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This is KrillinMunky!!!

Hi this is me!
Hope u like it, but if u don't thats your problem, cuz i don't really care!
This is my cool site that u get to visit (a continuation of my profile for AIM and a way for me to tell u what i think!) Well, as u can plainly see, i did this site in about a half an hour, so it ummm...kinda....
I have some pix of ryan there...whoever comes to my house will be put on here cuz i have a webcam now...
Well here it is, so enjoy!

Update time! Well i havent done much but hey who cares its a crappy site! well w/e theres not much new here but ya know life goes on
8/21/01 11:57 CDT...well i totally redid my site with pure code! arent you proud? well tell me what ya think by emailing me HERE

12/07/01 11:46 PM: Added some more pix and some poems, check em out!
1/28/02 7:44 P.M.: Added a couple more poems and a new Computer Art section! Check it out! New pictures to arrive soon! Oh! They're here! ok that works too!

yes shannon finally has his license now =) yay me! dont ask for a ride unless you want to fill up my car for me, im broke ;)

the opinions expressed on this page are not necesarily the opinions of shannon or anyone else on here...

Here Are The Infamous Links!

My personal Quotes
Lyric of the Day
Some pix of ryan...
My Crazy Family Pics
Brenan finally got some pictures!
Alex's pics
My Schedule for Sophomore Year
Atheism and Other Blasphemy Here
Some poems by me and others
Pix of Burrito! err...Berit
Pix of Krystal that all include Berit (I'm not sure why)
This is a weird page of....stuff
This is my slighty/extremely disturbing computer art