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GBB Arjuna

This model used with permission from James Davis.

The Arjuna-class bomber is the bane of all SA and Tektron installations and large ships. Despite its large size, the Arjuna has to be classed a Bomber. Blacktron spaceship technology is so far past what the SA or the Tektron have that ships as large as the SAS Proteus are classed as bombers and fighters. The Arjuna is one of these ships, and its armament is definitely something to be afraid of. Eight missile tubes, housing missiles yet to be classified, sit above the engine housing, and four more face forward, mounted right under the cockpit. The total amount of missiles this ship can carry is unknown, but is estimated to be around fifty warheads. Two heavy-pulse lasers are mounted on each wing; these are classed at Mark IX and are stronger than laser in the SA Navy or Aerospace Force.

The Arjuna is propelled by two medium-sized engines, positioned on the rear of the fuselage. Don't let the size of the engines fool you- the Arjuna is capable of speeds up to .75ls, which is quite fast for a bomber. The faster-than-light drive is very peculiar. Instead of a normal hyperdrive or even a warp drive, the Arjuna uses a new type of propulsion device. SA scientists theorize that this drive bypasses space/time entirely, and have appropriately named it the Subspace Drive. More research is required to even see if this theory is correct.


Crew > 2
Passengers > 0
Armor > Unknown shielding device
Weapons > 12 Non-classed missiles; Four Mark IX heavy-pulse lasers
Power Plant > Unknown Blacktron Reactor
Propulsion > Two Drive .75 engines; 1 "Subspace Drive"
Top Speed (sublight) > .75ls
Current Use > Blacktron Bomber Craft

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