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The Echo Of My Mind

This is merely a gateway. A gateway into my mind and imagination. Come, stay awhile, and visit often. In this realm all is feasible, for this is my realm where I shall document my experiences as a role-player. Come in, visit with my characters, and reach into my mind. Here you will find characters and ideas for Rifts and Mage, and hopefully will find a little bit of good reading as well. This site is up and running fully, and I shall groom it to perfection as I add a little bit every day. It is full of insight, dreams, and my own personal touches.

Is the imagination really just imagination, or is our reality just reality within our imagination?

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Imagination Gateways

Rifts Musings, Characters, and Adventures
Mage Musings, Characters, and Adventures
Live Action Role Playing Musings
D&D Musings, Characters, and Adventures
Other Musings

A Page Full of Fun Stuff To Read and Share

A Little Bit Of My Own Fantasy Fiction Work
A Little More of My Own Writings
The Rose Bush Chronicles

Links to the Imaginations of Others Deemed Worthy

The Halls of Wonder
The Nexus of Godcomplex
Heroes of the Megaverse
Adalla's Domain