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Greetings. Colony is a set of rules that was never meant to stand alone. It is completely dependent on the Brikwars wargamming system. DO NOT TRY THIS GAME WITHOUT FIRST KNOWING BRIKWARS.

That being said, these rules are in two parts- the main Colony rules and the Colony Technology Tree. Colony is set in the near future, so the lowest TekLevel you can play at is TL4. If you choose to, it is possible to modify the rules to accomodate a lower TL, but it is not reccomended, as these rules are the result of many hours of playing with LEGO® bricks.

Now, please enjoy the game Colony!


A Supplement to Brikwars


  • 1.0- Basic Gameplay
    • 1.1- Introduction
    • 1.2- Buying and Selling
    • 1.3- Research
    • 1.4- Mining
    • 1.5- Battles
    • 1.6- News
    • 1.7- Construction
    • 1.8- Sector Map
  • 2.0- Basic Units
    • 2.1- Units
    • 2.2- Vehicles
    • 2.3- Structures
    • 2.4- Colony Ships
    • 2.5- Carriers

1.0- Basic Gameplay

1.1- Introduction
This game is meant to be an extension of the Brikwars system. Mike Rayhawk owns the copyright to that game, so I can’t claim any rights to it. However, using this unofficial supplement will save (or give) you tons of headache while assisting your campaigning. This game is also meant to be played with miniatures and models. They are necessary for battles, but are not mandatory for everyday managing of your colony. I think it’s nice to have everything represented, but that’s only my opinion.
We generally start the game with 50 to 100 Cp's. The only other general rule we play by is that you may only have a colony on one planet at a time. Have fun!

1.2- Buying and Selling
Units and structures are bought using the Brikwars system of Construction Points, or Cp’s. Units essential to Colony, but not found in Brikwars, can be found in 2.0- Basic Units.

1.3- Research
Only Scientists can research. You can research any topic you like, but all players must agree to allow it. Make a list of research topics to get yourself started.

Advanced research topics are ones too complicated to figure out easily, or in a short period of time. These topics are sometimes good enough that players agree to put limitations on them, such as, “You can only use one scientist!” Advanced topics take a minimum of 15 days (Labs cut that time in half. Refer to 2.3- Structures).
Number of ScientistsResearch TopicsAdvanced Topics
110 days23 days
28 days21 days
36 days19 days
44 days17 days
52 days15 days

All troop weapons appropriate to your TekLevel are automatically researched as soon as you land your colony ship (or reach that TL). Siege weapons at your TekLevel are researched as normal topics. If you want to research anything above your TekLevel, you must first research to that TekLevel (an advanced topic limited to 3 scientists). Colony has a technology tree, but you are not limited only to those topics. If you have a good idea that everyone agrees on, insert it wherever you feel it fits. Please see: Supplement TT- Technology Tree.

1.4- Mining
Mines are your source of income. The Sector Map (1.8- Sector Map) shows how many mines are on your planet. One mine produces 10 Cp’s each day. It is important to remember that the money is collected at the END of the day. After you have landed your colony ship, each mine needs one day of “preparation” by someone before they can start producing Cp’s. After that, mines are fully automated and require no workers.

1.5- Battles
All battles are fought using the Brikwars system. You can find it at: The Official Brikwars Website.

1.6- Colony News
Colony differs from every other game because it relies on real-life news. Pick a daily source of news and follow the headlines carefully- whatever happens on the news happens to your colony. Of course, use common sense; an avalanche would not happen on a volcanic planet. Not watching the news causes 1 death every day you don’t listen.

1.7- Construction
All buildings take time to build, and can only be constructed by Technix. The more Technix working on a building, the less time it takes to finish.
Number of TechnixNumber of Days
110 days
29 days
37 days
46 days
54 days
63 days

Six is the maximum number of Technix that can work on a building at one time, unless it is a big building. Then you have to assign more Technix without lowering the construction time. Again, use common sense.

Once built, some buildings may require workers to operate them. Buildings included in these rules can be found under 2.3- Structures. Others may have these requirements set by you.

1.8- Sector Map
This is the Sector Map. It displays all planets in the sector. There are several different types of planets, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

O: Oceanic
Oceanic planets are mostly water, with no breathable atmosphere above water. Very few ground vehicles or normal fliers are made, because there are few islands. Underwater cities are common.

T: Terraform
Terraform planets are just like Earth, and no barracks are needed. But, all kinds of disasters can occur in this varied environment.

M: Mountainous
Mountainous planets have steep slopes and can barely hold an atmosphere. Ground vehicles are scarce, but mountain streams provide an excellent network of transportation.

V: Volcanic
Volcanic planets are hot, dry, airless worlds. Colonies are usually built on “Platforms,” which are extra-armored buildings upon other buildings are built. Geothermal power is harnessed to eliminate the need for power plants.

D: Desert
Desert planets have almost no moisture. This waterless environment makes it impossible to survive without a barracks. Walking vehicles are the specialty of desert planets.

S: Moon
Moons are too small to hold an atmosphere. Since gravity is so little, departures from moons take one less day to get to their destination.

G: Gas Giant
Gas Giants are huge planets with large amounts of minerals. Flying cities are built in orbit and then dropped into the atmosphere. Orbiting Skydocks are the first line of defense to whittle away at enemy invasions.

I: Ice Planet
Ice Planets are small, frozen balls of exotic minerals and have a lot of mines. Without special cold-weather gear, foot soldiers freeze within 5 turns. Life without barracks is impossible, no matter how much gear you’re wearing. Cold-weather gear is like plate armor, but without an AV bonus.

T 2
I 4
V 4
D 1
O 1
G 3
S 2
M 3
I 4
M 3
D 1
O 1
T 2
G 3
M 4
S 2
M 3
I 4
D 1
M 3
G 3
M 3
S 2
O 2
M 3
I 4
V 4
D 1
T 3
G 3
S 2
M 3
I 4
T 2
D 1
O 1

To determine which planet you initially land on, roll 2d6. Before looking at the Sector Map, indicate which die is the X co-ordinate (horizontal numbers) and which is the Y co-ordinate (vertical numbers). Now see which planet you’ve landed on. Be sure you have your colony ship packed before this, though, because this is the point where you launch your ship!

To move around on the Sector Map, you must build a colony ship or carrier. Since a colony ship can only keep your people alive for 30 days, its trips must be short and sweet. You can’t park a colony ship on the edge of the map indefinitely. (Although you could with a carrier! Carriers have built-in barracks. See 2.4- Colony Ships). It takes one day to move horizontally or vertically on the map. Once you get to that planet, you must spend a whole day resting and refueling there. By researching an alternative means of propulsion, you could shorten that time. If you land on a rival colony’s planet, or a planet with their units on it, a Brikwars battle is to be held that day. If that day is not possible, postpone all other gameplay until it takes place.

2.0- Basic Units

2.1- Units There are some minifig units that are needed to play Colony. All necessary ones are listed here, and others may be found on the Brikwars website.

CivilianMove: 4”Power: 1/2Skill: 1d6-2AV: 1Cost: 1
ScientistMove: 4”Power: 1Skill: 1d6+1AV: TL+1Cost: 7
MechanikMove: 5”Power: 1Skill: 1d6AV: TL+1Cost: TL+3
TechnixMove: 5"Power: 1Skill: 1d6AV: TL+1Cost: TL+2
SoldierMove: 5”Power: 1Skill: 1d6AV: TL+1Cost: TL+1

2.2- Vehicles All vehicles are bought using Brikwars stats. Vehicles take the same number of days to build as their class number. Hover-fliers bigger than 400 may only fly in outer space. Another vehicle outfitted with a Recovery Bay must be flown into orbit before you can construct the super-flier.

2.3- Structures Colony requires several special kinds of buildings. The table below lists the basic ones, but you are free to come up with any kind you want.
BarracksKeeps colonists alive on non-terraform planets. Can hold (size/10) colonists.Workers: Zero
Power PlantPowers up to five buildings.Workers: Zero
Construction Yard*,**Cuts building production time in half, round up. Max. 1 in effect.Workers: 3
Vehicle Factory*,**Cuts vehicle production time in half, round up. Max. 1 in effect.Workers: 3
Laboratory**Cuts research time in half, round up. Max. 1 in effect.Workers: 1
Other Buildings**All players must agree on stats.Workers: ?

*-Having a Construction Yard or Vehicle Factory in a building will make that structure cost 10 extra Cp’s (Recovery Bays- Brikwars). Having a Recovery Bay in a vehicle will allow you to build vehicles outside your colony area.

**-Require research before you can build them.

2.4- Colony Ships There are different kinds of colony ships, each with its own advantages. Once landed on a planet, colonists can survive off of it for 30 days. Or, in the case of an expedition, once the ship starts being used, minifigs can live on it for 30 days. After that, any colonist without barracks to live in dies.

Cosmic ExplorerDeploys into a ready-made colony- Power Plant, Barracks, and medium Hover-flier.
Ulysses DropshipSecond-largest ship. Once landed, deploys into a self-powered Construction Yard.
Longstar Cargo HaulerLargest ship. Is able to carry pre-fabricated building parts (which cost half price). Is reusable for military raids and mining expeditions and the like.

Remember: you can only take with you technologies of your TL or lower. Any that you don’t bring are lost and must be re-researched.

2.5- Carriers
Carriers are somewhat different. If you have a large model you want to use (over 400 in size- the model must be built and stay in outer space), make it a carrier. They have an automatic Cargo Capacity (C") of three times the largest hover-flier in Brikwars. Carriers can have a number of facilities inside, depending on what kind of ship you want it to be. All carriers come with Barracks, which don't cost extra, but you have to build them seperately. All building types in Colony (including the Research Tables) can be built into a carrier, but each costs 10 Cp's, has a -CMP" of 5, "uses up" 5 power, and must be built seperately.

An example of a carrier would be a Warship, or Destroyer. This carrier focuses on sheer firepower instead of conveniences. A true Carrier, however, is meant to be a flying Colony, with a Medibay, Construction Yard, and Lab. Carriers often include a Vehicle Factory in order to produce/house/fix smaller fighter craft.

Colony Technology Tree