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Hey!! Welcome to my page !!!!

I'll just tell you a lil bout myself quick..My name is Mackenzie Overlander and I'm a sophomore at Dawson-Boyd Highschool. I'm on the net quite a bit so if you wanna talk to me, my icq # is 20745046 and if you have any comments, my email addy is!

I'm redoing alotta my pages so you'll hafta come back and check them out again!! Anywayz, check out my new pages (Homecoming Pics, and New Pics) Also, check out my *Friends Page* I updated it and put some pics on it!!

I just gotta thank Jess, Dani, and Ash for scanning pics for me!! Thanx guyz..and to Jen for giving me all kindsa ideas!!

This is a pic of muah durin the summer out by our pond!

*Homecoming Pics*
!!NeW PiCs!!
*About Me*
Pics of Me and Jess
Pics of me and my Friends
Pics of just my friends
Pics of my fam
!!NeW YeArS BaBy!!
*Volleyball '00*
*Kewl Sites*

§**FÄV£ FÖTÖ**§

This is Me & Jen doing the "Daly"!!

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