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Well, if anyone has ever visited this site, I thank you. I have decided to terminate this web page as it stands. You can look at what i've got, which isn't much, but i am not going to update this page ever again. I may build a new page completely, but this one has officially been scrapped. -JAD.

3/25/03: Holy Crap! look at the time! Since I last wrote, Afghanistan was liberated, Iraq was also 'liberated', and the Wild are in the 2nd round of the playoffs (who'd have guessed?)! And I still don't know what else to put on! Please...If anyone goes to this site ever, give me ideas!!!!!

I've been meaning to update, but I have been busy. I just got back from Washington D.C. and I have a lot of homework, so I haven't had much time to work on my site. Anyway, I actually have a domain now!!! I also created a 'page' now for the other various things section and a single download on it, but I'm still searching for ideas (however, some TI83+ games will be posted soon, when I finish them). Send me ideas. -JAD

Say, I’d like to know what I’m doing well on with my site and what on my site needs work.  Please, e-mail me here.  Also, I haven’t created the other various things page yet, so bear with me.  This site is still under construction, but I wanted to post what I had done. Finally, if you really liked my old site click here to go to it. -JAD