray stout
 Your Name:: kathleen
  Posted On: October 06, 2002 02:21:58 AM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Foster's
 Slogan:: Australian for beer!
(Y'know, from the Fosters Lager ads?)
 Your Name:: Page
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 09:40:48 PM

 Name of Ale:: Geillis Dark Ale
 Slogan:: It'll kill ye.
 Your Name:: Rollaine
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 09:20:25 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fergus Foam
 Slogan:: I'd give a hand for this ale!
 Your Name:: Florence
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 09:13:23 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Ridge Ale
 Slogan:: One sip and you're back in the Highlands!
 Your Name:: Florence
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 07:59:54 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Suds
 Slogan:: Good for what ALES ya.
  Your Name:: Florence
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 07:40:27 PM

 Name of Ale:: Clarence the Mule Brew
 Slogan:: The brew that has that extra KICK!
We all know that beer tastes like horse we know why!
  Your Name:: Donna Mc


Posted On: October 05, 2002 07:35:44 PM

 Name of Ale:: Braw Boy Brew
 Slogan:: The Manly Ale...puts hair on your chest and a lift in your kilt.
 Your Name:: Donna Mc
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 07:32:02 PM

 Name of Ale:: KiltAble
 Slogan:: Makes your Kilt more Tilt-able
 Your Name:: Donna Mc
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 05:33:57 PM

 Name of Ale:: Sassenach Suds
 Slogan:: It'll make ye hair curl!
  Your Name:: Rollaine
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 04:50:25 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Bear Brew
 Slogan:: For when you need a hair of the bear that bit you
  Your Name:: Bonnies
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 04:24:33 PM

 Name of Ale:: Mug O' McDub
 Slogan:: You get good head everytime!
 Your Name:: Merc *snerk*
  Posted On: October 05, 2002 03:49:42 PM

 Name of Ale:: Gael Ale
 Slogan:: For a grrrreat thirst, and ye still mun find yer arse wi' both hands.
 Your Name:: Merc
  Posted On: October 04, 2002 08:01:36 PM

 Name of Ale:: M. McNabs Speciality Ale
 Slogan:: This is a verra fine smooth ale, extremely potent, after just two mugs you could find yourself doing things that you have'na done for a verra long time!!
  Your Name:: PeggyC
  Posted On: October 04, 2002 03:58:49 AM

 Name of Ale:: Beast of Burden Pale Ale
 Slogan:: Become the beast, drink Beast of Burden Pale Ale
 Your Name:: ###ShanH###
  Posted On: October 04, 2002 03:52:22 AM

 Name of Ale:: Jamie's Stout
 Slogan:: Ale you can ask for!
 Your Name:: Melva T
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 11:43:53 PM

 Name of Ale:: Nip O' The Cask
 Slogan:: Brings out the hidden laird in you!
  Your Name:: Aramathea
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 09:46:49 PM

 Name of Ale:: Ye Olde Fraser Bottie Finder
 Slogan:: A lighter brew for those of ye who have difficulty finding yer arse with yer hands!
 Your Name:: Gwen
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 08:14:14 PM

 Name of Ale:: Black Jack Randale
 Slogan:: A dark and devilishly wicked brew, one to get your taste buds whipped up to a frenzy
  Your Name:: PeggyC


Posted On: October 02, 2002 06:44:27 PM

 Name of Ale:: Lallybroch Lager
 Slogan:: When ye curl up at evening tae read D.G's saga,
Tis the time tae enjoy a Lallybroch Lager!
  Your Name:: WM
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 06:42:44 PM

 Name of Ale:: Red Jamie Beer
 Slogan:: Red Dog, Red Hog and Red Cow are here
But none can compare with Red Jamie Beer
  Your Name:: WM
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 06:41:40 PM

 Name of Ale:: JAMMIE Ale
 Slogan:: If ye want yer drink tae be a real hair-raiser
Buy JAMMIE Ale, made by James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser !
  Your Name:: WM
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 06:39:50 PM

 Name of Ale:: Jamie's Jolly Juice
 Slogan:: For a joyful,jolly,journey and a jocular jaunt in inebriation....
Buy wee Jamie's Jolly Juice for your josh celebration !
  Your Name:: WM
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 08:21:59 AM

 Name of Ale:: Mo Duinne
 Slogan:: Jamie's original 'brown one'- will take you to heaven and back!!
  Your Name:: Emma Lea
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 06:02:44 AM

 Name of Ale:: Dunbonnet Draught
 Slogan:: Traditional Highland Beer
  Your Name:: AmandaW
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 04:28:42 AM

 Name of Ale:: Logwhore's Lager
 Slogan:: This stuff even makes Logwhore look good!
 Your Name:: Scotty
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 01:44:00 AM

 Name of Ale:: Loggers Lager
 Slogan:: go ahead ...grab an extra cup ...
everyone loves to celebrate when your
 Your Name:: Melissa/Lissakay
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 01:10:27 AM

 Name of Ale:: Resarf Ale
 Slogan:: Thats "fraser" backwards for ye that cannae see it yerself!
 Your Name:: hedy
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 12:31:32 AM

 Name of Ale:: SALANTE
 Slogan:: That was suppose to read Scottish Ale Leaves All Nice Tits Exposed. *G* I left out the N before
 Your Name:: Kathleen
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 12:28:17 AM

 Name of Ale:: SALANTE
 Slogan:: "S"cottish "A"ale "L"eaves "A"ll "T"its "E"xposed!
 Your Name:: Kathleen
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 12:23:08 AM

 Name of Ale:: Good for what Ale's ya'
 Slogan:: Drink it and it cures all ills or Claire will douse it on ya' before she mends ya'
  Your Name:: Kathleen
Posted On: October 02, 2002 12:21:32 AM

 Name of Ale:: Scottish Grog
 Slogan:: A taste of the Highlands here in the new land
 Your Name:: Kathleen
  Posted On: October 02, 2002 12:18:43 AM

 Name of Ale:: JAC n" JAM f" ALE
 Slogan:: Gives you a kick while quenching your thirst!
 Your Name:: Kathleen
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 11:49:52 PM

 Name of Ale:: The Unflagging Flagon
 Slogan:: For those ale drinkers who embrace every experience with exuberance and joy!
  Your Name:: JeannieD
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 11:15:11 PM

 Name of Ale:: Albannach Dachaigh-Scottish Home(gaelic)
 Slogan:: lest we forget!
 Your Name:: Lady Cid
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 11:10:58 PM

 Name of Ale:: Alba Leann (scotland beer) in gaelic
 Slogan:: Alba Leann reminds us of home!
 Your Name:: Lady Cid
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 11:05:38 PM

 Name of Ale:: Ounce of Prevention
 Slogan:: Coulda saved us a lot of trouble, ye ken?
  Your Name:: Aramathea
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 09:44:53 PM

 Name of Ale:: Highlander Juice
  Your Name:: Emma Lea
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 09:01:11 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Scottish Red
 Slogan:: The ale that bites back
  Your Name:: Calliope
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 08:57:59 PM

 Name of Ale:: Scottish Pride
 Slogan:: This ale will make you lift your kilt, grasp your hilt, and aim with a tilt.
  Your Name:: Calliope


  Posted On: October 01, 2002 08:25:07 PM

 Name of Ale:: Hangmans Brew
 Slogan:: The Ale that's always got a good head on it
  Your Name:: PeggyC
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 08:23:53 PM

 Name of Ale:: Tartan Cock
 Slogan:: Strong stuff, excellent head.
  Your Name:: Margy
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 07:21:26 PM

 Name of Ale:: Claire's strange brew
 Slogan:: It's good for what ale's you eh ???
  Your Name:: SusanF


  Posted On: October 01, 2002 07:16:50 PM

 Name of Ale:: Frasers rigid ale
 Slogan:: It'll keep you up all night !
 Your Name:: susanF
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 07:01:41 PM

 Name of Ale:: The Flying Scotman Ale
 Slogan:: Drink to days auld lang syne!
  Your Name:: Midge
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 06:58:18 PM

 Name of Ale:: The Witch's Tit Pale Ale
 Slogan:: Tastes and feels like home!
 Your Name:: Midge
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 06:41:31 PM

 Name of Ale:: Jamieweiser
 Slogan:: Laird of Beers!
 Your Name:: Gwen
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 05:48:58 PM

 Name of Ale:: Culloden Beer
 Slogan:: It's bloody delicious!
  Your Name:: Julie B.
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 05:32:19 PM

 Name of Ale:: Stonehedge Ale
 Slogan:: Go back in time and enjoy an alluring life style!
 Your Name:: Julie B.
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 04:30:30 PM

 Name of Ale:: Jamie's Hinney-Ya-Ken
 Slogan:: Grab yourself a "Jamie's Hinney". It's smoooooooth, but oh so firm.
  Your Name:: SASSY
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 04:22:51 PM

 Name of Ale:: Bray'in Donkey Ale
 Slogan:: It will give you a kick.
 Your Name:: Princess Daintry
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 04:21:18 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Ale
 Slogan:: Who wouldn't buy something called Frasers?
 Your Name:: Princess Daintry
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 04:11:53 PM

 Name of Ale:: Mountain Dew
 Slogan:: Hey they stold it from Jamie!
 Your Name:: Princess Daintry
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 03:41:58 PM

 Name of Ale:: Giver Lass Ale
 Slogan:: It never hurts...Giver Lass Ale
  Your Name:: Dave
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 03:10:57 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Pale Ale
 Slogan:: For drinking with that special someone when the sun don't shine so you can see where the sun don't shine!
 Your Name:: Colleen L
Posted On: October 01, 2002 02:56:15 PM

 Name of Ale:: Top Drawer Ale
 Slogan:: Strained just like auld Grannie McNabb made it!
 Your Name:: Page
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 02:37:03 PM

 Name of Ale:: Rock Hard Ale
  Your Name:: smilla
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 02:32:52 PM

 Name of Ale:: Donas Blue Ribbon
 Slogan:: For those on the "fast track".
  Your Name:: SASSY
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 02:30:42 PM

 Name of Ale:: Fraser's Red
 Slogan:: Throw back a "Red" and change the color of your heid.
  Your Name:: SASSY
  Posted On: October 01, 2002 06:35:28 AM

 Name of Ale:: Strawberry Fields Forever
 Slogan:: We ha' FAITH tha' ye'll LOVE it FOREVER!
 Your Name:: VickiB


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Current Results

One vote on each poll. The entry numbers are on a drop down menu, just click on arrow to the right of "1" to see all numbers.

Current Results

One vote on each poll. The entry numbers are on a drop down menu, just click on arrow to the right of "1" to see all numbers.

Current Results