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The Darkness Has Come

The darkness has come
Calling once More.
Like an old friend
Knocking at the door.

I reach out my hand
To let him in
I can not stop
I can not win.

The door creeks open
Ever so slowly.
I take a step back,
As I’ve done many times before.

He enters so quietly
No words need be said.
He shuts the door,
Then sets the lock.

On one else will enter
No one else may come.
No one may help me now,
I’m on my own.
I turn away my face,
He goes about his work.
I want to scream
To shout to the world.

But no one would hear.
For no one can see,
The terror inside
The horror in me.

This won’t last long
I can only hope.
He will say goodbye
But leave much behind.

The destruction in here
Left in his wake
Would only be made worse
If I tried to fight.

Fighting is futile
I learned that before
He will always win,
But can damage much more.

So what can I do?
Where can I turn?
No one can enter,
When he is here.

The Doors are all locked
I’m powerless to open
I hear my friends knocking
But I’m frozen in place.

“They will never get in.”
Came the wicked laugh.
“You are all alone,
In my total control.”

I don’t even turn.
I know that voice well
I’ve heard it before,
As if it were mine.

The tears start rolling
From deep within
But still I stand
Not moving at all.

After a while
I look around
The Darkness is gone
I wonder how?

He never leaves,
Without saying goodbye.
Did I just miss it?
But he’d never allow that.

But then why is he gone?
Where did he go?
I look around again,
Especially with his task not done.

Then I see it,
A sliver of light.
Slowly it grows
And fills the room.

A smile finds my face,
As now I know.
I was never alone,
Not truly alone.

“I will always be there”
Came a gentle voice.
“Whenever you need me,
Just call out my name.”

And as he leaves,
The room glows bright.
A warmth floats in,
As I rejoice.

The darkness will return
And I will again open the door.
But I will no longer be afraid,
For I will not be alone.

When that time comes,
As it surely will,
I will call out His name,
And He’ll be here.