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GBMU Biped

This model used with permission from James Davis.

The GBMU Biped is the first vehicle of its kind seen in the New Galaxy. The Biped is a walking vehicle, a design SA engineers have been unable to successfully build. The Tektron tried this kind of research a long time ago, but apparently abandoned it.

The weapon systems on the Biped are pretty mild compared to its space-faring counterparts. Two Vulcan cannons are mounted on the sides of the cockpit. They are used for picking off infantry and lightly armored units. A grenade launcher sits snugly beside the canopy- a bad desicion on the part of Blacktron engineers. Most Biped casualties are caused by exploding grenade tubes, yet for some reason the Blacktron keeps this unit as one of its main ground vehicles. To finish off the weapons, two Mark IV lasers are mounted on the nose of the cockpit. This is the first time the Blacktron hasn't gone overboard on weapons, but you will find no Sa soldier that complains about it!

The Biped obviously uses its legs and feet to move around. The average walking speed of a Biped is around .0065ls, and the average running speed gets up to .007 ls. This is one ship where we recognize the power plant. An Anti-matter Reactor sits behind and below the android pilot. Not seen are massive heat sinks on the back of the Biped's body. These are needed to channel away the intense heat created by the Anti-matter Reactor. A Cold Fusion plant would have been more suitable for this vehicle, but would not have been able to fuels its massive power demands (for balancing, firing weapons, and movement).


Crew > 1
Passengers > 0
Armor > High-grade Tritanium plating
Weapons > 2 Vulcan cannons; 1 Grenade launcher; 2 Mark IV lasers
Power Plant > 1 Anti-matter Reactor
Propulsion > Walking
Top Speed > .007ls
Current Use > Blacktron Ground Combat Unit

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